Let It Go! Breaking Ungodly Soul Ties – Part 1 & 2

Author: Pastor Sandy Banks - 7/8/2012, 7/15/2012, 7/22/2012


Everything that God has for you is ahead of you and not behind you. God has something specific that He wants you to pursue. Just as God has an awesome specific plan and purpose for your life,the devil also has a plan for your life. The devil’s plan is to distract you and deceive you and drag you away from God’s plan for your life. One of the ways he does that is through wrong relationships (attachments) or wrong soul ties. A soul tie is a powerful emotional bond or connection that unites you with someone else. There are different ways that soul ties can be formed. Soul ties can be good,positive, beneficial and godly or they can be bad, negative, harmful, destructive and ungodly.

Your soul consists ofyour mind, your will and your emotions.

  1. God has a plan and purpose for your life. (Jeremiah 1:5, Jeremiah 29:11)
  2. You were born with a purpose and for a purpose.
  3. God’s purpose for your life is not hindered by your past.
  4. You haven’t ruined God’s purpose for you.
  5. Regardless of what has been done to you or what has happened to you, or the mistakes that you’ve made in the past, God has a plan and purpose for your life and He fully plans for you to pursue it.
  6. Whatever gets in your mind, and stays there, will eventually show up in your life.
  7. What or who is on your mind?
  8. The people you surround yourself with have a profound impact on who you become.
  9. It is said, that if you want to see where your life is headed, it is the sum total of the five people you spend the most time with.
  10. The devil wants you surrounding yourself with wrong attachments, people who will eventually drag you out of the will and plan of God for your life.
  11. The devil wants to make a fool out of you.
  12. He wants you to be an embarrassment.
  13. The devils plan for your life is to kill, steal and destroy. (John 10:10, KJV)

1)You must remind yourself that your battle or war is not with flesh and blood. (Ephesians 6:12, KJV, TLB)

2)Your war is not with people, your war or battled is with the devil.

3)He hates you and everything about you.

  1. The devil is very subtle (cunning and crafty) in how he approaches you.
  2. Because of his familiarity with you, he will approach you through deception, with something or someone that APPEALS TO YOU.

1)EXAMPLE: I grew up in the projects and behind the projects was woods, because of the poor construction of the projects; it was very easy for rats to get into everyone’s home. So we sat out rat traps. The purpose of the traps was to kill, eradicate and eliminate the rats. The trap is disguise by the cheese. The rat becomes so focused on the cheese that he is literally unaware of the danger of the trap because his focus is on the wrong thing. To him the cheese smells good, it looks good and is very enticing but that is all to lure him to his own destruction.

2)So it is with the trap that satan sets for us; he will bring things very strategically into your life on purpose to set you up; he or she will look good, smell good and be very appealing to your sense and enticing to your eye. You fall for it, and don’t even realize that you have fallen into a trap.

  1. Just recently on one of T.D. Jakes broadcast he said that the best we will ever have in life is about 80 percent. He said that 80 percent is good.
  2. He said however, satan will bring 20 percent and continually dangle it in front of you and say this is the one thing that you are missing, this is the one thing in your life that you don’t have, this is the one thing that will make your life complete, this is the one thing that will make your life better off. He said that satan will dangle this 20 percent at you so much until he convinces you that you cannot live without this 20 percent. Then you’re willing to give up the 80 percent you do have for the 20 percent that you don’t have.
  3. I believe that some of you are being tempted with 20 percent right now. God wants to wake you up. He wants you to know that it’s a trap!!!

1)The devil is a master deceiver. To deceive means to cause you to accept something as true or valid, when it is actually false or invalid; to give a false impression.

2)In order for the devil to defeat you, he has to first deceive you.

3)The devil is working behind the scenes to distract you from the plans and purposes of God for your life.

  1. God wants to open your eyes today, so that you won’t fall into the trap to the 20 percent and that you would enjoy the life that Jesus died and rose again, to give you. (John 10:10)
  1. The Bible speaks of soul ties, it doesn’t use the words or phrase soul ties, but it speaks of them when it talks about:
  2. Souls being knit together. (1 Samuel 18:1, KJV)
  3. About cleaving to your spouse.
  4. About becoming one flesh.
  5. Soul ties are established by:
  6. Close relationships:
  7. King David had a good soul tie with Jonathan as a result of their close friendship. (1 Samuel 18:1, KJV)
  8. If any two of you on earth shall agree. (Matthew 18:19)

1)Godly soul ties are intensified and empowered by God.

2)Ungodly soul ties are empowered by the devil.

  1. Bad or ungodly soul ties are formed because of bad relationships.

1)Most people in our lives fit into two categories; either they are an asset or they are a liability.

a)At some point in time you will have to make a decision as to how long you plan on carrying a liability.

b)Some of us have gone through a tremendous amount of “DRAMA”, not because of things we have done but because of who we are tied to.

