Learning and Teaching Strategy – Operational Plan 2009-10
The Learning and Teaching Strategy Operational Plan for 2009-10 builds upon the six key actions identified at the end of the Strategy. Schools should use this Operational Plan in conjunction with the Strategy and the School plans created during the planning round.
1. Undertake fundamental reviews of the University’s educational offering.
Activities to be taken forward under the Plan arising from the Review of Undergraduate Education:
- Manage the implementation of the recommendations arising from the Review of Undergraduate Education in line with the Plan
Activity / Objective / Performance indicator / Timescales / University lead / Management lead / School lead / Link to other plans/projects
1 / Prepare for Review of Postgraduate Education / Establish remit and process / Scope of review and actions identified / April-August 10
(APPSC & Senate June 10) / DVCE / Head of ADU / Deans
2 / Manage implementation of research degree actions arising from Review of Research and Knowledge Transfer[1] / Deliver an enhanced educational offering for research degree students / Appropriate actions identified and work completed / October 09-July 10
(APPSC Feb, April, June 10) / DVCE / Deputy Head of ADU
Associate Director of LDC / AD(E)
2. Build upon robust quality assurance and enhancement processes to ensure their fit with the direction of the University strategy.
Activities to be taken forward under the Plan arising from the Review of Undergraduate Education:
- Implement the revised periodic review process
- Develop a revised template for programme and module specifications
- Implement the approved recommendations arising from the Assessment Criteria and Feedback Working Group
Activity / Objective / Performance indicator / Timescales / University lead / Management lead / School lead / Link to other plans/projects
1 / Implement revised processes for Stage 1 programme approval
Review Stage 2 programme approval process / Ensure greater consideration of market requirements and potential programme viability
Ensure greater consideration of programme development issues / Revised processes for Stage 1 implemented
Role of JISC project in supporting changes identified
Revised processes for Stage 2 identified and implemented / November 09
(APPSC Sept 09)
November 09-April 10 (APPSC Feb, April 10) / DVCE
Academic Lead (Programme Approval) / Deputy Head of ADU
Deputy Director of LDC / AD(E) / PREDICT
2 / Implement new framework for research degrees provision, including extensive policy and practice development / Support ongoing enhancement of quality and standards of research degree provision
Improve completion rates / Further policy and practice development, including policies on writing up, submission and resubmission
Training for supervisors enhanced, for example via MAAP programme and supervision module / October 09-July 10 / DVCE / Deputy Head of ADU
Associate Director of LDC / STR
3 / Implement the recommendations arising from the review of Q&S management information / Utilise data and information sources to inform QA/QE processes, decision-making, action planning & measuring performance against strategic objectives
Ensure greater alignment between QA processes and School planning / Recommendations implemented
Data for Senate analysed & discussed appropriately
Greater use of data within APEs, periodic reviews and other processes used to inform School planning / September 09-July10 (APPSC Sept, Dec 09)
In line with Planning Round and Senate meetings / DVCE
COO / T&L Development Manager
Director of SaPU
Director of CCSD
Director of APPS / Deans
Schools COOs
4 / Further develop the student feedback and representation framework / Embed student input as a fundamental feature of enhancing the student learning experience
Strength comms with students / Policy mechanisms reviewed
Action plans arising from student feedback updated and disseminated / October 09-July 10
(APPSC Dec 09, April/June 10; SAC Dec 09, Feb/April/ June 10) / DVCE
Dean of Students
SU President / Deputy Head of ADU / AD(E)
Members of SAC
5 / Further develop the University’s framework for flexible learning / Develop an approach that fully reflects the needs of this activity and takes account of SLE developments / Framework developed / January-June 10
(APPSC Feb, June 10) / DVCE / T&L Dvpt Manager
Director of LDC / AD(E)
Core Experts / University Strategic Plan
SLE Project
6 / Develop a more streamlined and accessible approach to the publication of policies and procedures / Provide accessible, student-friendly/facing information
Ensure clear distinctions between policy, process & guidance / Clearer and more accessible policies and procedures developed / March-August 10
(APPSC June 10) / DVCE / Deputy Head of ADU / AD(E) / University Portal project
7 / Review appeals, complaints and discipline regulations (including s13 of the assessment regulations) / Ensure regulations are fit for purpose / Regulations reviewed and enhancements/ amendments identified
Processes for change approved / November 09-June 10
(APPSC Feb, April 10; Senate June 10; VIPC Feb 10) / DVCE
University Secretary / T&L Dvpt Manager
ACE Manager
Head of Governance / Deans
8 / Revise induction process for External Examiners for 2010-11 / Enhance induction process / Amendments identified and implemented in conjunction with Schools / February 10
(APPSC Feb 10) / DVCE
Academic Lead(External Examiners) / Deputy Head of ADU / n/a
9 / Establish a mechanism for University oversight of PSRB reports / Enhanced information regarding strengths, good practice and cross-School issues developed / Approach agreed / January-June 10
(APPSC April, June 10) / Deputy Head of ADU
3. Increase the number of award-bearing partnerships and develop the University’s mechanisms to ensure that maximum benefit can be gained from all forms of collaborative provision, including validation.
