Lee-on-the-Solent Junior School

‘Happy School, High Standards’





Lee-on-the-Solent Junior School

School Improvement Plan

Key Objectives

School Improvement Focus / Key Issue/Development Area CONSISTENCY, QUALITY and RIGOUR
Monitoring Policy – adhering to this
Key Objectives /
  1. Teaching and learning strand
  2. Writing strand
  3. Maths strand
  4. Curriculum strand
  5. Parent communication strand

1 To move teaching and learning from ‘good’ to ‘outstanding’ / 1.1 Planning provides challenge for all groups of pupils, particularly the ‘most able’
1.2 Ensuring that there is challenge through consolidation and enrichment
1.3 Teaching encourages children to approach their learning with a sense of urgency
1.4Feedback Policy is used consistently, and response to marking from pupils evident and timely
2. To develop writing skills in order to secure ‘outstanding’ progress for all groups of pupils / 2.1 Continue and improve new planning format, ensuring that opportunities for writing are identified on a daily basis
2.2 To train staff on writing pedagogy
2.3 To improve teaching of spelling
2.4 To continue use of guided groups – ensuring these are clearly identified, and that are of different abilities
2.5 To use moderation to ensure that there is consistency in all Teacher Assessment
3. To develop mathematical skills in order to secure ‘outstanding’ progress for all groups of pupils / 3.1 To standardise planning format to be used consistently across year groups.
3.2 To ensure planning reflects increased challenge in line with the New Curriculum.
3.3 To ensure guided maths groups are providing quality teaching opportunities.
3.4 To ensure rigorous use of feedback policy and non-negotiables.
3.5 To introduce Mathletics
4.To implement the new National Curriculum, in line with the school’s curriculum / 4.1 Review current long term maps for coverage, continuity and progression, in line with the new National Curriculum
4.2 To use ‘Working Party’ model to develop progression of skills documents and assessment procedures
4.3 Curriculum Leaders to ensure that curriculum files are maintained and updated
4.4 Subject Leaders to report to Governing Body on developments in their subject areas
5.To improve communication with parents / 5.1Update website
5.2 Refine and develop letters, topic overviews and current forms of communicating with parents
5.3 Explore the possibility of a school Facebook page
5.4 Parents informed and involved in their child’s learning
5.5 To ensure parents are informed about and involved in their child’s learning
5.6 To involve parents in their child’s Maths learning

Also put FFT D under the National Benchmarks

2013 Results / 2014 Results /2015 Targets
ENGLISH - Reading
L4+ 95% 81% (NA = 89%)
L5 54% 36% (NA = 50%)
Our target was L4+89% L5 49% / ENGLISH – SPAG (Spelling and Grammar)
L4+ 80%69% (NA = 76%)
L5 51% 46% (NA = 52%)
L6 1%
Our target was L4+ 80% L5 50% / ENGLISH – Writing (Teacher Assessment only)
L4+ 83%82%
L5 29% 31%
Our target was L4+80% L5 31%
NB: There was no combined English result this year. / MATHS
L4+92% 77% (NA = 86%)
L540% 25% (NA = 42%)
L6 2%
Our target was: L4+91%
L5 25%
Attainment - %
2 levels progress – 98%76% Target = 91%
3 levels progress – 36%25% Target = 40% / Writing (TA)
2 levels progress – 96% 90% Target = 91%
3 levels progress – 20% 29% Target = 25% / Maths
2 levels progress – 89% 74% Target = 91%
3 levels progress – 13% 8% Target = 91%
Progress – APS (From RaiseOnline – Due November 2014)
Combined APS
KS1 APS - 16.1 KS2 – 28.8 Progress across Key Stage = 12.7