2)In order to move forward into what God has for you, a lot of times, we will have to break free from harmful and ungodly friendships.

  1. Vows, commitments and agreements.
  2. Vows are known to bind the soul. (Numbers 30:2, KJV)
  3. Marriage itself consists of vows, commitments and agreements.
  4. If you have said to someone from a past sexual relationship, “I will love you forever” or “I could never love another woman as much as you”, “I will never give anyone my heart but you” or “no one will ever be able to take your place”.

1)Think about how powerful those words are.

2)The Bible says that we are snared with the words of our mouth. (Proverbs 6:2, KJV)

  1. Intimacies or Sexual Relationship: The more intimate you are the tighter that bond/soul tie becomes.
  2. Godly soul ties are formed when a man and a woman are married and have a godly relationship. (Ephesians 5:31, KJV)
  3. God intended that a godly soul tie between husband and wife was unbreakable by man. (Mark 10:7-9, KJV)

1)God intended for the soul ties between a man and his wife was to draw them together like magnets.

2)Before we make decisions about people we are getting “hooked up with”, we need to make sure that we investigate before you invest.

3)Did God put it together, or did you put it together?

  1. While harmful, destructive and ungodly soul ties can draw an abused and beaten woman to a man which in the natural she would hate and run from, but instead she continually returns to him even though he doesn’t love her (you might be thinking well Pastor, he does love me! Please understand, if you are with someone that is abusing you, THEY DON’T REALLY LOVE YOU!) and that the probability of her being abused and beaten again and again are very high.
  2. Ungodly soul ties are formed through fornication (sexual relations between two people who are not married to each other) or adultery (Sexual relations between at least one married person with either a person who or she is not married to). (1 Corinthians 6:16, KJV)

1)FB affairs.

a)Old flames rekindled, they know it is wrong but they can’t seem to get free from it.

  1. Ungodly soul tiesare destructive and they fragment the soul.

1)Shechem rapes Dinah. (Genesis 34:1-3, KJV)

  1. You may have ended a relationship months or years ago and you are still tormented by that relationship.

1)Can’t seem to get over it.

2)You think about them.

a)You want to text them.

b)You want to call them.

c)You’re checking up on them on the social networks.

3)Certain smells make you think about them.

4)Certain music reminds you of them.

5)Certain places remind you of them.

  1. People who have had many past sexual partners or relationship find it very difficult to “bond” or to be joined to anybody, because their soul is fragmented. When you get married, you find you can’t give yourself totally to your spouse because parts of you have been chipped away.

1)King Solomon loved many strange women. (2 Kings 11:1-2)

2)Each time you have sex with someone, a piece of you goes with them and a piece of them comes to you.

a)STDs can be transmitted this way.

b)As well as the transference of demons and devils.

  1. God says that I will restore you and heal you of your wounds. (Jeremiah 30:17, KJV)
  2. God wants to deliver you get you healed and made whole and move you forward into His Plan for your life.
  1. There are least 4 Indicators of wrong, harmful, or ungodly attachments or soul ties.
  2. Confusion. (to be mentally mixed up)
  3. When you are outside the Will of God, you will be confused.

1)Your feelings (emotions) are screaming one thing but your spirit is saying something different.

2)The Holy Ghost will gently try to warn you that you are on the wrong path.

  1. God is not the author of confusion. (1 Corinthians 14:33)
  2. If you don’t have any peace, this is an indicator that confusion is present.
  1. Misery
  2. When you are outside the Will of God and sinning against God, you will be miserable.
  3. If you know what you’re doing is wrong and you continue in sin, you will continue to be miserable.
  4. David said, “I am feeble and severely broken; I groan because of the turmoil of my heart.” (Psalm 38:8, NKJV)
  5. He restores my soul. (Psalm 23:3)
  6. Torment.
  7. A tormented mind is not the mind of Christ.
  8. The mind of Christ is a mind that is at peace.
  9. If those memories of a relationship in your past is tormenting you, if you keep replaying those images over and over; if you keep rehearsing that conversations over and over, and I can’t seem to get any peace in the situation, that could very well be an indication of a soul tie.
  10. If you have tormenting thoughts, this could be an indication of a ungodly soul tie.
  11. To put an end to or control tormenting thoughts, you do not control thoughts with thoughts; you control thoughts with words.

1)Years ago, I heard Kenneth Copeland say “that if you’re having thoughts, when you begin to speak, your mind will shut up to hear what your mouth is saying.”

2)You have to begin to speak the Word.

a)“Thank you Lord I do not remember the former things, nor do I consider the things of old, God,You are doing a new thing in my life and it will spring forth speedily.”

