Maud W. Gleason

Lecturer in Classics, Stanford University

Director of Undergraduate Study, Department of Classics, Stanford University


B.A. in Classics summa cum laude Harvard-Radcliffe 1975

Junior Phi Beta Kappa

Lucy Allen Patton Prize ("For that senior deemed most likely to make a contribution in the

Humanities or Fine Arts")

Rotary Foundation Fellowship for study at Oxford

B.A. with first class honors in Litterae Humaniores

Oxford University 1977 (Ancient History and Philosophy)

Danforth Foundation Graduate Fellowship

Field Scholarship American School at Athens summer program

L.J. Blumberg Memorial Fellowship in Latin 1978

(U.C. Berkeley)

Ph.D. University of California Berkeley 1990


Making Men: Sophists and Self-Presentation in Ancient Rome (Princeton

University Press, 1995)

Book in progress: Transformations of the Flesh: From Pharmacology to Theology in Imperial Rome

Articles and book chapters:

"Plagiarism" in Warren Bryan Martin. ed. New Directions in Teaching and Learning, vol. 7, 1981.

"Festive Satire: Julian's Misopogon and the New Year at Antioch" in

The Journal of Roman Studies 1986.

"The Semiotics of Gender: Physiognomy and Self-Fashioning" in Before Sexuality,

D. Halperin, J. Winkler, F. Zeitlin, eds. (Princeton University Press, 1990).

“Visiting and News: Gossip and Reputation-Management in the Desert,” Journal of Early

Christian Studies 6 (1998) 501-521.

“Truth Contests and Talking Corpses” in James Porter, ed. Constructions of the Classical Body

(University of Michigan Press, 1999) 287-313.

“Elite Male Identity in the Roman Empire” in D. Potter and D. Mattingly, Life, Death, and Entertainment in the Roman Empire (University of Michigan Press, 1999) 67-84.

“Mutilated Messengers: Body Language in Josephus” in S. Goldhill, Being Greek Under

Rome: Cultural Identity, the Second Sophistic and the Development of Empire (Cambridge University Press, 2001) 50-85.

“By Whose Gender Standards (if anybody’s) Was Jesus a Real Man?” in Stephen Moore and

Janice Anderson eds. New Testament Masculinities (Semeia Studies 45) (Society of Biblical Literature, 2003) 325-7.

“Greeks Under Roman Rule” in David Potter, ed. The Blackwell Companion to the Roman

Empire (Blackwell, 2006) 228-49.

“Shock and Awe: the Performance Dimensions of Galen’s Anatomy Demonstrations” in C. Gill, T.

Whitmarsh, J. Wilkins, eds., Galen and the World of Knowledge. (Cambridge University Press, 2009) 85-114.

“Making Space for Bicultural Identity: Herodes Atticus Commemorates Regilla” in T. Whitmarsh, ed., Local Knowledge and Microidentities in the Imperial Greek World. (Cambridge University Press, 2010) 125-162.

“Identity Theft: Doubles and Masquerades in Cassius Dio’s Contemporary History,”

Classical Antiquity 30. 1 (2011) 33-86.

Stable URL:


Review of J. Hahn, Der Philosoph und die Gesellschaft: Selbstverständnis, öffentliches

Auftreten und populäre Erwartungen in der hohen Kaiserzeit (Stuttgart, 1989) in

The American Journal of Philology 112. 2, 1991

Review of O. Temkin, Hippocrates in a World of Pagans and Christians

(Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992) in The Historian 55, 1992

Review of G. Anderson. Sage, Saint, and Sophist: Holy Men and Their Associates

in the Early Roman Empire (Routledge, 1994) in Bryn Mawr Classical Review vol. 6, no. 2 1995

Review of T. S. Barton, Power and Knowledge: Astronomy,

Physiognomics, and Medicine under the Roman Empire

(University of Michigan Press, 1994) in Classical Philology 91 (1996) 191-196.

Review of R. Garland, The Eye of the Beholder: Deformity and Disability in the Greco-
Roman World (Cornell University Press, 1995) in The American Historical Review

June 1996, 820-821

Review of Donald Lateiner, The Sardonic Smile (University of Michigan Press, 1995)

in Classical Philology 1997.

