Summer 2011

June1-June 30

Lecture: MW 1:30-4:20 PM, plus internet assignments

Lab: None

Art Appreciation

ART 10303

General Education Course

Art Department, School of Fine Arts

Professor: Benjy Davies

Phone: 245-7372


Office: Fine Arts, Room 108

Office Hours: MW 12:30-1:30

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This 3-credit hour course examines the role of the visual arts from a number of cultural perspectives, or “functions of art”. This course will also study the structure and design components of art, as well as the various media and techniques used to create it. Throughout the semester, we will survey a selection of primarily Western art objects, taking into account the cultural, historical, political, religious, and social forces that influence artistic production. This course is intended for non-majors. Art majors will cover these topics in other courses. Prerequisites: None.




PROGRAM OUTCOMES – The following outcomes have been adopted for the degree program for which this course is required:

The Bachelor of Fine Arts in Visual Art Programhas the following outcomes:

Student is able to:plan and install a professional exhibition of his or her work.

Student is able to: Demonstrate formal and technical proficiency in their area of study.

Student is able to: Exhibit and document their work and experiences professionally.

Student is able to: Explain the historical, cultural and conceptual aspects of their work.

Student is able to: Conduct independent research in the arts.

COURSE OUTCOMES: The following outcomes have been adopted for this course. Alloutcomes listed below have direct relevance to course material. Upon completion of this course students are expected to demonstrate competence in these areas:

Student is able to: write a critical analysis of a famous work of visual art.

Student is able to: relate visual artworks to a variety of “personal functions” of art.

Student is able to: relate visual artworks to a variety of “social and political functions” of art.

Student is able to: Explain how the form and function of objects interact in their life.

Student is able to: List and describe the artwork of at least five visual artists that he/she did not know at the beginning of the course.

Student is able to: List and describe at least five art technique that he/she did not know at the beginning of the course.

Student is able to: write a persuasive essay relating to a controversy in the visual arts.


Students are graded on the quality of their work, their ability to meet deadlines, attend class, and complete projects.

Assignment / Points
Attendance / 2 points deducted for every absence
Forum Discussion (online) / 20 points maximum
Forum Report (written) / 10 points maximum
Written Test (artists and techniques) / 20 points maximum
Research Paper / 20 points maximum
Critical Analysis of Artwork / 20 points maximum
Museum Visit / 10 points maximum
Totals / 100

Exams: One final Written Test, covering artists and art techniques studied in the course.

Quizzes: none


Forum Discussion (20 points)

Each student will participate in an online discussion forum relating to course content. These discussions will help students develop their own ideas about the role of visual art in their own lives and form the basis for several of their written papers.

The forum is located at the following address:

The Forum Discussion portion of the student’s grade will be assessed with this rubric:

Forum Discussion Rubric

CATEGORY / Best / Good / Average / Poor
Quality of Posts
(10 points) / Posts are consistently thoughtful, complete, and original. Ideas are relevant and timely.
(10,9) / Posts are usually thoughtful, complete and mostly original. Most of the ideas are relevant, and fairly timely. (8,7,6) / Posts are somewhat repetitive or tend to be minimal, obvious, or not really relate to the subject. (5,4,3) / Posts sometimes don’t make sense, or are poorly considered. (2,1,0)
Quantity of Posts
(5 points) / At least three substantial original posts and at least two meaningful replies each week. At least 25 posts total. (5) / At least two substantial original posts and at least one meaningful reply each week. At least 15 posts total. (4,3) / At least one substantial original posts and at least one meaningful reply each week. At least 10 posts total. (2) / At least one week without a meaningful original post, few meaningful replies. (1,0)
(5 points) / NO ERRORS of spelling, grammar, capitalization, or punctuation. (5) / One of the criteria was not met.(4,3) / Two criteria were not met. (2) / Three or more criteria were not met. (1,0)

You can email me if you want, but questions about assignments, deadlines and such are fine for the forum. A lot of times, other students have the same question, and it saves us all some time if it’s public. For private concerns you can use email, or see me after class.

Forum Report (10 points)

The discussion forum is designed to develop the students’ ideas about art. The Forum Report is a summary of the major developments of each student’s ideas.

The Forum Report will be evaluated with the following rubric:

Forum Report Rubric

CATEGORY / Best / Good / Average / Belowaverage
Clarity and completeness of answers. / All questions are answered completely and clearly. (7,6) / One question is not answered completely or clearly. (5,4) / Two questions are not answered completely or clearly. (3, 2) / Three or more questions are not answered completely or clearly. (1,0)
Mechanics / Paper is submitted ON TIME, correct format, with NO ERRORS of spelling, grammar, capitalization, or punctuation. (3) / One of the criteria was not met. (2) / Two criteria were not met. (1) / Three or more criteria were not met. (0)

Written Test (20 points)

Each student will begin the course by listing all the artists and art techniques they know. This is the Pre-Test, and will not be graded.

During the course, students will do research online or at the library to learn more about artists and art techniques. Students will post their findings in the discussion forum, and we will discuss these ideas in class as well.

