RattlesnakeMountain Section
AACE International
Section 1. Geographical Area
The geographical area served by this Section shall be those boundaries generally defined to be the Columbia River Basin Area, commonly referred to as the CRBA.
Section 2. Abbreviations
- In these Bylaws the Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering International (AACE International) is referred to as “AACEi”.
- In these Bylaws the Rattlesnake Mountain (RSM) Section of AACEi will be referred to as the “Section”.
- In these Bylaws the Board of Directors will hereafter be to hereafter as the “Board”.
- The membership class of the Section will be the same as the membership class of AACEi. (Member, Associate, or Student)
- A year, described under the Terms of Office, shall extend from June 1 of the current calendar year through May 31 of the following calendar year.
Section 1. Officers Defined
The officers of the Section shall be the following:
Vice President
Section 2. Management of Section
The government and management of the Section is vested in the Board, except as otherwise provided in the AACEi Constitution and these Bylaws.
Section 3. Composition of the Board
The Board shall consist of the following Section members; the
Vice President
Most recent Past President,
Four General Directors,and the
Section 4. Qualifications for Officers
All Officers and Board Members shall be Members or Associate Members of this Section and of the AACEi. Officers and Board Members shall be elected by Members and Associate Members of this Section.
Section 5. Board Quorum
Any six Board Members, present and voting, shall constitute a quorum of the Board.
Section 1. Eligibility for Membership
Every Member, Associate Member or Student Member of AACE International, in good standing, is eligible for membership in this Section.
Section 2. Requirements for Membership
Membership in this Section by any individual eligible for membership will become effective upon their payment of section dues, and shall continue as long as that individual remains a member in good standing in the national Association and current in their payment of section dues. Members failing to pay their dues, section or national, within ninety (90) days of the due date are automatically transferred to inactive status and will have no voice in the government of this section. Inactive members may become active in the section by paying, in full, annual dues for the current year; provided they also are members in good standing of the AACEi.
Section 3. Applicants for Membership
Section dues may be waived for no more than one year for applicants for membership (upon request of applicant) and for Student Members.
Section 4. Classes of Membership
The classes of membership shall be as follows:
Associate Member, or
Student Member.
Members and Associate Members are entitled to all privileges defined in these Bylaws. Student Members are entitled to all privileges defined in these Bylaws except for voting and holding elective office.
Section 1. Terms of Office for Officers
Officers shall serve a term of one year.
Section 2. Terms of Office for Directors
Directors shall serve terms as follows:
Most recent past president -1 year,
Directors - 2 years each (Alternate terms two new Directors to be elected each year),
Webmaster – 2 years.
Section 3. Installation of Officers
Officers and Directors shall be installed in office at the meeting prior to the AACEi annual meeting, but in no event later than June 1.
Section 1. President
The President, or in case of the absence of the president the Vice President, shall preside at all meetings of the Board or the Section and perform those duties enumerated in ARTICLE V, Section la., and such other duties as customarily pertain to the office of President and Vice President. If the President and Vice President are both absent, a Director shall preside.
The President shall serve as the chief executive officer of the Section and shall maintain the integrity and carry out the purpose of the Association, as set forth in the AACEi Constitution. Specific duties of the President include (but are not limited to):
- Prepare the agenda, convene, and conduct all Section meetings
- Establish a Section calendar for the year with input from the Section Officers and Board
- Assign the four Directors to serve as heads of the various Standing Committees
- Receive reports from the various Standing Committees. Such reports will be made available to the various members of the Board of Directors
- Approve emergency spending authorizationsafter receiving the concurrence of a majority of the Officers and Board
- Provide quarterly newsletter to Section membership about past and upcoming events
- Present awards at ceremonies.
Section 2. Vice President
In the absence of the President the Vice President shall perform all duties of the President. Other specific duties include:
a. Assisting the President to counsel, guide, and coordinate the efforts of the Section and Standing Committees
b. Ensuring new projects are consistent with established policy and guidelines, especially the AACEi Constitution
c. Serving as liaison between the Board and the Standing and Special Committees
d. Establishing schedules and due dates for various committee activities and studies
e. Coordinating interactions with other professional societies
f. Arranging for the technical programs to include:
Selection of topics and speakers, obtaining commitments from speakers, selection of meeting location and coordination of arrangements for each meeting to include audio visual needs, providing snacks for meetings or coordinating menus for dinner meetings; planning and conducting of technical seminars and tours.
The Board shall review and assist in the above activities involving the technical program.
Section 3. Secretary
Specific duties of the Secretary shall include (but are not limited to):
a. Keeping minutes of Board meetings
b. Keeping minutes of Section meetings
c. Keeping a roster of members
d. Preparing and distributing meeting announcements, maintaining records of attendance at meetings and submit meeting roster to AACEi
e. Maintaining the Section archives and passing the archives and any temporary records to the next Secretary, when a new secretary is named and installed;
f. Prepare the Annual Section Recognition Award Entry (to be submitted by June 1st).
