Learning in Small Groups with an Organizer


Easily adapted and simplified for age, education, local language,

culture etc. with school support.

Dr Bob Boland & Team

MD, MPH (Johns Hopkins), ITP (Harvard) ex UN


January 2015

Source: IACP, NCAAD, NIH etc

Powerpoint & Audio freely available


Copyright: RGAB/1



This is brief training to help young people with alcohol control. It is dedicated to those who can help others avoid alcohol abuse.

¨Don’t be afraid to say No. Connect with your friends, and avoid negative peer pressure because you don't have to go along … to get along!¨

Alcohol in moderation, may be good for health and morale, but alcohol abuse with uncontrolled drinking, can produce very serious damage:

a.  Neglecting Responsibilities at home, work, or school. For example: neglecting children, performing poorly at work, poor or failing grades in school, skipping out of commitments etc.

b.  Drinking Alcohol in Dangerous Situations. For example: operating machinery, driving, frequenting bad neighborhoods, mixing alcohol with medications etc..

c.  Getting into Legal Problems. For example: legal arrest, fights, drunk, disorderly conduct, domestic disputes etc.

d.  Continual Relationship Problems. For example: with teachers, partners, friends and family etc.

The program works well for a MG - Main Group of 24 persons, in 6 SG - small groups (4 persons), with an Organizer, and no need for an Instructor.

It tries to be an amusing program, because we all learn better when we can laugh.

Perhaps check up on the key resource data for the program? It is an excellent free website: ICAP International Center for Alcoholic Policies:


The key measurement of alcohol control is BAC – Blood Alcohol Content. BAC under 0.020% is acceptable. BAC of 0.020% is 20mg per 100ml of blood). BAC up to 0.080% is with risk. BAC at 0.080% is intoxication. BAC at higher levels is with high risk. BAC above 0.30% can lead to death.

Some useful alternatives to alcohol are listed in Appendix D (coming later).

Question: Are you ready for the program?



Item Minutes Group Page


Sect. 1 – Introduction 10 MG 4

Sect. 2 – Review 30 SG 5

Sect 3 Study – Community & Body 20 MG/SG 9

Sect. 4 Study – Drinking Measures 20 MG/SG 11

Sect. 5 Review 20 SG 12

Minimum minutes 120

Maximum 180


Sect. 6 Study – Promotion & Dangers 20 MG/SG 13

Sect. 7 Case Studies 20 SG 16

Sect. 8 Study – Lifestyle 20 MG/SG 17

Sect. 9 – Review 30 SG 18

Sect. 10 Learning Maintenance 10 MG 18

Minimum minutes 120

Maximum 180


A – Glossary 19

B – Quiz & Answer Sheets 22

C - Exercise 32

D – Advice on Attitudes 33

E - Further study & powerpoint 35


1.  INTRODUCTION (MG) – 10 minutes

1.1  Objectives

The program is SG training for young people directly or indirectly involved in the motivation of alcohol control in a specific community. The specific learning objectives are:

a.  To become familiar with the language, customs and concepts of alcohol control in a community.

b.  To develop skills to help young people for both the prevention and management of alcohol control.

c. To motivate young people to manage the risk of alcohol abuse in terms of: health, family, education, relationships, cultural impacts, health care etc.

d. To motivate further study in the future.

Need to find ways to motivate young people to believe, that they can really achieve their very personal objectives, with mental and physical health, and without the harm caused by alcohol abuse, violence or damage to family and the community.

1.2 Syllabus

Alcohol problems in the community. Alcohol problems in the body. Strength of alcohol drinks. Measures. Drinking and danger. Sobering up. Alcohol and life style. Binge drinking. Intoxication. The good news

1.2  Guide to the Learning

The AGL autonomous group learning system, creates a continually active learning environment, with lectures in MG Main Group, but mainly based upon learning in SG (4), with text and cases, assisted by an organizer. The two parts of the program can be completed in a morning or on separately. Each part involves a main group lecture and small group discussion of text and cases. Pre-learning with a 30 minute audio tape introduces the concepts and makes the learning easier. A quiz at the start and end of the program measures the progress. Review of the Glossary and other appendices and the KLP.s, reinforces the learning. Powerpoint audio visual for whole program..

2.  REVIEW (SG) – 30 minutes

2.1 First do the quiz (Appendix B)

2.1 Then briefly review the KLP - Key Learning Points


1.  Common Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse include: a pattern of drinking that results in harm to health, interpersonal relationships and ability to work. Poverty is a significant factor in the dangerous non-commercial alcohol market.

2.  Abuse - Neglecting Responsibilities at home, work, or school. For example: neglecting children, performing poorly at work, poor or failing grades in school, skipping out of commitments etc.

3.  In the body, alcohol is a nervous system depressant, affecting every organ. It goes directly into the bloodstream, to damage judgment, promote unsafe behaviors, and possible resulting death.

4.  The immediate effects of drinking depend on the BAC Blood Alcohol Concentration, which varies with sex, weight, body composition and speed of drinking.

5.  Women are more affected than men, A small person is more affected than a big person. A person who has empty stomach is more alcohol affected, than one who has eaten a big meal. A person who drinks rarely will be more affected than a person who drinks regularly.


1.  Alcohol contributes many deaths annually, making it the third leading cause of preventable mortality in the U.S., after tobacco and obesity.

2.  The immediate effects of drinking depend on the blood alcohol concentration (BAC) which varies with eating, sex, weight, body composition and speed of drinking.

