Leeds Grenville Best Start Window of Focus

Leeds Grenville Best Start Window of Focus

Leeds Grenville Best Start Window of Focus

Best Start Work plan 2011/12 (Revised March, 2012)


Through ongoing planning, implementation and review processes both at the workgroup and BSN planning table, Leeds-Grenville Best Start Network Members identified Support for healthy development; support for the implementation of full day early learning; planning for child and family centres; support for Aboriginal families; data driven community planning and providing joint professional development activities for service providers as key themes of focus for the network. The network continues to focus on strategies/activities to support moving along the service integration continuum.

Current Status of Work plan Strategies/ Activities

1) Service Integration – The committee continues to identify strategies for collaborative efforts to support the development of children ages 0 to 6 and to support the development of a common language and set of skills for service providers

The Service Integration Committee adapted Service Coordination Guidelines which were initially developed through the KFLA children’s planning table and shared at the Autism Workgroup of Every Kid in our Communities. The guidelines, which have changed names from Service Integration to Service Coordination, have undergone an ongoing review process between the Service Integration Working Group of the Best Start Network and the Lead Table of EKIOC, until adopted in their present form in Spring 2011.

· At the same time that we had completed the process of agreement of the guidelines, the Best Start Network participated in a day focused on integrated service system planning facilitated by the Ontario Municipal Social Services Association and the United Counties of Leeds & Grenville, with a focus on Best Start Child and Family Centres (June 2011.) As a community, we identified parent/family engagement; alignment/time; common language; and local flexibility as the four elements that need particular focus for moving forward.

· Summer 2011 – a call for proposals was issued by the Ministry of Children and Youth Services, Community Action Research, Innovation Fund. One of the areas of focus was for effective inservice training and mentoring. The community identified the operationalization of the service coordination guidelines as an appropriate and relevant project to apply for funds. We were successful in receiving the grant and are currently in the process of working with a consultant to develop training modules and planning a training day for community agency partners.

Lunch and Learn sessions have been expanded to 4 communities (Kemptville, Brockville, Gananoque, and Prescott) with a lead identified in each community. The leads met for a planning meeting in August to share best practices, identify possible topics for meetings, and standardize meeting times and messaging.

A brochure identifying services/resources available for the prenatal to 6 population and their families is being developed in order to support coordination of information.

The Service Integration Committee completed its goals around developmental screening clinics… In 2010, 13 children attended the Portland Clinic, 3 Gananoque, 4 Brockville and 6 Prescott. In Year 2 the decision was made to distribute Nipissings at “ready made” events – Spencerville Fair, Dandelion Festival (Kemptville), Ribfest Brockville. 105 NDS forms were distributed. A logic model was developed to guide plans to support NDDS screening in Leeds-Grenville. (detailed in plan below)

The “Read to Every Kid” Project engaged schools, libraries, and community agencies in supporting families in reading to their children. Over 1300 families voted for their favorite book.

While the Service Integration Committee focuses on deliberate strategies to support an integrated network of services for families, all the work of Best Start focuses around this vision.

2) Implementation of Early Learning Program – The coordinator and co-chairs continue to participate in regularly scheduled ELP implementation meetings of the boards, CMSMs, and representatives of MCYS and Ministry of Education where there is an opportunity to have questions answered and provide feedback related to implementation. The BSN continues to communicate relevant legislation to community partners and provides a forum for sending questions/concerns back to school board and ministry officials.

A tri county special needs reference group which reports to Best Start Networks continues to meet regularly to determine issues and support school boards in terms of integrating students with special needs into full day programs, including Ready2/to Learn.

The “Gananoque Pilot” which was funded through SSLI, supported community partnership around Transition to Kindergarten in three schools (2 ELP) in the Gananoque area.

Representatives from BSN are working with Best Start Networks in Lanark, SDG and Prescott Russell and the English school Boards to identify common criteria for Transition to Kindergarten programs, with a goal of forming ongoing partnerships in the offering of these programs.

3) Support for Development of Children from Birth to Age 6 – Goal: All Children in Leeds & Grenville will be screened using the NDDS at regular intervals from 0 to 6 years of age.

 18 Month Strategy – A Referral Pathways Chart was developed and distributed. The 18 month workgroup has expanded to a tricounty steering committee. A Health Professional’s newsletter (related to 18 month fee code and MacHealth.ca) has been written and published in conjunction with MOH. Surveys have been distributed to doctors and nurse practitioners.

 Developmental Screening Clinics (see SI section and body of plan)

 Use of Universal Screening Tool – The Nipissing Developmental Screening is currently mailed to all 18 month and 3 year olds by the Health Unit. The tool will be used at screening clinics and distributed at “ready made” events. (see logic model attached)

4) Sharing of Data to Inform Planning and Programming

 The UCLG DAC gave a series of presentations on EDI subdomans to the BSN

 Jim Grieve presented to 67 community agency and school board partners on the importance of EDI in planning.

