SAC Meeting

January 17, 2018


Learning Commons

  1. Welcome & Call to Order
  2. Mr. Ward called the meeting to order at 5:58 pm.
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Minutes from December 20th were reviewed by all who were in attendance. Clarifications were made concerning corrected items on the minutes. Updated minutes will be provided at the February SAC meeting. Mrs. Nation motioned to approve the minutes and Edward Pratt 2nd the motion. Minutes were approved based on corrections.
  5. Principal Update
  6. Mrs. Maxwell wished everyone a Happy New Year. Governor Rick Scott recognized Lauderhill 612 with a personally signed letter for learning gains in math and reading. Graduation is set for Wednesday June 6th at 2 pm which is the last day of school. It be at the same location as last year the Lauderhill Performance Art Center. 15 seniors will be walking the stage and a third of them are attending classes at Broward College. They did very well their first semester by setting the standard for other students.
  7. Ms. Burch shared that our partners Junior Achievement will be reconditioning the building in the back of the school to act as a welcome center. Students attended a STEM expo and when they came back they were excited about aviation opportunities. 6 scholarships were offered for students to attend a week long aviation training in Pensacola, Florida this summer. Depending on transportation challenges as to drive or fly, we may have to reduce the amount of scholarships offered.
  8. Mrs. Nation asked about times the building would be available to high school students. Ms. Burch explained all of the logistics would be worked out once the building is up and running. It was described to Ms. Nations as to the actual location of the building.
  9. Martin Luther King Jr. service day was held this past Monday and several volunteers came to put in many hours replanting the garden and painting parking spaces. The kids were provided lunch and over 300 care packages with the Lauderhill 6-12 logo on the bags.
  10. A testing calendar was provided by Mrs. Maxwell showing the dates starting from this month and continuing through the month of May. Ms. Burch explained the tests leading up through April are considered our practice tests. Although practice, these tests are still considered the real thing. We are progress-monitoring the data collected from these practice assessments to help predict and identify student needs for remediation and enrichment. We are also tracking student progress on the iReady assessments. Students who show improvement on these practice tests will be part of the S.W.A.G (Student With Academic Goals) club. Mrs. Maxwell explained that teachers will perform data chats with students based on their diagnostic 1 performance and what the student needs to attain on diagnostic 2 performance. The whole idea is for students to take ownership of their academics. Students will receive popcorn and a movie as an incentive for meeting their goals.
  11. Mrs. Maxwell explained that 2 PERT tests will be administered this spring. The 1st one is for students applying to Broward College and the 2nd one will be for those applying for dual enrollment in the fall. Ms. Burch informed us we are back on track with students currently in the 3rdquarter grading period and report cards are scheduled to be distributed to the students on February 1st.
  12. Mrs. Nation asked about how the semester grade is calculated for each class. Mrs. Burch explained this would have to be discussed as a separate conversation away from SAC.
  13. Ms. Burch discussed the upcoming Ethics Forum to be held on January 27th and how the SGA put it all together by themselves. The mayor will be attending along with other guest speakers. 9:30 am will be registration.
  14. SIP Monitoring
  15. Mr. Ward explained that we are up to date on the SIP requirements. Two items that are in the works are 1. The Val Ed survey that teacher will be taking this Friday during our faculty meeting using the computer and 2. Parent surveys and student survey, separate from the Val Ed survey. Mr. Ward explained a midyear review of the SIP plan is being conducted. Mrs. Maxwell explained that the school improvement plan is a continuous process for what is working and what is not working along with barriers to success that came up and how to address them moving forward. The midyear SIP review discusses these topics along with crunch time plan. Because we are still considered a Title I grant school, our SIP plan is still under the state and we must submit our midyear SIP review to the state.
  16. Old Business:
  17. School Choice Enhancement Program (SCEP) Update
  18. Mr. Ward provided a handout describing the SCEP program. Ms. Burch gave us updates that we are moving forward and that Mr. Ward would be taking over process. Mr. Ward explained the purpose of the handout was to keep all stakeholders informed of the process and how they are involved.
  19. HS Recruitment efforts/update
  20. Mrs. Maxwell shared that we are currently at about 40 approved applicants for incoming 9th grade students. Current 8th grade students who are being recruited will be invited to an after school gaming social from 4:30 – 7:30. Dinner will be provided by our partner in education, Popeye’s chicken. The window for applications to be submitted is February 7th.
  21. New Business:
  22. Mr. Zach Davis-Walker, Community Development Manager, City Of Lauderhill & Mr. Hardge, Author and Motivational Speaker
  23. Mr. Ward introduced Mr. Hardge. He has several books and his most recent book is, “Life is What You Make It.” He focuses on edutainment. Mr. Hardge shared an initiative for community development through the City of Lauderhill.
  24. Mr. Hardge explained he put his book in the hands of Mrs. Pope and Mr. Watkins department and they tied it into the social and emotional learning component for the Broward County Schools initiative. He then explained how he tied it into the City of Lauderhill’s new initiative called “Deepside Pride” which is an initiative designed to instill pride in the community, promote community participation, develop community programs, and engage community partners. A holistic approach to engage all of the stakeholders to push the “Deepside Pride” of focusing on student achievement, improving the community, parent involvement, as well as business partners. Mr. Hardge explained how he would like to create a student focus groups here at Lauderhill 6-12 that pertains to the parents, teachers, as well as the kids. The purpose of the focus group is to get input from the kids so as to great a mission statement moving forward that has everybody’s participation.
  25. Mr. Hardge provided a sign-up for teachers and parents who would like to be a part of the community focus group. Mr. Hardge explained how he was meeting with Mr. Ward in order to set up the student focus group along with Ms. Johnson.
  26. Mr. Hardge shared that the goal is to change the mind-set of the deep side community by working with the city, schools, law enforcement. A week long boot camp for students who are having challenges with parents in and out of school. Leadership skills were taught along with having the kids do community service throughout the deep side community.
  27. Discussion/Comments/Concerns
  • Mr. Ward asked everyone in attendance to please bring a friend or four to the next meeting.
  1. Next meeting
  2. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at 5:45 pm.
  3. Adjournment
  • Mr. Ward adjourned the meeting at 6:40 pm.