Section 4. Treasurer
Treasurer shall collect and have charge of the funds of the Section and shall disburse funds only upon the authority of the Section President or Board. All accounts shall be audited at least once a year, and prior to the end of each operating year, by an Auditing Committee established by the Board for that purpose.
Disbursements which arise during the normal course of business (e.g. charges for reproduction services, meal service during section meetings and the like) shall be deemed to have had prior approval by the President and the Board.
Specific duties of the Treasurer shall include (but are not limited to):
a. Maintenance of orderly and auditable financial records for the Section
b. Preparation of an Annual Treasurer's Report, to be presented to the general membership in January
c. Preparation of periodic Treasurer's Reports, to be submitted to the Board at such times as may be deemed necessary by the President or the Board
d. Establishing and maintaining financial accounts in which the funds of the Section shall be deposited
e. Preparing and signing checks to cover the cost of Section business
f. Collecting funds due the Section and maintaining adequate records of such collections
g. Maintaining lists of members who are in arrears of Section or AACEi dues and for notifying members of their deficiency
h. Collecting monies for defraying dinner charges at Section meetings, maintaining lists of personnel making dinner reservations and comparing such lists to actual attendance
i. Controlling and holding in safe keeping all section property. Schedules of such property shall be maintained by the Treasurer and passed to the next Treasurer, when a new Treasurer is named and installed.
Section 5. Past President
Duties of the Past President shall include:
a. Serving as a Director on the Board
b. Serving as the Chair of the Nominating Committee
c. Preparing for publication articles of general interest to the Section
d. Improving and enhancing Section performance, as measured against the goals of the Section and the AACEi.
Section 6. Duties of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall:
a. Have the power to make regulations consistent with the AACEi Constitution and Bylaws, as necessary for the proper conduct of the affairs of the Section and the protection of property and preservation of good order the conduct of Section affairs
b. Present business for the action of the Section at Section meetings
c. Adopt policy and provide any special authority for disbursement of funds by the Treasurer
d. Establish an Auditing Committee to examine the accounts of the Treasurer prior to the end of the operating year in May, or at any time as deemed necessary
e. Receive and act upon reports of the Standing Committees. The Board of Directors may delegate reasonable powers to the Chairs of the standing committees, but may not delegate spending authority
f. Review results and recommendations of Special Committees such as for the selection of the Scholarship Committee
g. The Board of Directors may from time to time divest funds for a scholarship in the field of Cost Engineering. Immediate family members of a Director or Officer of the Section are not eligible for such scholarships. Other criteria for the selection of scholarship awards shall be made following the practice of the AACEi. The Board will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that matching contributions from AACEi are available to successful applicants for the scholarship.
Section 7. Duties of the Webmaster
The Webmaster shall keep the Section’s website in working order, and shall update and keep current the information therein in a timely matter.
Section 1. Standing Committees
Standing committees are appointed by the Board no later than the meeting following the installation of Officers and shall serve terms of one year.
Section 2. Conduct of Committees
The committees shall devise their own rules of procedure subject to the approval of the Board.
Section 3. Required Standing Committees
There will be at least the following Standing Committees:
Section 3.1 Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee is responsible for the selection of candidates to serve as Officers and Directors of the Section. Duties of the Nominating Committee are outlined inArticle IX.
Section 3.2 Membership Committee
The Membership Committee is responsible for the promotion of the Rattlesnake Mountain Section-AACEi and the augmentation of the membership size of the Section.
Section 3.3 Scholarship Committee
The Scholarship Committee shall make announcements of the availability of scholarships from the Section to local colleges and universities, receive applications, screen candidates, and select recipients.
Section 3.4 Certification/Education Committee
The function of the Certification/Education Committee is to be the Point-of-Contact with AACEi headquarters regarding the certification exams and to arrange for certification exams hosted by the Section (up to four per year), and conduct technical seminars, provide technical training and tours in keeping with the goals of AACEi. The Committee will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that seminars and lectures receive Continuing Education Units (CEU) and that seminars are conducted jointly (when applicable) with local colleges and universities.
Section 3.5 Publicity Committee
The Publicity Committee will produce the section newsletter,preparing abstracts and announcements of the speaker's topics for distribution,maintain contact with local media, submit section news to AACEi, and promote public awareness of Section activities.
Section 4. Special Committees
Special Committees may be appointed by the Board as required, and shall serve terms as required to accomplish their purpose, but in no event shall the term be longer than one year.
