Jere W. Morehead became the University of Georgia's 22nd president on July 1,2013, having previously served as UGA'ssenior vice president for academic affairsand provost since 2010.

President Morehead's career coversa wide range of faculty and administrative roles. Prior to 2010, he served UGAin several key administrative assignments, includingvice president for instruction, viceprovost for academic affairs, associateprovost and director of the HonorsProgram, and acting executive director of

legal affairs. From 2003 to 2010, he served as the University's Faculty Athletics Representative.

As UGA President, he also serves as chair of the Georgia Athletic AssociationBoard of Directors, chair of the UGAResearch Foundation, a UGA Foundationtrustee and a UGA Real Estate Foundationtrustee. He has been appointed to a one-year term on the Committee of Research Intensive Public Universities by the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities, and is included in Georgia Trend’s 2014 Most Influential list.

President Morehead is the MeigsProfessor of Legal Studies in the TerryCollege of Business, where he has helda faculty appointment since 1986. He isa co-author of several books and bookchapters, including The Legal and RegulatoryEnvironment of Business, and hehas published scholarly articles on legaltopics ranging from export controls tojury selection. He has served as editor-in-chief of the American Business LawJournal and previously held several othereditorial board positions with theABLJ.

He directed the UGA Law School'sAdvocacy Program from 1986 to 1995at a time when the moot court teams hecoached won international, national, regional

and state championships. In 1995,he served as a visiting professor of businesslaw at the University of Michigan.

President Morehead has received severalUniversity-wide teaching awards, includingthe Josiah Meigs Award-– UGA'shighest honor for teaching excellence -–theRichard B. Russell Award for Excellencein Undergraduate Teaching, the Teacherof the Year Award in the Terry College ofBusiness, and the Lothar Tresp OutstandingHonors Professor Award.

Morehead is a native of Lakeland, Florida. He moved with his family to Atlanta as a teenager, and enrolled at Georgia State University after graduating from high school at the age of 16. He graduated with a bachelor’s degreein 1977. He entered the University of Georgia School of Law, where he graduated with a juris doctor degreeat the age of 23 in 1980. After graduation,he servedas an assistant United States attorneywith the Department of Justice from 1980to 1986. He is thefirst alumnus of UGA to be named presidentsince Dr. Fred Davison in 1967.

President Morehead’s official portrait is available at

(Updated March 2014)