Review of James Francis, Subversive Virtue (Penn State University Press, 1995)

History of Religions 38 no. 1, August 1998.

Review of Simon Swain, Hellenism and Empire : Language, Classicism, and Power in the Greek World AD 50-250 (Oxford, 1996) American Journal of Philology 119 (1998) 307-9.

Review of Thomas Schmitz, Bidung und Macht (Zetemata 97, 1997),

American Journal of Philology 121 (2000), 497-9.

Review of Craig Williams, Roman Homosexuality (Oxford, 1999),

American Historical Review (Feb. 2001).

Review of M. M. Sassi, The Anthropology of Ancient Greece (Indiana University

Press,1999) in American Historical Review October 2002, 1270.

Review of Gunderson, Erik, Staging Masculinity: The Rhetoric of Performance in

the Roman World (Michigan University Press, 2000) Classical Philology 97 (2002), 290-4.

Review of S. J. Harrison, J. L. Hilton and V.J.C. Hunink,Apuleius: Rhetorical Works

(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001) Classical Philology 98 (2003), 199-202.

Review of Ronald F. Hock, Edward N. O'Neil, The Chreia and Ancient Rhetoric: Classroom Exercises (Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2002) and George A. Kennedy, Progymnasmata: Greek Textbooks of Prose Composition and Rhetoric (Writings from the Greco-Roman World) Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2003.

Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2004.

Review of Anthony Corbeill, Nature Embodied. Gesture in Ancient Rome. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2004. Pp. xiv, 202. ISBN 0-691-07494-1. $37.50. American Journal of Philology 126 (2005) 145-9.

Review of Jason König, Athletics and Literature in the Roman Empire Cambridge University Press, 2005. Journal of Roman Studies2006.

Review of Margaret R. Graver, Stoicism and Emotion (Chicago and London, 2007)

Common Knowledge 2009

Review of Myles McDonnell, Roman Manliness "Virtus" and the Roman Republic(Cambridge 2006) Journal of Roman Archaeology22 2009.

Review of Harriet I. Flower, Roman Republics(Princeton/Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2010) forthcoming in Common Knowledge.

Professional Meetings and invited lectures:

I delivered papers at the 1982, 1985, 1987, and 1990 meetings of the American

Philological Association.

In 1992 I gave a paper at Princeton University ("If Someone Should See You Chatting Naked With

Your Slaves--The Second Sophistic From a Sociological Perspective”)

In 1994 I was an invited speaker at the Tenth Quinquennial Congress of the International

Federation of the Societies of Classical Studies (FIEC) in Quebec.

In March 1997 I spoke at the Peter Brown anniversary symposium in Berkeley on the regulation of behavior among the Desert Fathers

In June 1997 I spoke at the Finnish Academy in Rome on Josephus

In May 1998 and 1999 I gave papers at Princeton University, the University of

Pennsylvania, and Trinity University ("Mutilated Messages: the Semiotic Body in Josephus")

In May 2000 I was invited to give a plenary address to the North American Patristic Society, “Herod in the Suds: The Reality of Rhetoric in a Patriarchal Soap Opera.”

In May 2000 I was a keynote speaker at a conference on the semiotics of the body at Northwestern


In April 2001 I was Chism Lecturer at the University of Puget Sound

In June 2001 I gave a paper entitled, “ ‘How to Slam Your Colleagues’ by Galen of Pergamum” to the Medical Humanities Seminar at Stanford

In March 2003 I was an invited speaker at the Heidelberg Paideia conference: “Gory Details:

Rhetorics of Dismemberment in Galen and Polemo.”

In July 2004 I delivered a paper on Herodes Atticus at the Exeter Micro-identities conference

In May 2005 I delivered the Gray Lectures at Cambridge University

In July 2005 I presented a paper at the Galen conference at Exeter University

In September 2005 I was a Distinguished Lecturer at the University of Indiana

Bloomington (Program in Ancient Studies)

In October 2006 I was invited to give a paper at Ohio State University

In November 2006 I was invited to give a paper at the University of Southern California

In March 2008 I was invited to give the Faber Memorial Lecture at Princeton University

April-May 2008 Thomas Spencer Jerome Lecturer University of Michigan/American Academy in Rome.

