
Lección 12 Topic: LA VIVIENDA

Describe the house you grew up in. What was like? What chores did you have to do as a child?

Alternatively, you can talk about your parents'/grandparents' home and what chores they did as children.

You should use the imperfect and the preterite tenses. Write at least 10 sentences.


Categories / Description / Examples / Included √
Vocabulary / Parts of a house / 1
Household chores / 1
Grammar / 6.3 The preterite tense / 1
10.1 The imperfect tense / 4
10.2 The preterite and the imperfect / (both)
12.1 Relative pronouns / 1
Other / Complete Sentences / 10 min
Topic discussed: la vivienda
Preterite & imperfect only (can include present)
All advanced grammar / vocabulary underlined & sourced

Written Assignments: Guidelines:

The written assignment is graded on: grammar, vocabulary, flow, structure, comprehensibility and content. Upon submitting this assignment to dropbox, the instructor will not correct errors, but may instead underline any errors in your work as well as make suggestions for improvement. You may then use this same assignment for the oral assignment for this chapter. You are encouraged to make improvements and corrections, and you may re-submit to smarthinking if needed.

When submitting your answers: either copy and paste your answers directly into the comment box (this makes grading quicker for the instructor) or submit your answers in one of the following document formats: pdf, doc, or docx. Other formats such as .wps & .pages are not acceptable.

2 points extra credit when you use the SmartThinking tutors before submitting this assignment. You must attach the Smarthinking tutor markup to receive credit.

Written & Oral Assignments: Guidelines

There is the same topic for the written & oral dropbox assignments. Assigning one topic allows students the opportunity to review and improve their understanding of the Spanish grammar and vocabulary. This process of review and re-working is an essential part of learning and retaining a language.

You must only use the vocabulary from the current chapter in addition to vocabulary from previous chapters.

If you use vocabulary from another source other than your textbook, you will receive a ZERO GRADE for that assignment.

If you wish to use a word that doesn’t appear in your textbook, you must underline that word. You must then add a footnote including the entry of the word and the source (web address or dictionary title).

You must only use the grammar from the current chapter in addition to grammar from previous chapters.

If you use more advanced grammar that appears in later chapters or from other sources, you will receive a ZERO GRADE for that assignment.

If you wish to use a grammar structure that is more advanced, you must underline it and then in the footnote briefly explain why you have used it


Criteria / Level 4
4 points / Level 3
3 points / Level 2
2 points / Level 1
1 point / Level 0
0 points
GRÁMATICA Grammar / No major or minor grammar errors / No major grammar problems some minor problems. / Some major and minor grammar problems, but meaning is still clear / Mostly major and some minor grammar problems, which interfere in meaning. / Significant grammar and vocabulary problems, which significantly distort meaning.
Advanced grammar used without explanation
VOCABULARIO Vocabulary / Vocabulary is used correctly. / Vocabulary is used mostly correctly. / Mostly minor vocabulary errors. / Major & minor vocabulary errors. / Mostly major vocabulary errors
Vocabulary used which doesn’t appear in textbook, and hasn’t been sourced.
FLUIDEZ flow / Ideas flow well
A good start, middle, and end. / Ideas flow
A fairly good start, middle and end. Possibly lacking in detail. / Ideas flow somewhat
Sentences are good, but lack proper order. Some details lacking. / Ideas do not flow well
Sentences lack details and sentences need moving to make sense or additional sentences needed. / Ideas do not flow
Sentences lack major details and sentences need moving to make sense and additional sentences needed.
ESTRUCTURA Structure / Linking words used well, where needed. / Linking words used adequately, where needed. / Few linking words used, where needed.
Ideas do not flow. / No linking words used, where needed.
The paragraph reads like a list of sentences. / Not written in correct form: paragraph or dialogue.
COMPRENSIÓN Comprehensibility / Comprehensible. No interference from first language. / Mostly comprehensible.
Occasional interference from first language. Mostly false cognates. / Generally comprehensible. The message is unclear in places, a few non-Spanish words used. / Mostly incomprehensible. The language used is sometimes distorted by interference from first language. / Completely incomprehensible.
The language used is often distorted by interference from first language.
CONTENIDO Content / Complete
Includes every item in checklist. / Mostly complete
Includes most items in checklist. / Somewhat complete
Includes some items in checklist. / Mostly incomplete
Includes a few items in checklist. / Lacking
Includes no items in checklist.
Overall Score / Level 5
29 or more / Level 4
23 or more / Level 3
17 or more / Level 2
11 or more / Level 1
0 or more