2016 January Shaker Woods HOA Board Meeting Minutes
Date: Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Location: Harvest of India
Time: 7:30 PM
Attending: Paula Goldman,Tim Taccardi, Lori Ruderman, Robert Hartley,Jimmy Andere, Jennifer Klein, Ellie Badamchian, Amy Emmatty, Eric Smith, Kurt Janssen, RabiyaJilani
Call to order: 7:34 PM by Paula, seconded byJimmy.
Secretary’s Report (Bob Hartley)
Minutes from December 2015 meetingwere approved byPaula;seconded byJimmy.
Treasurer’s Report (LoriRuderman)
Lori had no reports to present at the meeting. She will send report to the board later or bring to next board meeting. She reported paying off the landscaper’s invoice and Admin services.
Lori will order the HOA magnet for neighborhood events.
AECC (David Jenkins)
David was not present at the meeting.
Ellie reported two disclosure documents were created and released in November and December. Ellie stated that David has been great in his expeditious response to property inspections during the holidays.
Grounds (JimmyAndere)
Board approved renewal of landscaping contract with Samy landscaping for another year to include (9 months growing season). Payment will be sent by Lori upon receipt of invoices.
Social Events (Jennifer Klein)
The new dates for neighborhood social events wereestablished:
- Kurt Janssen graciously offered to host HOA Neighborhood party this year on April 2, 2016.
- The 4th of July neighborhood event will take place on Monday July 4, 2016. (The likely events will include the parade and a water-balloon catapult)
- HOA fall picnic will take place on Sept. 17 (rain date Sept. 18).
- Neighborhood Halloween party will be on Monday Oct.31, 2016.
- Our annual HOA meeting will be on Nov 17, 2016.
Magnets reflecting above dates will be included with 2016 HOA due statements.
Old Business
Paula informed board that final letters to HOA members (grossly late on HOA dues) were mailed on January 11, 2016. Board will be filling with Fairfax County Court on Feb 21, 2016 if no payments have been received.
Tim has heard back from Lynn Walker for Don O’Neill, the contractor for the basketball court. They acknowledge that they need to come back in the spring and address our concerns. The situation “fell through the cracks.” We have written guarantees that the warranty work will be performed.
No updates on approved mailbox replacements.
Lori/Eric/Jennifer are contacting neighboring HOA’s to facilitate communication for emergency and other pertinent information that might be of interest to our neighbors.
A complaint has been received regarding school busses and parked cars being fixed at the entrance on Heather Way. It is out of the purview of the board.
New Business:
The elected board members outlined roles for the coming year. There were a few position changes in our board members to accommodate time / work considerations:
- President: Tim Taccardiwill take on the board president position, though he has some significant travel planned
- Co-Vice Presidents: AmyEmmatty and Paula Goldman. In the event that Tim is unable to be present due to travel (etc.), Amy and/or Paula will serve as acting president, as their own travel and work obligations allow.
- AECC: David Jenkins
- Social: Jennifer Klein, and RabiyaJilani will assist
- Grounds: Jimmy Andere
- Secretary: Bob Hartley
- Treasurer: Lori Ruderman
- At-Large: Kurt Jannsen
- Webmaster: Eric Smith
While contacting neighboring HOAs, Lori noted that our neighbors to the west (King Stream Chase) might be interested in allowing some of Shaker Woods to buy into their community pool there.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:04PM by Paula, seconded by Tim.
Next meeting:
Date: Tuesday, Feb 9, 2016(Moving to 2nd Tuesday of each month)
Location: Harvest of India (Kmart plaza) – 364 Elden Street, Herndon, VA 20170
Time: 7:30 PM
12 January, 2015 Board Meeting
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