Activity / Objective / Performance indicator / Timescales / University lead / Management lead / School lead / Link to other plans/projects1 / Continue to provide proactive support to those who develop award-bearing partnerships / Support development of partnership activity in accordance with the Strategic Plan and the quality and standards framework / More strategic partnership development that is aligned to the Strategic Plan / N/A / DVCE / V&P Dvpt Manager / Deans / University Strategic Plan
2 / Implement the Q&S components of the INTO partnership / Ensure the quality and standards of the INTO provision are managed in a way that supports the achievement of the Strategic Plan / Foundation Certificate programmes approved
Foundation Certificate Q&S framework embedded within wider collaborative provision Q&S framework / October 09-January 10
(VIPC Feb 10)
January-August 10 (VIPC June 10) / DVCE
Dean of Validation / Head of ADU
V&P Dvpt Manager / AD(E)
3 / Complete review of Memoranda of Agreement for validated provision / Ensure that the terms of agreement remain current / Proposed amendments agreed in liaison with University solicitors
Mechanisms for implementation agreed / 2009-10 (VIPC Feb, June 10) / Dean of Validation / V&P Dvpt Manager / N/A / University Strategic Plan
4 / Complete the development of templates for Memoranda of Agreement for partnership provision / Establish further consistency to support the development of new activity and the minimisation of risk / Templates developed
Mechanisms for implementation agreed / 2009-10 (APPSC April, June 10) / DVCE / V&P Dvpt Manager / Deans
5 / Finalise the development of City’s service infrastructure to support all award-bearing collaborative provision / Ensure collaborative provision is embedded into the core business of the University, thereby supporting the Strategic Plan / Framework developed and approved / 2009-10 (APPSC Feb, June 10) / DVCE
Dean of Validation
COO / Head of ADU
V&P Dvpt Manager
Director of S4S / School COOS
Link tutors
6 / Revise the Policy on Partnerships / Ensure Policy reflects current strategic/ operational practice / Revised policy approved and implemented / October 2009 (approve)
July 2010 (Implement) / DVCE / V&P Dvpt Manager / Link tutors / University Strategic Plan
7 / Review Stage 1 process for validated provision / Ensure process remains up to date and reflects current practice / Revised process developed and approved / 2009-10 (VIPC June 10) / Dean of Validation / V&P Dvpt Manager / N/A / University Strategic Plan
8 / Establish a process for the re-approval of partners / Ensure partnerships remain current
Establish a process by which City can close partnerships that are no longer appropriate / Process developed and approved
Actions for implementation agreed / 2009-10 (APPSC April, June 10) / DVCE / V&P Dvpt Manager / Deans
Link Tutors
9 / Further develop strategically City’s relationship with City & IslingtonCollege / Further develop the University’s engagement with FE & mechanisms to enable student progression / New developments explored and initiated where appropriate / N/A / DVCE / Director of Educational Relationships
V&P Dvpt Manager / N/A / University Strategic Plan
10 / Embed the new validation relationships with Trinity Laban and Ravensbourne / Support strong working relationships with new validation partners / Course Boards running smoothly
Developments supported / N/A / Dean of Validation / V&P Dvpt Manager
11 / Embed the partnerships Q&S framework into ADU policies and procedures[2] / Provide further clarity about the framework / Partnerships provision incorporated within all policies and procedures / Ongoing / DVCE / V&P Dvpt Manager / N/A
12 / Exit the validation with Tavistock Institute / Validation relationship terminated with appropriate consideration given to student experience / August 2010
(VIPC June 10) / DVCE
Dean of Validation / V&P Dvpt Manager / N/A
4. Review and enhance where necessary the School and University-level support mechanisms available for all students in both academic and pastoral areas.
