Re: Burrill Lake crossing – project update.
Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) is progressing with investigations to replace the existing BurrillLake crossing immediately to the east, with a new, higher bridge spanning the lake.
RMS has now collated all the suggestions and issues raised by the community in response to the RMS favoured option. These suggestions are being considered and fed into the preferred option where possible. Where it is not possible to incorporate a suggestion or issue into the preferred option, RMS will provide the reasons.
A community consultation report,which collates this feedback and RMS’ responses to date, is now available on the project website. For a hard copy of this report, please contact me directly.
Geotechnical investigations
From Wednesday 21 toFriday 23 August 2013, RMS will be undertaking geotechnical investigations to better understand the ground conditions within the road corridor. This will help RMS move closer towards finalising a preferred option and design the earthworks needed as part of construction.
Test pits will be dug on both the northern and southern sides of the bridge and on the Princes Highway. Work will be between 7am and 6pm each day.During some parts of the work one lane on the Princes Highway will be closed from 9am to 3.30pm. The remaining open lane will be used by both directions of traffic on an alternating basis, under the direction of traffic controllers.
Motorists are asked to use caution when travelling through the work site and to comply with all temporary signposting, speed limits and traffic control measures. There will be no impact on parking.
Causeway investigations
FromTuesday 3 to Thursday 5 September 2013,RMS will undertake investigative drilling in the causeway. This will help RMS understand what material the causeway is made up of and assist in planning for its removal, as proposed in the RMS currently favoured option.
This work will be undertaken between 9am and 3.30pm each day. During this time the Princes Highway will be restricted to one lane. This lane will be used by both directions of traffic on an alternating basis, under the direction of traffic controllers.
Wet weather may change times and dates.
RMS will keep you informed as these processes progress and we move closer towards finalising a preferred option. For further information please contact me during office hours on (02) 4221 2586 or via
Yours faithfully
Adam Berry
Project Development Manager