Rudston Primary School
Learning Challenge Curriculum Information – September 2016
This map is designed as a medium term plan of each of our key topics we are to cover through the learning challenge curriculum.
It identifies key texts, ‘Wow starter’ and any applicable trips.
The map will be used as a working document and therefore is subject to change.
Prime Question / Key text / Wow Starter / Trip (if applicable)
What do I know about me? / Kippers Birthday
Mick Inkpen / Mirrors
Inviting parents in to look at what we are learning / n/a
Why are there so many leaves on the ground? / Alfie’s wellies
Shirley Hughes / Woods with wellies! / Delamere forest
Who can I ask for help? / We work at the hospital
Angela Aylmore / Visitor from emergency services – which will lead to children creating their own role-play / Fire station
What do we know about the world? / Polar bear, Polar bear. What do you hear?
Eric Carle / Children to work in pairs to blindfold and lead each other progressing to following each other’s voices / Cinema
Other trips:
Rudston Primary School Year 1 Learning Challenge Curriculum
Prime Question / Key text / Wow Starter / Trip (if applicable)
Is the iPad more fun than Grandma and Grandpa’s toys? / ‘Lost in the Toy Museum’ / Chris Brown Visit
Grandparent’s Party / Prescot Toy Museum workshop
Could a meerkat work for Father Christmas? / ‘Meerkat Mail’ / Trip to the North Pole / N/A
Could a dinosaur live on Earth now? / ‘The Dinosaur that Pooped a Planet’ / Work as Archaeologists
Find Dinosaur Bones / Liverpool World Museum
What’s that Dinosaur? session
Why are humans not like tigers? / ‘The Tiger that Came to Tea’ / Tiger Tea Party / Knowsley Safari Park
Why are humans not like tigers?
Other trips:
Cinema – Term 3:2
Rudston Primary School Year 2 Learning Challenge Curriculum
Prime Question / Key text / Wow Starter / Trip (if applicable)
How have Rosa Parks and Nelson Mandela helped to make the world a better place? / The long walk to freedom
(Children’s Version) / Drama and Role Play – Exclusion experience – Blue Eyes / In school workshop - African Drumming
What is your deadly 6? / The deadly 60 series / Knowsley Outreach in school with live animals
Watch Deadly 60 on BBC iplayer / In school workshop – Knowsley outreach
Which island would you prefer to live on? Why? / Katie Morag / D&T project at home – create an island
Trip to Spike Island / Spike Island
Which materials did they use to build Liverpool One? / Tin Forest
Helen Word / Visit Liverpool One on guided session looking at materials used – Mr Carney has a contact in education section / Liverpool One
Other trips:
Leasowe Lighthouse – pre SAT’s Linked to Lighthouse Keeper books to be stimulus for SAT’s writing
Summer Trip – Knowsley Safari Park
Rudston Primary School Year 3 Learning Challenge Curriculum
Prime Question / Key text / WOW Starter / Trip (if applicable)
How is your dinner different from a Stone Age man? / Stone Age Boy
Satoshi Kitamura / Trip to Calderstones
‘Cave’ drawings / Trip to Calderstones
Is a volcano angrier than Miss Trunchbull? / Matilda
Roald Dahl / Watch film
Role on the wall - Miss Trunchbull
Characterise Miss Trunchbull – why has she been chosen as a comparative toa volcano?
Volcano experiment as a WOW finisher / n/a
How can a cheetah
move soquickly? / Wolves in the /wall
Neil Gaiman
Michael Murpurgo
Running Wild / Torn, incomplete note from Lucy asking for help
Wallpaper with eyeholes cut out stuck round the room
Speed test / mini Olympics / Safari Park
How far canyou throwyour shadow? / Peter Pan
What makes a Shadow
Robert Bulla Clyde / Use torches to create different shapes and attempt to photograph them. / n/a
Other trips:
Crosby Hall – residential
Rudston Primary School Year 4 Learning Challenge Curriculum
Prime Question / Key text / Wow Starter / Trip (if applicable)
Do you solve problems with your mind or your gut instinct? / Leave Me Alone
KesGray and Lee WIldish / Making teeth with Clay
What makes a tooth?
Making a mouth / n/a
Where would the White Witch be least powerful? / The Chronicles of Narnia
C.S.Lewis / Candy Floss in Water – states of matter
Seeing how water can change and affect materials
Wow finisher – museum and island trip / Catalyst Museum – Over The Mersey and Glorious Gases workshops (waterwatch northwest backup option)
Spike Island (half day to consider impact of river on the local environment)
Were the Romans really rotten? / Escape from Pompeii
Christina Balit / Making a mosaic
Investigating artefacts
Wow finisher – Chester trip / Chester – DEWA/Other Roman experience
What would life be like without television or the Internet? / The Snow Dragon
Vivien French / Cordless computing
Debugging a problem
Making a light bulb shine without a battery / n/a
Other trips:
PGL Residential
Rudston Primary School Year 5 Learning Challenge Curriculum
Prime Question / Key text / Wow Starter / Trip (if applicable)
Will we ever send another human to the moon? / Cosmic (Frank Cottrell Boyce) / Trip to Joddrell Bank / Joddrell Bank
Why should the Rainforests be important to us all? / The Vanishing Rainforest (Richard Platt) / Sampling food from the Rainforest / N/A
CSI Investigator(Materials & their properties) / N/A / Trip to Catalyst Museum / Catalyst Museum - Widnes
What did the Anglo Saxons and Vikings do for Britain? / Beowulf / Trip to Tatton Park / Tatton Park
Other trips:
Summer end of term park visit/ swimming pool
Any other trips with reception buddies
Rudston Primary School Year 6 Learning Challenge Curriculum
Prime Question / Key text / Wow Starter / Trip (if applicable)
'Have we always looked like this?' / The Beetle Boy by M.G. Leonard / Watch a clip of Planet of the Apes to begin / NA
Who were the Mayans and what have we learnt from them? / The Chocolate Tree: A Mayan Folk Tale by Linda Lowery and Richard Keep / Learn about the traditional Pok a Tok and recreate it using the resources available / NA
Can you light up my life? / Knots on a Counting Rope by Bill Martin / Spend time in a blacked out room and consider how the eyes adapt and why it is difficult to see anything
Visit from a blind person/guide dog / NA
I'm a Year 6 child - get me out of here / The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling / Take part in an orienteering activity around the school grounds
Watch Jungle book to finish / Go Ape adventure park
Other trips:
London – team building
Delamere Forest – habitats Science topic