At the end of the course, students will be required to list what they’ve learned in the course. This test will be graded, and will make up the Written Test portion of the grade. For every correct and complete answer, the student will receive 1-2 points, depending on the quality of the answer, for a maximum of 20 points.

Research Paper (20 Points)

Each student will write an original research paper about a controversy in the visual arts.

Paper requirements are as follows:

  • Your paper's subject must be approved by the instructor prior to submission.
  • Research papers cannot contain errors of spelling, grammar, or punctuation. Proofread carefully.
  • All research papers must use MLA citation.
  • All research papers must be submitted in Microsoft Word format, with a .doc or .docx suffix. No other formats are acceptable.
  • Papers must include three sources, only one of which may be electronic (internet).
  • Students may use Wikipedia to help choose a topic, or to find possible sources for further research. However, Wikipedia may not be included as a reference in the bibliography.
  • Research papers should include images appropriate to the paper's content.
  • Papers must be a minimum of 1,000 words.
  • All research papers will be evaluated for length by word count, rather than pages, to account for differences in fonts, margins, pictures, etc. In Microsoft Word, you can check your work count by selecting Tools>Word Count.
  • All papers must be submitted electronically as well as printed. Save your finished paper as "research_astudent.docx", only use your first initial and last name, rather than "astudent". If your instructor requires more than one paper, number the first one as "research_astudent1.docx", the second as "research_astudent2.docx", etc.
  • All papers will be sent through to assure originality. You may want to review the definition of plagiarism, and review the university's policy on academic integrity.
  • No more than 33% of your paper can be cited material. You can't just string together a bunch of quotes to make a paper. Percentages will be determined by

Students must submit all papers electronically to using the class id and password provided.

Research Paper Rubric

CATEGORY / Good / Average / Below Average / Poor
Writing and Ideas (5 points) / Ideas and writing are clear and concise throughout. Central thesis is well-considered and complete. A great deal of information is included. (5,4) / Writing is usually clear, ideas are mostly considered. An adequate amount of information is included.(3,2) / Writing is somewhat confused or repetitive, ideas are not carefully considered. More information is necessary to explain the ideas. (1) / Writing is hard to understand throughout, ideas are confused, unclear, very little information is included.(0)
Research (3 points) / Topic submitted and approved on time, sources identified and obtained on time, outline/draft submitted on time, final paper submitted on time. (3) / One of these was late, or not submitted at all. (2) / Two of these were late, or not submitted. (1) / Three or more of these were late or not submitted. (0)
Paper organization (3 points) / The paper has a clear introduction, provides adequate information about the subject in the body, and has a reasonable summary in the concluding paragraph. (3) / One of these elements is inadequate. (2) / Two of these elements are inadequate. (1) / Three of these elements are inadequate. (0)
Illustrations / Paper has three or more images included that illustrate the main ideas of the paper. (3) / Paper has two images. (2) / Paper has one image. (1) / No images. (0)
Bibliography (3 points) / At least two printed sources are included. At least one internet source. (3) / At least one printed source and one internet source included. (2) / Either one internet or one printed source. (1) / No sources. (0)
Mechanics (3 points) / NO ERRORS of spelling, grammar, capitalization, or punctuation. (3) / One of the criteria was not met. (2) / Two criteria were not met. (1) / Three or more criteria were not met. (0)

Critical Analysis (20 points)

Each student will write a critical analysis of a work of art. Students will use the “Description, Analysis, Interpretation, Evaluation (Judgment)” structure to complete their analyses.

Papers will be assessed using this Rubric:

CATEGORY / Excellent (4) / Good (3) / Average (2) / Belowaverage (1)
Description / Makes a complete and detailed description of the subject matter and/or elements seen in a work. / Makes a detailed description of most of the subject matter and/or elements seen in a work. / Makes a detailed description of some of the subject matter and/or elements seen in a work. / Descriptions are not detailed or complete.
Analysis / Accurately describes several dominant elements or principles used by the artist and accurately relates how they are used by the artist to reinforce the theme, meaning, mood, or feeling of the artwork. / Accurately describes a couple of dominant elements and principles used by the artist and accurately relates how these are used by the artist to reinforce the theme, meaning, mood, or feeling of the artwork. / Describes some dominant elements and principles used by the artist, but has difficulty describing how these relate to the meaning or feeling of the artwork. / Has trouble picking out the dominant elements.
Interpretation / Forms a somewhat reasonable hypothesis about the symbolic or metaphorical meaning and is able to support this with evidence from the work. / Student identifies the literal meaning of the work. / Student can relate how the work makes him/her feel personally. / Student finds it difficult to interpret the meaning of the work.
Evaluation / Uses multiple criteria to judge the artwork, such as composition, expression, creativity, design, communication of ideas. / Uses 1-2 criteria to judge the artwork. / Tries to use aesthetic criteria to judge artwork, but does not apply the criteria accurately. / Evaluates work as good or bad based on personal taste.
Mechanics / Paper is submitted ON TIME, correct format, with NO ERRORS of spelling, grammar, capitalization, or punctuation. / One of the criteria was not met / Two criteria were not met. / Three or more criteria were not met.

