Lector Instructions

  1. Please dress in an appropriate manner for your ministry.
  2. If you cannot be present when assigned please find a substitute minister.
  3. Please go to the sacristy down stairs to sign in before Mass.
  4. There is a copy of the Announcements and the Intercessions in the sacristy so that you can look them over before going upstairs.
  5. If necessary take the Lectionary upstairs and place it on the ambo. Open it to the first reading.
  6. When reading please do so slowly and distinctly. Remember that you are proclaiming the word of God to the congregation.
  7. The first lector reads the first reading and the intercessions; the second lector reads the announcements and the second reading.
  8. When reading the announcements before Mass, please begin as soon as the bells have finished ringing.
  9. The first lector will carry the book of the Gospels in the entrance procession;

The Gold Book of the Gospels is used when Father Charlie has Mass, process in to church behind the servers, go right up the steps place the Book standing up on the altar, bow and go to your seat.

The Red Book of the Gospels is used when Father Tom has Mass, process into the church behind the servers, go right up the steps, and lay the book down on the altar, bow and go to your seat. After Fr. Tom has read the gospel he will hand the book to the first lector, please place it on the pew beside you and bring it to the Sacristy after Mass.

  1. After the second reading if we are using the Gold Book of the Gospels, the lector will place the Lectionary on the shelf of the ambo, please make sure the intercessions are not under the book.
  2. After the 4:30 and 11:00 Masses the lectors are to return the Lectionary and the Book of the Gospels to the Sacristy.
  3. After the 8:00 and 9:30 Masses lectors are to return just the Book of the Gospels to the Sacristy, the Lectionary should remain on the Ambo.
  4. Extra schedules are available in the downstairs sacristy in case you have misplaced yours or for some reason did not receive one. The schedule is also posted on the St. Mary web site.
  5. If you know in advance that you will be away please contact Sister Mary Dorothy (323-5539 or ) and you will not be scheduled for that time.