 An EDI workgroup has been formed to set the direction for community planning using EDI

 Sharing of Data – a presentations were made to Counties Council and municipal councils of Front of Yonge, Leeds and Thousand Islands and Merrickville-Wolford regarding the Community Profiles Document

 A logic model has been developed to describe a 2 year plan for use of EDI as a tool. The plan includes both awareness and neighbourhood planning.

5) Support for Parents/Parent Engagement

 In addition to the initiatives outlined above the Triple P workgroup has identified support for parents of children entering ELP classes as a priority for the upcoming year. Childcare will also be approached to participate in TripleP training. Early years partners have engaged in a focused effort to promote TripleP to families. A universal media strategy involving print and radio is ongoing.

Strategies for Moving Forward

The strategies described in the attached work plan for 2011/12 integrate collaborative approaches to increase support for families/parent engagement, data-driven community planning, developmental screening and education, implementation of ELP, and joint professional development opportunities. Each strategy includes an evaluation component. Every Kid in our Communities has completed an evaluation with the Centre of Excellence to develop evaluation tools to assist with evaluation of projects and our collaborative efforts. The Service Integration Index will be used regularly as a tool for measuring our progress.

Support for the implementation of Pascal’s Report as it relates to Child and Family Centres will be a key focus with strategies developed as we receive more information about the government’s plans. Support for the childcare centres as they adapt to ELP will be ongoing. Strategies to support francophone and aboriginal populations need to be deliberate and focused.

