Present:Graham HiggsChairmanVin Leach

Helen SimmonsTreasurerJim McGarry

Bette HiggsSecretaryAdrian Pitt

Jennie CollinsLetting AgentLindsey Pitt

Jeff DuceSam Jones

Colin BrightStuart Edwards

1Apologies: John Tanner

2Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.

3Matters Arising:

a.Sec has sent a letter of condolence to Mrs Grove

b.Side gate is still not being locked. Sec to put notice on gate to remind all plot holders to LOCK THE GATE AT ALL TIMES!

c.Meeting with Council on 9th Feb – no-one from the council turned up and so far there have been no replies to emails sent. Sec to contact Becky Eade by phone.

4Chairman’s Report:

Taps: Jeff Duce has purchased replacement taps and these will be put in situ shortly. Thanks to Jeff for doing this for the Association.

Garage roof: Vin and Graham to put clamps on roof and follow this with anti-vandal paint all around the roof. GH to purchase more anti-vandal paint from B&Q.

Purchase of replacement rotovator: A vote was taken about the purchase of a replacement rotovator and the votes were: For: 4 Against: 4 Abstentions: 1. Chairman used his casting vote in favour of the purchase which will now go ahead. VL to purchase at earliest opportunity.

Security: Adrian Pitt had been unable to organise anyone from the Police Force to attend the meeting, but had been given the following suggestions to help the fight against theft:

Rotavotor: to be painted pink, post coded and marked that it is post-coded. Also, it will be chained to the floor. Chair thanked Adrian for all these suggestions which will be put into practice when rotovator purchased. Vin and Adrian to liaise to organise these procedures.

Plot Holders are reminded to put their tools away when leaving the site. (Secretary to post notice on gates to this effect). Don’t leave spade or forks out which could be used as ‘levers’ by thieves and vandals.

5Treasurer’s report: Current account stands at: £3799.79. Plots are all paid. There are some key deposits to be returned to plot holders who have given up their plots (Sec to send out)

6Letting Agent’s report: There are currently no vacant plots and there are two people on the waiting list.


  1. Treasurer enquired about plots left uncultivated. Committee to walk around the site at end of March and uncultivated plots will be noted and plot holders written to.
  2. Track: there is a lot of litter on the track – working party to be set up at next meeting in March to clear this
  3. Lindsey Pitt has some hardcore which can be used to fill in some of the pot holes near the main gate. There are 3 horse chestnut trees at the back of her plot which the council had promised to cut back and have not done so. Sec to write to Becky Eade to ask when this is to be done. In the meantime, low branches can be removed by plot holder.
  4. OakGate Plant Centre: Are offering 10% Discount to all plot holders. Sec to send list of names to Carole at the centre and post sign on boards.
  5. Taps: Jeff Duce reported that the new bib taps are slightly smaller so will need more keys to go with the taps. These are 99p and can be purchased from any hardware store. It was decided that plot holders be advised to purchase the new keys themselves when required, for the new taps.
  6. Eyebolt and Drill for new rotovator: Adrian P has these and will organise with Vin to set up.
  7. Newsletter is in progress for March and the new website is operating well.

Date of Next meeting: 13th March 2012 at 7.30pm in Leegomery Community Centre.


Name / Action / Date
JD / Install new taps / asap
BH / Notices on gates re locking/plant centre/tools / Immediate
VL/GH / Garage roof clamps and vandal paint / Asap
VL/AP / Purchase of new rotovator & security / Asap
JC / News letter / March