Subject Improvement Plan (SIP)
Subject :______
General Information :
1.District :______
2School : ______
3Name of Teacher : ______
4Grades Responsible for : ______
5Contact Details : Tel : ______
Cell :______
6What is my vision for my subject at my school?
7Target : What is my Subject Pass rate pledge for grades:
Gr 4 / Gr 5 / Gr 6 / Gr 7 / Gr 8 / Gr 9Purpose of the Subject improvement plan (SIP) / To improve learner performance and attainment according to National and Provincial targets
How will the Subject Improvement Plan be used? /
- The Subject Improvement Plan is to be completed by each subject teacher every year. It should also be strengthened throughout the year whenever improvement areas are identified.
- The SIP should inform the School Improvement Plan.
- The SIP should be handed / communicated to the Subject Advisor and will inform the District Subject Improvement Plan
Identification of general areas requiring intervention at school level ( Add to list if necessary according to the needs of the subject )
The areas that you identify will help you to compile your SIP / Yes(tick) / No
(tick X)
1.1 / Interaction with colleagues ( establishment of school based subject committee / meetings etc )
1.2 / Teaching and learning methodologies
1.3 / Moderation processes and procedures
1.4 / Interpretation of policies ( CAPS )
1.5 / Equipment and resources
1.6 / Subject planning ( Work Schedule, Lesson Plans , Assessment plan )
1.7 / Classroom practice (questioning techniques, record keeping, discipline etc )
1.8 / Problem areas identified in teaching of content ( for teachers and learners )
1.9 / Problem areas identified in the setting of exam question papers and memoranda
1.10 / Available textbooks and extra LTSM
1.11 / Participation in co-curricular activities related to the subject ( Quizzes, Olympiads, expo etc .. )
1.12 / Coverage of content during the academic year
Audit of Analysis of results for previous term / year, including error and item analysis
Have you identified or determined the information required in the statements below? / Yes(tick) / No
(tick X)
2.1 / Percentage of learners that have passed in previous year ( Grade 4 – 9 )
2.2 / The success of the school in comparison to other schools in your area / town / district
2.3 / Questions / Topics / Concepts in which your learners performed poorly
Reasons for this underperformance ( e.g. content was not taught, content was not assessed during SBA )
Remedial action identified
2.4 / Questions in which learners did well
Suggested reasons for these successes
Did these reasons translated into sustainable good practices for other areas of the curriculum?
2.5 / Identification of content which appeared in the common paper which was not taught during the year.
2.6 / Identification of general non-coverage of content throughout the year and how this will be addressed
2.7 / Learner performance in each of the three cognitive levels ( E.g. Bloom’s taxonomy )
Subject Improvement Plan (SIP)
Key Areas / Challenges / Suggested activities that can address the challenges / Resources Needed / Responsibility / Timeframes1. Planning:
(Identify challenges that impact on planning in the Subject. E.g. time management, practical experiments
2. Teaching:
Identify specific topics in NS and NST that poses a challenge in your classroom E.g. Balancing of equations, Electricity, etc.
3 Assessment:
Identify challenges impacting on assessment.
E.g. Assessment pieces e.g. tests, exams area not balanced – variety in question types and difficulty level etc.