Mr. BoothbyKEY


Lecture Notes CH 20 Sec 3, 4 and 5

Read pages 614-631 textbook before you begin to answer these questions. Use complete sentences!

Section I

I. Every day at 7:00am 15-year-old Sadie Frowne sat down at her machine in a garment factory in Brooklyn, New York.

1. She probably didn’t have the last name “Frowne for nothing”. Seriously, would you switch places with Sadie if you could?

2. What were some of the more popular jobs for kids in the late 1800’s?

Girls of coarse cooked cleaned and boys sold papers and shined shoes.

3. Why did kids need to work in the late 1800’s and what did Marie Van Vorst do about it? Many kids needed to work to help their families put food on the table/ They only made 40 cents a day or 2.40 a weeks for 10 hours of back breaking work!!!

4. What did progressivism to for child labor?

Looked at the problems and attempted to make change.

5. Look at the sad piece of humanity on page 615. What are your thoughts about this 8 year-olds plight (Write it out in 5-7 sentences on the back of this sheet)?

6. In 1910 how many million Americans lived in poverty?

37.4 Million!

7. What does the chart on page 615 show you about labor and wage conditions in 1900-1910? How did the progrssivist movement affect this graphic?

8. Who was Josephine Goldmark and what did she fight for and how?

9. Do you think we have given women too many rights to women today? Should a women’s place still be at home doing “domestic duties”? Explain and justify your response in 3-5 sentences on the back!

10. Do you work in a union? What are your thoughts on labor unions and how did they come into existence according to page 617 of the text?

11. What happened to labor union membership from 1900-1920?

See graphic on page 618

Section 4 : The Rights of Women and Minorities.

12. During the summer of 1910, a campaign tour for women’s right to vote stopped in Warren, Illinois. The local crowd greeted the female activists with colorful banners

13. What happened in the late 1800’s that accelerated the women’s liberation movement?

Higher education was available and it opened their minds to what was possible

14. What percentage of college students were women in 1870, 1910, 1950, and 2000 (The last 2 aren’t in the textbook)? 20/ 40/ 46/ 57%

15. How easily could women become a doctor or lawyer in 1910? Has that changed today? Very difficult or impossible / Today some believe it is easier for a female to become a doctor or lawyer.

16. Do you think it is easier for women to get upper level jobs than men?

Many say yes, but interestingly enough a female still hasn’t became president!

17. What is “temperance” according to the text?

To be able to control ones drinking habits, etc..

18. How did the WCTU and women’s liberation movements lead into the 18th amendment? What was the 18th amendment and why is it crossed out on page 239 of your text?

19. USE THE BACK PAGE (THE REST OF IT) TO: Take notes on the other major reform movements and the presidents involved in them on pages 622-631.