What two countries were part of Ice Story 2000 that explored Antarctica?

What degrees of latitude is the line where the Southern Ocean meets the other oceans?

When was the Antarctica treaty written that established Antarctica as a neutral territory?

Who were the first and the second person to reach the south pole?

What zooplankton is fundamental to the food web of the Southern Ocean?

How much snow per year would you expect in inland areas of Antarctica?

What is the area called where warm deep water from the northern oceans collide with colder surface water from the Southern Ocean and the colder bottom water?

How long ago did the Antarctica ice sheet form?

When does Antarctica actually shrink?

What is the process of birthing an iceberg called?

What is the term for the debris that falls from ice floating on the surface to the ocean floor?

What is the nutrient level of marine snow?

If the Antarctic ice sheet were to melt how high would the ocean rise?

What kind of penguin has the most members?

What are katabatic winds found in Antarctica?

Are there cities in Antarctica?

What is the area near the Antarctica coast that is the boundary between the West Wind Drift and East wind Drift?

What is the difference between an ice sheet and an ice shelf?

What is the elevation of the polar plateau leading to the south pole?

What was the name of Shackleton’s boat that attempted to make it to the south pole and was crushed?

From what island were 22 members of the Endurance rescued?

If you were to look at the pattern produced by the midocean ridges from above, what would it look like?

Of all the people killed by hurricanes, 90% are due to what phenomenon?


China and US

50 South

1959 (took effect in 1961)

Amundsen and Scott (10 days later)

Krill (almost everything depends on this and the phytoplankton it eats)

2 inches/year 10 by the coast (driest and coldest continent)

Antarctic convergence

25 million years ago (98% covered by ice now)

In February (warmest month when the overhanging ice that is actually above water melts so the area of ice coverage is less)


Marine snow

High nutrient (dead material)

200 feet

Macaroni : 23 million Chinstrap next at 15 million Emperor 400,000

Winds flow down the coastal slopes under the influence of gravity at speeds of 320km/hr

Yes, McMurdo gets up to 1500 people in the summer

Antarctic Divergence

Ice shelf is over water and is attached via ice to the continent where Ice sheets are above land

3000 meters


Elephant Island

Zig zag due to spherical earth

Storm surge