End Autumn 2014 / End Spring 2015 / End Summer 2015
Progress / Overall progress
APS gain of 1.3 points in all subjects in each year group
Targeted pupils (chn not making expected progress) = 2.00 points APS / Overall progress
APS gain of 1.3 points in all subjects in each year group
Targeted pupils (chn not making expected progress) = 2.00 points APS / Overall progress
APS gain of 1.3 points in all subjects in each year group
Targeted pupils (chn not making expected progress) = 2.00 points APS
Progress - maths
80% of chn at Key Stage 1 who achieved Level 2 to be on track for 4APS progress in maths / Progress - maths
85% of chn at Key Stage 1 who achieved Level 2 to be on track for 4APS progress in maths / Progress - maths
90% of chn at Key Stage 1 who achieved Level 2 to be on track for 4APS progress in maths
Progress – writing
80% of chn who attained 2c at end of Key Stage 1 on track for 2 sub levels progress in writing / Progress - writing
85% of chn who attained 2c at end of Key Stage 1 on track for 2 sub levels progress in writing / Progress - writing
90% of chn who attained 2c at end of Key Stage 1 achieved 2 sub levels progress in writing
3 levels Progress
28% of Y6 on track for 3 levels progress in writing / 3 levels Progress
30% of Y6 on track for 3 levels progress in writing / 3 levels Progress
32% of Y6 on track for 3 levels progress in writing
Teaching and Learning / Teaching and Learning (Based on lessons observed)
Good or better 100%
Outstanding 40% / Teaching and Learning (Based on lessons observed)
Good or better 100%
Outstanding 45% / Teaching and Learning (Based on lessons observed)
Good or better 100%
Outstanding 50%
Planning - Writing
100% of new writing planning at least ‘good’ according to ‘Quality of Teaching and Learning’ grid / Planning - Writing
100% of new writing planning at least ‘good’ according to ‘Quality of Teaching and Learning’ grid / Planning - Writing
100% of new writing planning at least ‘good’ according to ‘Quality of Teaching and Learning’ grid
Planning – Maths
100% of maths planning at least ‘good’ according to ‘Quality of Teaching and Learning’ grid / Planning – Maths
100% of maths planning at least ‘good’ according to ‘Quality of Teaching and Learning’ grid / Planning – Maths
100% of maths planning at least ‘good’ according to ‘Quality of Teaching and Learning’ grid
Book Scrutiny
Evidence of Feedback Policy being used consistently by all staff
100% of sample writing and maths books show next steps in learning identified– a certain percentage of pupils consistently responding. / Book Scrutiny
Evidence of consistent use of ‘Think Pink’ in writing and maths books. Link this leading to pupils’ response to feedback, so we are working towards the target of all pupils’ responses leading to progress. / Book Scrutiny
Consistent evidence of pupil response to feedback, either written or through follow up work, and progress evident as a result