Strategies / Activities / Responsibility / Timelines / Evaluation
To continue implementation of the
18 Month Strategy/enhanced well baby visit. / a) Expand strategy from primary care providers to include parents, early year’s service providers and communities.
b) Community agency members use pathways chart in their work with parents
c) Conduct needs assessment re: current use of Nipissing and Rourke
d) Present implementation plan to BSN for approval
To include:
  • Strategy for distribution of NDDS and Rourke
e) Continue to implement strategies
included in plan
  • Communication strategy
  • Engagement of agencies, families, physicians
  • Promotion of screening tool
/ a)18 month committee
b) 18 Month Strategy Committee
c) 18 Month Strategy Committee
d) 18 Month Strategy Committee
e) 18 month cttee. to take lead with participation of BSN and other community partners / a)Use of service integration index to determine progress along Integration Network and Parent experience components
b) Level of use of Pathways Chart by
agencies in work with families
(survey of early year’s partners)
c) Surveys returned by broad range of
d) Plan presented and approved
e) Number of partners involved including physicians and nurse practitioners
# of physicians and nurse practitioners
#of parents participating
Feedback on process for referrals, use of Red Flags document etc.
Outcomes for children (percentage of 18 month screened)
Earlier referrals
Developmental Screening / Implementation of 3 Level Screening Plan
a) Level 1 – Nipissing and Referral only
(Ready made events – Dandelion Festival, Spencerville Fair, Ribfest, Lansdowne Fair)
b) Level 2 Toy Bus- Nipissing & referral, some access to multidisciplinary resources
(OEYC Toy Bus Locations and OEYCs)
c) Level 3 multi component screening
Screening Clinics (2) Portland and Brockville / Service Integration Committee with support of community agencies who serve the early years.
DAC / March to November 2012 / a)Number of parents/families who attend in each community
b)Number of Nipissings distributed
c) Surveys completed by parents at time of screening clinics will provide information on community where family lives, how they heard about clinic, level of satisfaction
c) Number of families who seek referrals
d) Use Service Integration Index to evaluate level of integration and parent experience.
(participation of agencies)
Impact on waiting lists
Develop a comprehensive, universal distribution strategy for parents regarding the use of NDDS
 Determine who is using NDDS and how
 Recommend what partners needs to be engaged and define other opportunities for use of Nipissing (e.g. JK registration) / 18 month strategy workgroup, Service Integration Committee and BSN members / Fall 2012 / Strategy developed and used by community partners
Increased involvement of parents
Joint Professional Development Opportunities / a) Continue quarterly Lunch and Learn sessions in Gananoque, Kemptville, Prescott and Brockville (Service Integration Cttee. members will monitor attendance)
Develop annual report on Lunch and Learn opportunities across Leeds-Grenville
b) To improve communication regarding PD being planned by individual agencies with a goal of reducing overlap and identifying opportunities for joint PD
c) identify topics for joint PD through comprehensive partner survey
d)Implement PD plan
e) To continue to build awareness of community members and families of services provided by various agencies:
 Purchase a display board which can be used by agencies to display resources at community events
 Develop a BSN family kit which
outlines resources/ for 0 to 6 population and their families / a)BSN/SI Cttee:
Lead Table
b) Subcommittees to feed through Best Start Network and share with Lead Table
c)DAC with input from planner and Network partners
d) DAC, planner and network
e) Planner to investigate cost, design
SI Committee and small workgroup lead by planner / Quarterly
b)Plans submitted three times per year Sept, Jan. May
c)February 2012
d)April 2012
e) Recommendations to May SI mtg.
Spring 2012 / a) Attendance at sessions and number of agencies participating
Inventory of topics and those who take on leadership roles
b) Plans submitted
Evidence of more joint planning for
PD (tool = Service Integration Index
Network Experience)
c)#of responses to survey
Priorities for PD identified
d)Plan developed and implemented
e)Participation of agencies
Increased awareness of services shown in surveys of stakeholders/parents
Support for ELP
Parents/Community / a)Continue to provide feedback to Boards through participation in ELP Planning Committee Meetings
b) Special Needs reference group to
continue to provide support to
school boards regarding
transition for students with
special needs
c)Continue to address
opportunities for joint PD
between teachers, ECE staff (e.g.
childcare professional development
days, Red Flags training)
d)implement year 2 of Gananoque pilot
e) continue to distribute information about ELP to community partners / a)BSN /CMSM/Education/MCYS/MinEDU
b) Special Needs Reference group with advice from BSN
c) Planner with advice from BSN and
Board contacts
d)Pilot workgroups
e) Planner/CMSM / a) at scheduled ELP partner mtgs.
b) ongoing
c) ongoing
d)Winter to Summer 2012
e) as required / a) level of participation at meetings
b) Feedback from families/agencies/schools
Level of participation by partners
c) Number of PD opportunities
Number of participants from various
d)Pilot carried out
Feedback from schools, parents, agencies
e) materials distributed and discussed as agenda items at BSN meetings as required.
Data-driven Community Planning / Implement strategies outlined in EDI logic model to include:
 EDI awareness sessions (committee, BSN, Lead table and front line staff)
 Use of tool for planning at agency, counties and municipal levels (involves neighbourhood planning using EDI and other data)
 Develop on-line training modules for the EDI – linked to the EK website, create reports, brochures/resources for the community to understand EDI results (working on this with other DAC’s), create Special Needs report for L&G (currently working on this) the EDI group may have more when we eventually meet. / EDI Sub committee lead by DAC/planner / Ongoing
2012/13 / Surveys to determine level of awareness of EDI among stakeholders
and how data is used for collaborative planning
Increased understanding of how to use the results for community planning”
Use Integration Index as tool to measure outcomes
Support for Childcare community / Develop a community strategy to support recruitment and retention of ECEs.
Plan to include:
 Promotion at high schools
 Advocacy for course to be offered at SLC
 Media campaign / Planner with support of community committee / Committee formed by April 2012 / Committee formed
Strategies implemented
(Long term) increase in # of trained ECE staff in Leeds-Grenville
Planning for Child and Family Centres / a)Implement Service Coordination Guidelines
 Development of training modules through Innovation Grant
 Training of community agency partners
 Modules posted on website for ongoing training
 Mentors identified and plan developed
b)CFC workgroup formed to develop community vision/plan / SI workgroup
b)planner and BSN / a)February/March 2012
b) Spring 2012 / a)Training completed –evaluation indicates better understanding of SC guidelines and ways of working
Modules posted on website and regularly accessed by community partners for training
Mentors identified, trained
b)workgroup formed
TOR developed
Logic model completed
Support for Aboriginal Population / a)Best Start Network Composition and Activities
invite presenters re aboriginal culture, support service barriers, building capacity for inclusion; to present to BS service providers
b)Community Engagement Process
Connect with local cultural centers and member for the following benefit: population trends and needs, information and planning contacts
c)Planning/System Coordination Activities
consider population info in respect to EDI based planning processes
d)Other Activities/Processes
connect with local school boards re current supports, information, needs
Cultural Center, Leeds Grenville BS network, service providers, schools, daycare
Best start planner, aboriginal community members
BS network and planner DAC
CDSBEO, UCDSB, BS network planner
/ a)by Sept 2012
b)May 2012
d)spring 2012 / a)presentations completed
Feedback from service providers indicates increased awareness/understanding
b)connections made and data shared with community
c)population clusters identified and considered in planning
d)connections made; information/resources gathered and shared with community partners
Support for French Language Population / a)identify opportunities to provide resources in French e.g.
 Translation of Checkered Flags
 Some of Read to Every Kid titles in French with additional resources purchased for French childcare centres and areas with higher FSL population (e.g. North Grenville
b) engagement of French language school board representatives in BSN initiatives / a)planner, French Language representative on BSN
b) committee chairs, planner / a)ongoing
b)ongoing / a)increase in resources available in French
Survey of French language partners indicates increased access to French resources
b) increased participation by French language school boards in BSN activities/workgroups
Evaluation / a)implement a consistent method for tracking attendance at workgroups, events (sector represented, # of participants etc)
b)develop standardized evaluation tools to track # and type of collaborations across/within agencies and degree of learning
c)Integration survey to measure impact on families (long term) / DAC, Evaluation Workgroup
Workgroup Chairs / a)at monthly meetings, events
b)annually or biannually
c)annually / a)tools used consistently by workgroups
b)tools developed and used by members of BSN
c)tool developed