Museum Visit

Each student will visit a museum and write a brief paper describing his or her visit. The paper should be a minimum 1,000 words. This is a one-three page paper, but your paper will be evaluated by word count rather than pages, to account for differences in fonts, margins, etc. In Microsoft Word, you can check your work count by selecting Tools>Word Count.

Your paper should contain the following elements:

  • A briefdescription of the Museum itself: the architecture layout of galleries, etc.
  • List 3 pieces that you spent time looking at, with a description of each, including artist's name, date (approximate), media, title. Describe not just what the work looked like, but your emotional, aesthetic, or other reactions to the piece.
  • Your three pieces should include a description of at least one piece of artwork that you liked, one piece that you hated, and one that surprised or intrigued you.
  • Any other comments about your visit.

Other Course Requirements:

Extra Credit Project(s): In special circumstances, extra credit may be assigned, at the discretion of the instructor.

Lecture, Lab and Assignment Information: as above

Classroom and Lab Behavior and Class Participation:

It is expected that each student:

Always comes to class on time and ready to work

Completes all homework and projects on time

Participates in the discussion forum consistently

Attendance and Punctuality

Every absence reduces the final grade for the course by 2 points.

Missing class, arriving late or leaving early will result in a lower grade, regardless of the reason that class is missed. If you are in the hospital having brain surgery, you still lose points for missing class. You cannot make up these points, and you cannot be “excused” from class, regardless of the reason for your absence. If a student is absent and has not submitted the homework/project on the day of the absence, the student loses points for both the absence and the homework.

Vocabulary: included in course website

ADA POLICY: If a student wishes to be identified as having a physical, mental, or learning disability, that may or may not require reasonable accommodation(s), he/she must register with the Office of Accessibility. These registered students should identify themselves to their instructors and provide a written statement from the Accessibility Office that indicates the appropriate accommodations. The process of a student self-proclaiming the need for accommodation should occur as early in the semester as possible. The Office of Accessibility phone is 245-7339 and is located in Rhodes Hall, Room 116, University of Rio Grande.

FERPA: The University of Rio Grande and Rio Grande Community College are committed to fully respecting and protecting the rights of students under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). These rights generally include the right to inspect, review and seek amendment to the student's education records and the right to provide written consent before personally identifiable information from education records is disclosed. Under FERPA, students have the right to file a complaint with the US Department of Education concerning alleged failures to comply with FERPA. Please see the Student Records Confidentiality/Rights Under FERPA section of the Student Handbook for details and more information.

ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Standard universitypolicies, as described in the Student Handbook, apply.

WITHDRAWAL: Standard universitypolicies, as described in the Student Handbook, apply.


This is a tentative schedule, and will be adjusted to maximize learning. In the event of instructor absence for any reason, class will not be cancelled, and students will be expected to attend class and work on assigned projects.

What is due / What we will do in class. / Homework/Internet Assignment.
Weds, June 1 / Nothing / Review Syllabus
Register for Forum, make initial posting, upload avatar, include links and photos in posts
Take Pre-Test (ungraded)
Watch Pollock. / Post ideas for Reseach Paper
Post reactions to Pollock
Post response to "What is Art?"
Monday, June 6 / Ideas for Research Paper
Reactions to Pollock
Plans for Museum Visit
Response to "What is Art?" / Finish watching Pollock.
Art Activity
Discuss Paper Ideas. / Continue discussion of any previous threads.
Research, order sources for Research Paper, post list of sources.
Post response to "Personal Functions of Art"
Post about Art Techniques.
June 8 / Sources for Research Paper
Art Techniques Posts
Response to "Personal Functions of Art" / Discuss Sources
Practice Critical Analysis
Discuss Art Techniques
Watch films / Continue discussion of any previous threads.
Post plans for artwork to write a Critical Analysis about.
Post reactions to films.
Post about artists.
Monday, June 13 / Ideas for artwork to write a Critical Analysis about.
Reactions to films.
Posts about artists. / Art Activity
Practice Critical Analysis
Discuss artists. / Continue discussion of any previous threads.
Complete Critical Analysis, attach to post.
Wednesday, June 15 / Critical Analysis Due / Discuss Research Papers
Watch My Kid Could Paint That / Continue discussion of any previous threads.
Post reactions to My Kid Could Paint That
Friday, June 17 (Internet) / First Draft of Research Paper (submitted to / N/A / N/A
Monday, June 20 / Reactions to My Kid Could Paint That / Art Activity / Continue discussion of any previous threads.
Post response to "Social Functions of Art"
Wednesday, June 22 / Responses to "Social Functions of Art" / Discuss Final Drafts of Research Paper
Watch How to Draw a Bunny / Continue discussion of any previous threads.
Post response to "Physical Functions of Art"
Friday, June 24 (Internet) / Final Draft of Research Paper due (submitted to / N/A / N/A
Monday, June 27 / Museum Visit paper due.
Responses to "Physical Functions of Art" / Art Activity / Continue discussion of any previous threads.
Complete Forum Report.
Wednesday, June 29 / Forum Report due. / Final Exam (artists and techniques)
Grade reviews. / N/A