AllMatcheswillbeplayed in accordancewith the


1. / Controlling Body / Region/Division ChampionshipCommittee
2. / Event / Women’sStateTriples(Sectionalformat)
3. / Dates / EntriesClose


Asdetermined byRegion/Division ChampionshipCommittee

5.Starting Times

5.1Region/Division ChampionshipCommitteeswillsetstarttimes for events.

5.2Aplayerorteamwhoisnotavailableto playwithin 30 minutesoftheappointedtime forcommencingthematchwillautomaticallyforfeitthe match.

6.Entry Conditions

Open toallBowlsVictoriaaffiliated Female bowlers.


Playersmustbe fromclubs fromwithin thesameDivision, ifno Division thenRegion.Entriesreceivedaftertheclosingdatewillnotbeaccepted.

7.Format ofPlay

Bowls Victoria Conditions of Play

2016-2017 Womens State Triples (Sectional)

v1 updated 10 September 2018 - pkd


2 BowlTriples

Day1 Sectionalplay 3games of15 ends

SubsequentRoundsincludingFinal18ends- KnockoutPlay(numberofgamesperdaysetbyControllingBody)

Bowls Victoria Conditions of Play

2016-2017 Womens State Triples (Sectional)

v1 updated 10 September 2018 - pkd

8.1TheblinddrawsfortheSectionalroundswillbeconductedbytheRegion/Division ChampionshipCommittee.

8.2Oncethedraws have been published, nolate entrieswillbeacceptedandthedraw willnotbechanged.

9.Trial Ends

9.1Onetrialendineachdirectionmaybepermittedpriorto the commencementtime,andmustbecompletedbeforethedesignatedcommencement time.

10.Slow Play – Delaying Play

10.1If theumpire,eitherbytheir own observation oronappealfromoneon the skips ortheopponentinsingles,decidesthata playerisunnecessarilydelayingthedeliveryof theplayer’sbowl:

  • On thefirstoccasion theumpirewillwarn theplayer
  • If theplayercommitsthe sameoffence a secondtimethe endwillberegarded ascompletedandtheopponentsoftheoffenderwillscoreasmany shotsastherearebowlsinuse by such opponent.
  • If theplayeroffends athirdtimethe gamewillbeforfeited to theopponent.



CONDITIONSOFPLAY (Sectional) (continued)

AllMatcheswillbeplayed in accordancewith the



11.1Playersduetoparticipateina higherleveleventon the sameday asthatscheduled forknockout,sectionalandpost-sectionalplaycanapplyto theControllingBody forprotection

11.2If theeventcannotberescheduledthen theparticipantconcernedwillhave to decidewhich eventto contest.

12.Footwearand Attire


12.2Compositeteamsmay wearalternativeapparelprovideditadheresto BowlsVictoriaRegulationsforAttirePolicy.



TheChampionshipwillbeplayedin accordancewiththe 2015 Lawsof theSportofBowls, the BA Domestic Regulationsandthe 2016/2017 BV Rules forCompetition.

Bowls Victoria has introduced the following:-

A Region or Division conducting a State event shall have power to apply a penalty, solely in the case of a dispute that involves non-appearance by a person or persons who having nominated for a State event fail to appear at the appropriate time and location without prior advice to the controlling body at least 24 hours prior with good cause.

In such circumstances the onus is on the player/s to provide satisfactory reason and evidence for non-appearance. Such penalty shall be $50 for each occasion payable within 21 days from the date of the scheduled event. Failure to make payment within the prescribed time will result in the person/s being rendered ineligible in further State events for a period of 12 months from the date of the offence.


Bowls Victoria Conditions of Play

2016-2017 Womens State Triples (Sectional)

v1 updated 10 September 2018 - pkd