February 2010 I gave a paper on Sophronius at the Epiphanies conference at Florida State

In September 2011 I gave a paper at Cornell, “Mere Metaphor? Animalizing Diseases in the Roman Empire”

In October 2011 gave the keynote address at a graduate conference in Madison, “"Privilege Without Security? The Perils of Male Physiology"

In November 2011 I was the respondent for the Religious Violence panel at the annual meeting of the Society for Biblical Literature annual meeting

In April 2012, I gave a paper on Aretaeus at Princeton in honor of Heinrich von Staden

Professional Service: APA Monographs Committee; PAMLA 2001 Classics (Greek)

Section Chair. 2005: developed Guidelines for Professional Acknowledgement for the APA website (Publications).

Current: Bryn Mawr Classical Review editorial board, Classical Antiquity editorial board.

American Philological Association Program Committee 2010-

Undergraduate advising: I have done freshman-sophomore undergraduate advising at Stanford for many years. From 2006---Director of Undergraduate Study, Department of Classics


As a graduate student at the University of California I taught Latin, History of Roman Literature, and Western Civilization. In the spring semester of 1986 I taught a large lecture course in ancient epic. At Stanford I taught in the “Great Works,” “Conflict and Change,” and “Myth and Modernity” tracks of the Western Culture/CIV. Program. I taught a lecture course on the history of the Roman Empire in 1988, and an undergraduate seminar on Pagan and Christian Asceticism in Classics/Religious Studies with Robert Gregg in 1989. In 1991 I taught an undergraduate lecture course, “Art, Religion, and Society in Late Antiquity.” In 1992 I taught a graduate seminar on Roman literature and culture in the core sequence of the Humanities Program, a seminar with Robert Gregg on orthodoxy and intolerance in the ancient world for the Master’s program in the Continuing Studies division, and an undergraduate course on Pagans and Christians in the Classics Department. In 1994 I taught independent studies for the Classics Department in Roman Republican History and Early Christianity, gave assorted guest lectures in the CIV tracks, and taught fall quarter in the Myth and Modernity track. In 1995 I team-taught “Conversion and Identity: Ancient Practice and Modern Theory” with Robert Gregg and gave guest lectures in SLE. In spring 1996 I taught Roman History (Empire) and a course in Continuing Studies: “The Roman Empire: Power, Religion, Resistance.” In fall 1996 I taught a lecture class of 91 students, Classics 117: “Gender, Violence, and the Body in Ancient Religion” and gave guest lectures in the freshman program, Structured Liberal Education. In fall 1997, 1998, and 1999 I team-taught Classics 117 with Susan Stephens; in January 1998 I lectured in SLE, and in spring of 1998 I co-taught a graduate seminar on Origen. In the winter term of 1999 I taught a graduate seminar in the Classics Department on gender (“Ancient Practice and Modern Theory”). In fall 2000 and 2001 I taught Classics 117. In spring 2002 I taught Classics 130, an undergraduate seminar in Roman History, and a graduate seminar entitled “Roman Asia Through Epigraphy.” In fall 2002 I taught the Classics seminar in the Graduate Program in the Humanities and a pro-seminar, the Professional Classicist. Spring 2003: Professional Classicist for Dissertation Writers and a class in Religious Studies on Early Christianities. Fall 2003 and Winter 2004 a series of seminars on Ancient Asceticism; Spring 2004 Professional Classicist (Pedagogy); Classics 117. Fall 2004-Spring 2005: Professional Classicist (Intro to graduate study; Pedagogy). Fall 2005-Spring 2006: Greek Historiography, Classics 117. Spring 2007 Classics 117; Winter 2008 Majors’ Seminar

(Writing in the Major): Exemplarity in Greek and Roman Culture. Fall 2008 Martyrdom in the Ancient World; Winter 2009 Majors’ seminar (Writing in the Major); Fall 2009 Majors’ Seminar, Martyrdom in the Ancient World; Winter 2010 Majors’ Seminar; fall 2010 Greek 101, New Testament and Lysias; Winter 2011 Majors’ seminar.; spring 2012 Gender Violence and the Body; Ancient Medicine
