Lecture 1: Introduction to STATA

1.  The Stata Interface

§  The command window (Stata prompt)

§  The results window

§  The review window

§  The variable window

2.  Change directory

§  Stata starts in its default working folder or directory, typically C:\data or C:\stata ((Pwd *Display the name of the current working directory)

§  STATA is case sensitive

§  Normally you need the cd (Change Directory) command

§  cd “U:\Qi Liu homepage”

§  cd C:\data

§  cd C:/data

3.  Keeping Track of Your Work

§  keep permanent copies of the work you do in Stata.

Ø  log using code.log

§  from then on everything you type and all the output Stata produces automatically is recorded in the .log file you specify

4.  Read data (1): Stata format

§  Check which files are in the directory: dir

§  .dta

Ø  *Datasets stored in Stata format

§  use births

Ø  *load the dataset into memory

5.  Read data (1): spreadsheet

§  Save data as a text file (tab or comma separated)

§  Variables names do not include space

§  Save file

§  clear

§  insheet using births.tab

§  insheet using births.tab,clear

§  insheet using births.csv,comma clear

§  insheet id bweight lowbw gestwks preterm matage hyp sex sexalph using noname.tab, clear (try insheet using births.csv,comma clear and see the difference)

6.  Input data in STATA

§  clear

§  Data Editor icon

§  Input the value (no var name) and enter

§  Double click on the column to change var names

§  Preserve

§  outfile using try.txt (Exercise: clear the memory, read try.txt)

§  outsheet using try.tab (Exercise: clear the memory, read try.tab)

7.  Basic commands

§  browse / Data Browse icon

§  describe / desc

§  summarize (mean, sd and range of non-string variables)

§  summarize var, detail

§  list matage (change screen: Go button/space-bar)

§  list varlist 1/5

§  count *Count observations satisfying specified condition

8.  Stata Syntax

§  command varlist if_expression in_range,options

§  list bweight hyp if sex==1 in 1/10, noobs

9.  Conditions

§  ==

§  <,<=,>,>=

§  !=,~=

§  &,|

§  count if bweight<2000 & sex==1

§  count if bweight<2000 | sex==1

10.  Missing values

§  count if gestwks==.

§  count if gestwks>15

§  count if gestwks>15 & gestwks<.

Ø  Rule:

All numbers are less than . (missing)

§  Change missing values to numeric values

Ø  list gestwks in 1/5

Ø  mvencode _all, mv(.=-9)

Ø  list gestwks in 1/5

§  Change numeric values to missing values

Ø  mvdecode _all, mv(-9=.)

Ø  list gestwks in 1/5

11.  Generating new variables

§  generate var1=1

§  generate var2=3

§  generate var3=(var1+var2)/var2*var1

§  generate var4=log10(var2)/ln(var3)

§  replace var1=10 [if sex==1]

§  gen str5 name="John"

§  recode sex 2=0, generate(sex2)

12.  Exercise:

§  List observations 301 to 320

§  Summarize matage for hypertensive women (hyp=1)

§  Use count to find how many hypertensive women have babies with birth weight less than 2000g

§  Generate bwkgs: birth weight in kilograms

§  list in 301/320

§  summarize matage if hyp==1

§  count if hyp==1 & gestwks<2000

§  generate bwkgs=bweight/1000

Stata's Online Help

There is online help available inside Stata. To get help for a command, simply type "help" and the name of the command.

If you are not sure which command you need, you can type "search" and a keyword. screen.

Alternatively, you can use the "Help" menu, and click on "Stata Command" if you know the command or "Search" if you don't.

Stata displays information one screen at a time. To proceed to the next screen, hit the space bar or click on the more prompt at the bottom left corner of the results window. If you've seen enough, hit control-k (hold down the control key and type k) on Windows or control-c on Unix to cut off the flow of information. Alternatively, click the break button, which is a red circle with an X through it near the top of the Stata window.