3.  The strength of alcohol drinks varies considerably with different drinks e.g. beer may have 2% to 9% alcohol by volume (BAC). The key measurement of alcohol control is BAC – Blood Alcohol Content. BAC under 0.020 is excellent. BAC of 0.020% is 20mg per 100ml of blood.). BAC up to 0.080 is with risk. BAC at 0.080 is intoxication. BAC at higher levels is with high risk. BAC above 0.300 can lead to death.

4.  Cell membranes are highly activated by alcohol, so, that alcohol in the bloodstream, can move into nearly every tissue of the body.

5.  It takes about 5 minutes for alcohol to reach and depress the brain functions of behavior and judgment.


1.  Promotions should not encourage people to drink a lot of alcohol in a short space of time, which ptomotes drunkenness and associated problems.

2.  Most countries have laws about drinking and driving, which vary from 0.00% BAC (“zero tolerance”), in Hungary and the Czech Republic, to 0.02%, in Norway and Sweden, and to 0.08%, in Canada, New Zealand, the UK and the USA.

3.  The amount of alcohol in the blood depends on age, sex, size, what eaten and many other factors. t is impossible to predict the exact effect of alcohol, and therefore the only truly “safe” level is not to drink alcohol at all when driving.

4.  Coffee contains caffeine (which is a stimulant) and mixing it with alcohol (which is a depressant) can have harmful side effects. .Water may help rehydrate the body, drinking water but does not get rid of alcohol.

5.  Stop drinking and wait, because there is nothing you can do but wait for your liver to process the alcohol out of your body. It make take later the same day or even the next day after drinking, reduce a significant amount of alcohol taken


1.  Depending on culture of your country, adult drinkers will vary and may even be 90% total population. Young people tend to follow the culture.Drinking tends to be part of the culture, associated with good times.

2.  Binge Drinking– is defined as drinking too much in a single hilarious group session. In the US, it is 5 or more drinks for a man and 4 or more drinks for a woman in a single session.

3.  Excessive consumption is defined as drinking too much over a period of time. And has a corrosive impact on stomach linings, with esophagus, gastritis, ulcers and reflux and severe damage to the pancreas.

4.  Drinking more than 80g at a time is linked with a significant rise in blood pressure, increased risk of heart attack or stroke.

5.  Moderate alcohol drinking has some well researched health benefits in terms of disease resistance and living longer,

3.  STUDY - COMMUNITY & BODY (MG/SG) – 20 minutes

3.1 Impacts on the Community

Common Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse include: a pattern of drinking that results in harm to health, interpersonal relationships and ability to work.

Poverty is a significant factor in many countries leading to uncontrolled non-commercial, possibly toxic, alcohol markets. Producers and sellers of such alcohol are very active in the trade, because there is a huge demand for the product and they need some income.

Consumers with very low income and choose local non-commercial alcohol drinks which may be toxic, because they cannot afford controlled commercial drinks.

3.2 Risk

They face many physical and mental health risks including: liver cirrhosis, cardiac failure, abdominal inflammation, pancreatitis, depression etc.

Non-commercial alcohol drinks, are often produced in unsanitary conditions, using other toxic substances.

In many countries one in six young people begin alcohol drinking by age 15, mainly non-commercial alcoholic drinks. For example: In Kenya consumption of muratina (karubu) is the most common, followed by many alternatives such as: changaa, busaa and miti ni dawa..

Despite the government’s efforts to control, legalize and license improved commercial alcohol, many producers will not spend the time and money to obtain a license for proper production. Thus consumers continue to be at risk.

3.3 Impacts in the Body

As people who drink more alcohol, they become a louder, over-confident, lose their inhibitions, start to slur their words and finally to become unsteady on their feet, with difficulty in judging distances.

The key measure of impact on the body is BAC. Blood Alcohol Content. It is the amount of alcohol in the blood and is determined by many factors: age, weight, sex, quantity and type of alcohol consumed, speed of drinking, on the amount of food in the stomach and past drinking history.

BAC of 0.020% is 20mg per 100ml of blood. BAC under 0.020 is excellent. BAC up to 0.080 is with risk. BAC at 0.080 is intoxication. BAC at higher levels is with high risk. BAC above ?????can lead to death.

3.4 Circulation of alcohol

Alcohol is small molecules, absorbed into the blood. Alcohol not yet swallowed is absorbed rapidly directly into the blood through the lining of the mouth. Alcohol swallowed goes down to the stomach, which breaks it down in food and drink before passing it on to the small intestine, and then to the blood.

All body cell membranes are highly activated by alcohol in the blood, which can move rapidly into nearly every tissue of the body. Excess alcohol can damage many different organs in the body.

If there is no food in the stomach, then them alcohol passes rapidly and is absorbed into the blood, to circulate around the body and reach the brain, in about 5 minutes. This depresses the brain functions of behaviour and judgment.

Alcohol reaches the liver in about 20 minutes, which processes and breaks it down, and removes it from the body in the urine, at the rate of 8 grams of alcohol per hour.

Less than 10% alcohol is eliminated from the body in urine, breath and sweat. The rest is oxidized - this means, like food, it combines with oxygen in the blood to release heat, energy or calories.

3.5 Effects

The immediate effects of drinking, depends upon the amount of alcohol in the bloodstream (measured by Blood Alcohol Concentration - BAC). It varies with the speed of drinking, sex, weight and body composition etc.

BAC affects of drinking the same amount of alcohol are: women more affected than men, a small person more affected than a big person, a person who has empty stomach more affected, than one who has eaten, a person who drinks rarely more affected than one who drinks regularly

See the glossary for calculating number of grams of alcohol in any alcoholic drink. BAC of 0.020% is 20mg per 100ml of blood.).

Women have a higher BAC than men after drinking the same amount, because they have less body fluid to dilute the alcohol.