  1. Disobedience.
  2. You obey God, you’ll be blessed. (Deuteronomy 28:1-14)
  3. You disobey God, you’ll be cursed.
  4. You need the power of God operating in your life.
  1. Dealing with guilt and shame.
  2. Guilt – Remorseful awareness of having done something wrong or of having failed to do something required or expected.
  3. Shame – a painful feeling brought about by a strong sense of guilt, embarrassment, unworthiness, or disgrace.
  4. The body language of shame is to constantly hold your head down.
  5. The devil wants you to be ashamed of your past.
  6. The devil wants you ashamed of who you are and things you’ve done and things you’ve been through. (Psalm 25:2-3a, KJV, ESV, NCV), (Psalm 25:20a, ESV)
  7. The embarrassment of being broken up with on FB.

1)Status changed from “in a relationship” to “single.”

2)“Unfriended” on FB.

  1. The devil wants you full of shame, full of guilt, full of insecurities and feelings of inferiority, so that you never walk out God’s plan for your life.
  2. It is possible to have received forgiveness and deliverance from sin but still pressed down with guilt and shame. (1 John 1:9, KJV)
  3. Deliverance from addictive behavior or long-term sexual sin.
  4. Repented – walked away from the behavior but we don’t feel any different.
  5. We have to not only receive forgiveness but also cleansing which God has promised as well. (1 John 1:9, KJV)
  1. I cannot move forward into my future, if I continue to hold on to my past.
  2. Remember Lot’s Wife. (Luke 17:32, KJV)
  3. The Bible teaches that Lot’s wife, not only looked back but she also lingered behind. Her heart was in her past and not looking toward her future.
  4. Jesus admonishment is to let you know that if you continue to look back at your past, you too will be held captive and destroy by it.
  5. Remember everything that God has for you is in your future, not in your past.
  6. Let it Go!
  7. Breaking Harmful and Ungodly Soul Ties:
  8. Repent of any sins that involve that person.
  9. If you’ve been involved in fornication, adultery, etc. it is vital for you to repent of those sins and receive God’s forgiveness.
  10. Forgive the person of any wrongs done.
  11. If you have any unforgiveness in your heart against the person, you must choose to release that bitterness and forgive the person.
  12. Renounce any covenants made the person.
  13. If you made any spoken vows, commitments and agreements, such as “I will love you forever”, you have to renounce them.

1)You need to say, “I renounce having said that “I will love that person forever”

  1. You need to renounce those covenants to break these soul ties.
  1. Renounce the soul ties in the Name of Jesus!
  2. Verbally renouncing something carries a lot of weight in the spirit realm.
  3. Just as vows can bind the soul, renouncing them can release you from the bond.
  4. Jesus said whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven
  5. You can renounce a soul tie by speaking something like this from your heart.

1)I now renounce and loose myself from any ungodly soul ties formed between myself and ______, I break these ungodly soul ties in Jesus Name!

  1. You have to stop remembering what God has forgotten.
  2. I, even I, AM He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; and I will not remember your sins. (Isaiah 43:25, KJV) (Hebrews 8:12, KJV)
  3. It is not your past that’s keeping you from God’s best. It’s your remembrance of your past that’s keeping you from God’s best.
  4. You must forget the past so you can move into your future. (Philippians 3:12-14)
  5. When you forget what is behind you, you simultaneously begin to reach forward toward what is ahead of you.
  6. Your past is designed to keep you there; however, if you press forward, God has already prepared your reward.
  7. God's mercy is new every day. (1 Timothy 1:11-16)
  8. God will blot out your transgressions. (Isaiah 43:25-26)
  9. God wipes out your sins for His benefit.
  10. God wants you to put Him in remembrance of His Word rather than your past mistakes and sins.
  11. God is merciful and will not remember your sins when you repent and ask for forgiveness. (Hebrews 8:12)
  12. Forgiving and forgetting go hand in hand.
  13. You are to forgive the person who has wronged you, multiple times throughout the day. (Matthew 18:21-22, Luke 17:4).
  14. The apostles asked God to increase their faith so they could forgive in the way He expected them to. (Luke 17:3-5).
  15. To forgive by faith means to do it simply because the Word says so, regardless of how you feel.
  16. When you pray, forgive, so that your prayers can be answered. (Mark 11:24, 25)
  17. When you refuse to forgive, you short-circuit the power of God from operating in your life.
  18. Healing, deliverance, favor and finances are hindered when you hold unforgiveness in your heart.
  19. If you haven't forgotten about the offense, you probably haven't truly forgiven from your heart.
  20. You must forgive others as God has forgiven you. (Ephesians 4:32).
  21. Be quick to repent, quick to forgive and quick to believe what God says in His Word.
  22. In addition to forgiving others, learn to forgive yourself. Forget about the bad things you have done in your past and move forward into the future that God has planned for you.

Scripture References: