Name ______Date ______Per. ______
Learning Styles, Multiple Intelligences, Metacognition & Learning Strategies
I. What are Learning Styles? –
Types of Learning Styles:
II. What are Multiple Intelligences? –
Types of Multiple Intelligences:
III. What is Metacognition? –
Metacognitive Skills:
IV. What are Learning Strategies or Skills? –
Learning Strategies:
Name ______Date ______Per. ______
Learning Styles, Multiple Intelligences, Metacognition & Learning Strategies
I.What are Learning Styles? –The different ways we learnas individuals
Types of Learning Styles:
1. Visual/Spatial - You prefer using pictures/images– See it
2. Auditory - You prefer using sound and music. – Hear it
3.Physical/Tactile/Kinesthetic - You prefer using your body, hands and sense of touch. – Do it
4. Verbal - You prefer using words, both in speech and/or writing. – Say it or Write it
5.Logical - You prefer using logic/reasoning and systems. – Math, Science, Problem solving, Using formulas
6.Social - You prefer to learn in groups or with other people.
7.Solitary - You prefer to work alone and use self-study
II. What are Multiple Intelligences? –different kinds of minds learn in different ways(students possess different kinds of minds and therefore learn, remember, perform, and understand in different ways)
Types of Multiple Intelligences:
1. Visual/Spatial Intelligence(images, pictures, art)
2. Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence(speaking, writing)
3. Logical/Mathematical Intelligence(math & science)
4. Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence(moving around, active)
5. Musical/RhythmicIntelligence(sounds & music)
6. Interpersonal Intelligence(Groups)
7. Intrapersonal Intelligence (Individual)
8. Naturalist Intelligence - this involves having an affinity with the natural world that enables people to recognize and develop a detailed understanding of animals, plants, and other natural phenomena (outdoors, hiking, camping)
III. What is Metacognition? – Thinking about thinking; awareness or analysis of one's own learning or thinking processes (PAYING ATTENTION, FOCUSING, BEING PRESENT OR MINDFUL):
Metacognitive Skills:
1.Goal Setting – knowing what you want to know & planning how to get the information
2. Metamemory– Knowing how to access & use your memory
3.Metacomprehension– Knowing how to interpret what you are learning to increase understanding
4.Self-regulation – Knowing how to change your learning style to increase understanding
5.Assessment & Evaluation – testing what you know or what you have learned, identifying our strengths AND weaknesses
6. Reflection – thinking about what you have learned &internalizing it
7. Self-actualization - Eventually, you begin to use the process without even being aware that you are doing so.
IV. What are Learning Strategies or Skills? – activities & tools we use to help us learn
Learning Strategies:
1.Cornell Notes(organizing info. for filing in your brain)
2.T3Cs summaries (metacomprehension)
3.QAR, Citing your sources
4.Close Reading, Review (Mastery)
5.Journal Responses (Reflection)
Write a T3Cs Paragraph. Describe your learning style(s).
Name ______Date ______Per. ______
Learning Styles, Multiple Intelligences, Metacognition & Learning Strategies
I. What are Learning Styles? – The different ways we learnas individuals
Types of Learning Styles:
1. Visual/Spatial - You prefer using pictures/images, and spatial understanding.
2. Auditory - You prefer using sound and music.
3. Physical/Tactile/Kinesthetic - You prefer using your body, hands and sense of touch.
4. Verbal - You prefer using words, both in speech and writing.
5. Logical - You prefer using logic/reasoning and systems.
6. Social - You prefer to learn in groups or with other people.
7. Solitary - You prefer to work alone and use self-study
II. What are Multiple Intelligences? – students possess different kinds of minds and therefore learn, remember, perform, and understand in different ways
Types of Multiple Intelligences:
1. Visual/Spatial Intelligence (images, pictures, art)
2. Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence (speaking, writing)
3. Logical/Mathematical Intelligence (math & science)
4. Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence (moving around, active)
5. Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence (sounds & music)
6. Interpersonal Intelligence (Groups)
7. Intrapersonal Intelligence (Individual)
8. Naturalist Intelligence - this involves having an affinity with the natural world that enables people to recognize and develop a detailed understanding of animals, plants, and other natural phenomena (outdoors, hiking, camping)
III. What is Metacognition? – Thinking about thinking; awareness or analysis of one's own learning or thinking processes (PAYING ATTENTION):
Metacognitive Skills:
1. Goal Setting – knowing what you want to know & planning how to get the information
2. Metamemory – Knowing how to access & use your memory
3. Metacomprehension – Knowing how to interpret what you are learning to increase understanding
4. Self-regulation – Knowing how to change your learning style to increase understanding
5. Assessment & Evaluation – testing what you know or what you have learned
6. Reflection – thinking about what you have learned & internalizing it
7. Self-actualization - Eventually, you begin to use the process without even being aware that you are doing so.
IV. What are Learning Strategies or Skills? – activities & tools we use to help us learn
Learning Strategies:
1. Cornell Notes
2. T3Cs summaries
3. QAR
4. Close Reading
5. Journal Responses (Reflection)