Over view of year

Key priority
1 To move teaching and learning from ‘good’ to ‘outstanding’
Aims / Actions and Lead person / Monitoring / Evaluation / Outcomes / Impact
1.1Planning provides challenge for
All groups of pupils, particularly the most able /
  • En and Ma leaders carry out planning audit to review evidence of differentiation being planned for within writing and mathsin line with new planning formats agreed last term. Feedback to staff and next steps identified.
  • En and Ma leaders to leaddevelopmental staff meeting sessions to explore range of differentiation strategies and share good practice. Key strategies document produced to determine common planning format.
  • HT and DHT carry out regular termly classroom observation with focus on differentiation.
  • En and Ma leaders carry out termly planning reviews to assess the implementation of agreed differentiation strategies. Written feedback given to staff/ year groups/ individuals. Developmental support provided for individuals/ teams as necessary.
  • En leader to ensure writing assessments are carried out regularly as pre-assessments to aid planning and well focused differentiation. Year leaders to use PPA meetings to assess progress and effectiveness.
  • DHT to check planning provides challenge for all groups of pupils, particularly the most able.
  • Continue with regular moderation meetings to ensure consistency of judgements across the school.En and Ma leaders.
  • Increase frequency of updating of progress tracking information to ensure that slow progress and under-achievement can be even more quickly identified and rectified. Through half-termly pupil progress meetings ensure that teachers are using this assessment data to rigorously match work to children’s specific learning needs.
/ HT to provide a summary of lesson observation outcomes – strengths, weaknesses and grades .
En and Ma leaders to report to SLT and governors termly on outcome of planning reviews
Year leaders to update APS summaries termly and closely analysed by teachers for their class. SLT to present whole school analysis termly to Governors .
DHT to report to FGB on targets for more able pupils and progress towards targets. / All staff make good use of formative and summative assessment data in order to provide well matched work.
Teachers use a range of approaches to appropriately differentiate work for differing needs of the pupils.
All groups of pupils make good progress with learning in individual lessons and over time.
Pupils in year 3 make good progress in the Autumn term following effective transition arrangements.
Work sampling shows evidence of more able being challenged.
Quality of planning is consistent across the year group.
Excellent subject knowledge is applied consistently to challenge and inspire pupils.
1.2 Ensuring that there is challenge through consolidation and enrichment /
  • Opportunities to share practice, planning etc of where SLT, subject leaders and year teams have identified particular strengths in terms of consolidation and enrichment.
  • DHT and subject leaders to check that planning consolidates and broadens the children’s knowledge to enable them to exceed the objectives.
/ See monitoring timetable below / Evidence in planning of opportunities for activities which consolidate and broaden the chn’s knowledge and skills within each unit
1.3 Teaching encourages children to approach their learning with a sense of urgency /
  • All Teachers lessons show that modelling is of high quality
  • Chn have more time to work independently within each lesson
  • INSET with LLP on moving teaching from ‘Good’ to ‘Outstanding’ joining with the Infant school and building on previous INSET.
  • HT and DHT involvement in ‘Pathways to Outstanding’ development group with LLP with a view to bring good practice ideas back into school.
/ HT and DHT observations record a greater sense of pace of learning.
Work sampling shows pupils complete more independent work.
Lesson observations show pupils work independently. / Teaching is at least good and much is outstanding, with the result that the pupils are making exceptional progress.
Data analysis shows greater percentage of pupils are on track each term to make expected progress of 2 sub levels over the year and accelerated progress where that is needed for pupils to be on track for end of key stage progress
Teaching is highly, effective in inspiring pupils and ensuring that they learn extremely well.
Teachers systematically and effectively check pupils’ understanding throughout lessons, anticipating where they may need to intervene and doing so with striking impact on the quality of learning.
Teachers modelling engages all learners, improving quality and quantity
1.4 Feedback Policy is used consistently, and response to marking from pupils evident and timely /
  • HT and DHT to carry out a weekly book scrutiny in partnership with En and maths leaders to establish a clear and detailed benchmark. Carry out a developmental staff meeting looking at quality of feedback, pupils’ response and impact.
  • HT and DHT with staff review effectiveness of current feedback systems in ensuring progress for all learners. Agree non-negotiables..
  • HT and DHT to feedback to individual staff on further action needed to ensure that children consistently respond to next steps and that impact in progress is seen. Evidence of effective practice frequently shared through staff meetings and display on staff noticeboard.
HT and DHT to lead review of Feedback Policy and amended to reflect developments with clear expectations for outcome of feedback and rationale for strategies. / HT and DHT provide summary of strengths and weaknesses of work scrutiny presented to staff and governors supported by En and Ma leaders termly.
Governor to attend book scrutiny session where possible and report back via agreed governor visits form.
DHT to liaise with pupils to get their views on feedback, the dialogue with their teacher, and what effectively impacts their learning and progress – link to review of feedback policy. / Teachers accurately identify next steps for children’s learning and provide prompts in their marking consistently.
Children carry out next steps or challenges in response to marking and pupils’ learning moves forward straight away as a result.
Teachers and other adults are acutely aware of their pupils’ capabilities and of their prior learning and understanding, and plan very effectively to build on these.
Marking and dialogue between teachers, other adults and pupils are consistently of a very high quality.
