October 18, 2014

Board members present were Meda Cobb, Keith Johnston, Jim Kear, Myung Pulver, Russ Simmons, and John Single. Board members, Hugh Hanchey, Cindy Rywak, and David Senter, were absent.

Call to Order: President Russ Simmons called the meeting to order in the Welcome Center at 10:05 am.

Approval of Minutes: The Board reviewed from the September 20, 2014 Board meeting as prepared by Meda Cobb. Keith Johnston made a motion to approve the minutes as presented and Jim Kear seconded the motion. All Board members present voted in favor of approval.

Jim Kearmade a motion at approximately 10:15 am to go in to executive session for legal reasons. Meda Cobb seconded the motion.Keith Johnston made a motion for the Board to move out of executive session and Meda Cobb seconded the motion. All Board members present concurred at approximately 11:15 am.

Arrowhead Discussion:PresidentRuss Simmons and Treasurer Keith Johnston again met with Burt Luce to discuss working on cooperative agreements between Leatherwood Mountains POA and Arrowhead Properties. Burt Luce’s attorney has prepared a proposed set of covenants for Arrowhead that includes the Planned Communities Act of 1999. ATVs, golf carts, etc. are not in the proposed covenants but the POA can determine rules for such vehicles separately.

Roads, Gate, Security, Employees, etc.:Jim Kear reported that all roadwork is complete and the road budget has been exhausted for this year. Jim reported that everything in the plan for the year was accomplished and the road committee was able to add some additional issues that came up after the plan was finalized. All work was done with an addition of $8,000 over the original budget, money that was moved from other areas.This work was possible due to the value pricing we continue to receive from Hoffman Paving and the efforts of the road committee (Jim Kear, Russ Simmons, and Mark Clark.) The committee has already prepared an equally ambitious plan for 2015. Jim reported that there was an offer to purchase the old POA blower but the employees decided to keep it for parts to save on repair expenses. The POA employees have requested uniforms because of the filthy jobs they perform as well as a way to be identified by Leatherwood residents and guests. This is being researched by the committee.

Facilities:Myung Pulver reported from the committee information about the proposed community pavilion. The pavilion will be a capital improvement for the Leatherwood POA. The pavilion will provide a location for the POA to hold meetings and social events within Leatherwood. It will also include space to house records for the Association as well as security cameras for the gate area. Detailed drawings of the pavilion as an extension of the pool complex were presented. There was a consensus of the Board members present to move forward with the process including surveying the site.

Treasurer’s Report –Keith Johnston reported on his proposed revision of the categories to be presented on each financial report. The new categories are much more representative of the Leatherwood POA than the standard categories. This format will become effective for 2015.

New Business:ATV use - a member has asked if he could get permission to use his ATV to move equipment to the horse trail he has signed up for under the Adopt-a-Trail program. It was discussed that ATV's and horses on the same trail is dangerous and that loppers are the heaviest equipment that should be needed. Downed trees should be reported to our maintenance people for removal by them or a trail committee member. The board decided to defer until a later meeting any discussion of the current covenant that prohibits the use unlicensed vehicles on Leatherwood roads.

The next meeting date was set for November 15, 2014 at 10 a.m. in the Welcome Center. The next meeting after November 2014 is scheduled for January 10, 2015.

There being no further business, John Single moved and Jim Kear seconded a motion for the meeting to be adjourned and all were in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Meda Cobb
