Destinations® - Teaching materials
DP4 Profiling and career planning
This is a selection of materials from Destinations® which students could use to produce a portfolio of work to profile their skills, interests and experience. As such, these materials might support a PDP process, or might be used to support one to one guidance.
This selection focuses particularly on forms which can be downloaded from Destinations® and filled in by students. Where these are available on the pages suggested, we give the name of the form in brackets eg. Interests/ What are my interests/ Identify your interests (interests form)
This example is not intended to be a ‘best practice’ recommendation. Rather, we hope you will use the ideas presented as a springboard for developing your own courses. Any course will need to be crafted for your student group, for the length of your course and for your learning outcomes.
References to Destinations® are always given in the following format:
Topic/ Unit/ Page
Eg. Skills/ Employers and skills/ Why skills matter
Where are you now?
- Skills/ Skills from your degree/ Create a degree skills profile (degree skills profile form)
- Skills/ What other skills do I have?/ Profile your skills
- Managing your career/ What is a career?/ What is a career?
- Interests/ What are my interests/ Identify your interests (interests form)
- Interests/ What are my interests/ Analyse your interests (interests analysis form)
Tools and profiles to help you imagine the future
- Values/ Your values/ Identify your values (values card sort)
- Personality/ Assessing your personality
- Personality/ Using your personality assessment/ Career anchors
- Managing your career/ Decisions, decisions, decisions/ Tools and techniques
Tools to help you plan for the future
- Skills/ What other skills do I have?/ Opportunities to develop your skills (skills development planning form)
- Skills/ Skills from your degree/ Your strengths and weaknesses (challenges record form)
- Work experience/ Gaining from work experience/ Recording and reflecting on your learning (reflective learning log)
- Managing your career/ Decisions, decisions, decisions
Using your profiles to help you apply for work and/or work experience
- Interests/ Do employers care about interests?
- Skills/ Employers and skills
- Personality/ Personality and applications
- Application forms/ Answering longer questions/ Typical questions on your skills
- CVs/ Marketing yourself and your skills/ Can you evidence your skills? (skills evidence form)
©University of Reading 2019