Pupils understand in detail how to improve their work and are consistently supported in doing so.
Evidence of annotations on planning
Evidence of teacher intervention and pupil response in lesson observations
1.5 Parents informed and involved in their child’s learning /
  • EF to explore the use of a school Facebook page.
  • CP and HM to work together on improvements to the school website.
  • HM to work with Y6 pupils to gain pupil views and ideas for an effective website.
  • MC to consider the school Solent Wave newsletter content.
  • AM to oversee year group parent letters.
  • MC and AM to canvas views on employing better communication for parents.
  • KC to organise govs questionnaire to ask parents about preferred routes of communication
/ EF to monitor usage and parent access of Facebook page.
HM and CP to monitor parent access to website.
MC to monitor content and timing of Solent Wave newsletter.
AM to monitor content and timing of year group newsletters. / Parent questionnaires show parents feel informed, and able to support their child’s learning.
Key priority
2. To develop writing skills in order to secure outstanding progress for all groups of pupils.
Aims / Actions and Lead person / Monitoring / Evaluation / Outcomes / Impact
2.1 Continue and improve new planning format, ensuring that opportunities for writing are identified on a daily basis /
  • PMoto lead staff meeting INSET to refresh agreed planning format and to establish a consistent use of non-negotiables in both teaching and marking.
  • PMo to ensure planning identifies opportunities for writing every day.
  • AM to ensure planning provides challenge for all groups of pupils particularly the most able
/ AM and PMo to conduct planning audits as detailed in the monitoring timetable for the Autumn and Spring terms / Work sampling shows opportunities for writing are provided on a daily basis.
2.2 To train staff on writing pedagogy /
  • PMoto run staff meeting INSET on writing pedagogy with support from Sally Mohamed (date to be agreed)
  • AM and PMoto revisit Feedback policy to remind all staff of agreed protocol and to instil consistency, rigour and quality
/ AM and PMoto conduct lesson observations, work sampling and pupil conferencing as detailed in the monitoring timetable. / Lesson observations show that staff are confident in their knowledge of writing pedagogy.
Data analysis shows greater percentage of pupils are on track each term to make expected progress of 2 sub levels over the year and accelerated progress where that is needed for pupils to be on track for end of key stage progress
2.3 To improve teaching of spelling /
  • PMo and SM to run twilight INSET on the teaching of spelling (date to be agreed).
  • PMo and KR to support LSAs and teachers in the use of targeted interventions.
  • PMo and AM to ensure there is high quality modelling in all lessons, aiming for the highest achievers. – teaching of the spelling rules as set out in the new curriculum.
/ AM and PMo to conduct lesson observations, work sampling and pupil conferencing as detailed in the monitoring timetable. / Work sampling and data analysis show that spelling scores are improved throughout the key stage.
Lesson observations show that spelling is well taught.
2.4 To continue use of guided groups – ensuring these are clearly identified, and that are of different abilities /
  • All teachers continue good quality guided writing groups, planning to meet the needs of all abilities.
  • PMoto support staff with teaching guided writing groups.
/ AM and PMo to conduct lesson observations, work sampling and pupil conferencing as detailed in the monitoring timetable. / Guided groups are taught in all classes and meet the needs of all abilities.
2.5 To use moderation to ensure that there is consistency in all Teacher Assessment /
  • PMoto lead staff meeting INSET in the moderation of writing
  • PMo to compile a moderation of writing file for staff reference.
  • AM and PMoto promote consistency and rigour of TA and moderation through the support of less experienced staff
/ AM and PMo to conduct lesson observations, work sampling and pupil conferencing as detailed in the monitoring timetable. / Planning is consistent across year group.
TA is consistent across year group and is used to inform planning.
Key priority
3. To develop mathematical skills in order to secure outstanding progress for all groups of pupils.
Aims / Actions and Lead person / Monitoring / Evaluation / Outcomes / Impact
3.1 To standardise planning format to be used consistently across year groups. /
  • PM to ensure that standardised planning format introduced last term is used consistently across all classes and there is quality, rigour and consistency across year groups led by year leaders.
/ AM and PM to conduct planning audits, work sampling, lesson observations and data analysis as detailed in the monitoring timetable / Planning audit shows planning to be consistent and of high quality in line with new planning format introduced last term.
3.2 To ensure planning reflects increased challenge in line with the New Curriculum. /
  • PM to remind and support staff in the use of new planning and to ensure it has appropriate challenge, in particular for most able pupils.
/ AM and PM to conduct planning audits, work sampling, lesson observations and data analysis as detailed in the monitoring timetable / Planning shows uplevelling in line with the new curriculum as planned for last term
3.3 To ensure guided maths groups are providing quality teaching opportunities. /
  • PM to remind and support staff in the use of guided maths groups in line with last Spring’s INSET and to ensure it has appropriate challenge, in particular for most able pupils.
  • All staff to increase opportunities for early morning maths work such that 3 mornings a week are used for early maths opportunities of a number based activity and at least 1 to be a times table activity..
  • PM to liaise with Infant school on the use of quality resources for practical number work.
  • PM to develop with staff more opportunities to use P4C to develop pupils’ problem solving ability in Maths
  • PM to run INSET on 23rd September to develop staff pedagogy knowledge and assessment.
  • PM and JC to work together on leading and targeting staff development in the light of INSET.
/ AM and PM to conduct planning audits, work sampling, lesson observations and data analysis as detailed in the monitoring timetable. / Lessons observed show guided groups teaching is good or better.