Section 1. Annual Business Meeting
An Annual Business will be called by the Section President to plan the calendar, identify the areas of focus, and review the expectations of the Officers and Board.
Section 2. Board Meetings
In addition to their other duties prescribed herein, the Board shall meet monthly at least eleven times a year, or more often on the call of the President or any three members of the Board. If the President and Vice President are both absent, a Director shall preside.
Section 3. Section Technical Meetings
The Section will hold at least six technical meetings each year.
Section 4. Normal Meeting Dates
Board meetings shall generally be held on the first Wednesday of each month from August to June. The dates for the technical meetings will be established as part of the Section calendar and are generally held the third Tuesday of the month.
Section 5. Conduct of Business
Questions requiring rulings not specifically provided for in the AACEi Constitution or Bylaws shall be decided in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, Revised.
Section 6. Order of Business
The order of business at every business meeting of the Section shall be determined by the agenda prepared by the presiding officer, or lacking an agenda, in the following order:
- Reading of the minutes
- Report of the Board of Directors
- Committee Reports
- Other business.
Section 7. Location of Meetings
The time and location of each meeting shall be the responsibility of the Vice President. The Secretary shall notify each member, at least one (1) week prior to the meeting.
Section 1. Annual Dues
Each member shall pay to AACEi Headquarters annual dues, payable with any dues to AACEi, as follows:
Members and Associate Members $15.00
Student Members No Charge
AACEi Emeritus and Honorary No Charge
Life Members No Charge
Section 2. Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Section shall extend from January 1 to December 31.
Section 3. Spending Limits
The Board shall have no power to make the Section liable for any debts. The Board shall make no commitment that exceeds the amount of funds in the Treasury, in cash, after allowance is made for prior commitments which have not yet been paid.
Section 1. Nominating Committee
It shall be the purpose of the Nominating Committee to select at least one candidate for each office and directorship which are to become vacant. The Committee must obtain the agreement of each individual to serve if elected. The Nominating Committee shall report its proposed selection of candidates, accompanied by a brief biographical sketch, of each candidate in February.
Section 2. General Proposal of Candidates
Any member, not already proposed by the Nominating Committee, may be proposed for nomination by at least five members in good standing, such proposal to be written and signed by each of the five members and must be submitted to the Secretary at least 30 days prior to the announced date of the election.
Section 3. Conduct of Elections
If only one candidate is nominated for each of the available vacancies, the Board may elect to proceed with the election as outlined under “Undisputed Election”. If more than one candidate is nominated for any of the vacancies, the election must proceed as outlined under “Disputed Election”.
A. Undisputed Election
Undisputed elections will follow the general time table given below:
Time Period / Responsible Committee/Officer / DutyJanuary/February / Nominating Committee / Committee determines vacant positions and identifies at least one candidate for each position; solicits interest from the membership
February / Nominating Committee / Committee announces list of candidates, publication of biographic data, and distributes to the membership
March / Membership / Consideration of the election slate by the membership
April / Membership / General voting by Section Members and Associates in good standing present at the section meeting, announcement of results
May / Board and Officers / Installation of officers
B. Disputed Election
When there is more than one candidate for any office, or at the discretion of the Board of Directors voting will be done by paper ballot. Arrangements will follow the general time table given below.
Time Period / Responsible Committee/Officer / DutyJanuary/ February / Nominating Committee / Committee determines vacant positions and identifies at least one candidate for each position; solicits interest from the membership
February / Nominating Committee / Prepare ballots and instructions. Names shall be in alphabetical order. Instructions will clearly state as to the appropriate marking to be used. Ballots are to be returned nested inside of two envelopes, which are to be supplied with the ballot to each elector. The smaller inner envelope is to be plain, and the outer, used for mailing will be stamped “Ballot” and have a space for the voter's signature. Mail or deliver ballots and a short biography of the candidates. This may be a reproduction of the data previously submitted in February.
March / General Membership / Receive the ballots, consider the slate, vote, and return the nested envelopes to the Secretary.
March / Secretary / Receive the ballots from the general membership. Confirm signatures on the outer envelopes against the roll of Members and Associate Members. Remove the plain envelopes, date and initial.
March / President / Select a Teller Committee to count the Ballots. Members of the Board, Nominating Committee members, and nominees for office are not eligible to serve on this committee.
March / Teller Committee / Receive all ballots from the Secretary. Ensure that each envelope is sealed. Open the ballots and tabulate the votes. Surrender the tabulation to the Secretary.
April / Secretary / Compare the tabulation of votes against the total number of ballots received. Retain records of the Teller Committee and the Ballots for three months after the voting.
April / Secretary and Teller committee / Announce the results of the voting.
May / Secretary and Teller committee / Installation of Officers. Notification of AACEi. Notification may be as late as June first.
Section 4. Removal from Office