Activities to be taken forward under the Plan arising from the Review of Undergraduate Education:
- Monitor the implementation of the policy on staff-student contact
- Monitor the implementation of the recommendations arising from the Review of Personal Tutoring, including the development of training sessions and guidance
- Implement the policy on personal development planning, including supporting the incorporation of PDP and reflective learning in all programmes
- Enhance student induction and the student transition to university, building on improvements made to the induction and registration processes in 2008-09
Activity / Objective / Performance indicator / Timescales / University lead / Management lead / School lead / Link to other plans/projects
1 / Commence the review of the information provided to students / Improve coherence in the range of information provided to students to support their learning experience / City and You disseminated effectively
Review of information provided in hard copy/ on web completed
Proposals to enhance information/ dissemination agreed / January- August 10
(APPSC April, June 10; SAC Feb, April, June 10) / DVCE
SU President / Deputy Head of ADU
Director of S4S / AD(E) / Review of Undergraduate Education
Portal Project
2 / Commence work to enhance the research environment / Enrich the learning experience for research students
Increase support for researchers (both staff and students) / Revised framework for training provision developed, including enhanced support for students who teach
Representation for research degree students improved / December 09-August 10
(APPSC June 10) / Deputy Head of ADU
Associate Director of LDC / STR
3 / Support the development of a fitness to study policy / Policy developed
Mechanisms for implementation agreed / November09-August 10 (APPSC Feb, June 10) / DVCE
COO / T&L Dvpt Manager
Director of S4S
ACE Manager / AD(E)
4 / Develop an Employability Strategy / Support City’s employability record and ensure Careers provision meets the needs of all students / Strategy developed
Mechanisms for implementation agreed / November 09-April 10 (ExCo April 10) / COO / Director of S4S / School COOs
5 / Review the policy of 24 hour opening in the library / Establish whether the policy is providing benefit to students and City more widely / Policy, including financial aspects, reviewed
Suggestions for enhancement identified and action plan agreed / October 2009 / COO
DVCE / Director of LIS
Deputy Head of ADU / N/A
6 / To implement the teaching and learning-related components of the action plan arising from the Equality and Diversity Strategy / Ensure teaching and learning at City fulfils the requirements of the Equality and Diversity Strategy / Actions completed / November 09-July 10 / COO / Director of HR
Director of S4S
T&L Dvpt Manager / School COOs
5. Enhance the University’s physical and virtual space and its organisational structures.
Activities to be taken forward under the Plan arising from the Review of Undergraduate Education:
- Develop support for variety of learning and teaching and assessment methods
- Demonstrate and market Bologna compatibility within documentation
- Implement the revised academic year and credit framework
- Investigate potential changes to timetabling and the working day to support the most effective teaching and learning practices
Activity / Objective / Performance indicator / Timescales / University lead / Management lead / School lead / Link to other plans/projects
1 / Commence migration to a new strategic learning environment (SLE) / Phased implementation of new SLE.
Develop one environment for all; ensure consistency in design; embed learning environment into curriculum design / Migration plans established and kept under review
First implementations undertaken and evaluated
Further development of SLE undertaken / September 09 onwards
(APPSCs & SACs in 2009-10) / DVCE
COO / Director of LDC
CIO / Deans
Core Experts/ PROs / Review of Undergraduate Education
Portal project
Web project
2 / Commence implementation of the University Portal / Establish a Portal and commence evaluation and further development of tools / Portal established
First components tested and evaluated / January 10 onwards (APPSCs SACs in 2009-10) / DVCE
COO / Director of LDC
CIO / Deans
AD(E) / SLE project
Web project
3 / Complete the redesign of City’s website / Provide a website more able to support the needs of the University / New website launched / September 09-April 10 / COO / CIO / Deans
School COOs / Portal project
SLE project
4 / Use Educational Balance Sheets to support educational decision-making and maintenance of Q&S / Facilitate the discussion and analysis of EBS data at Senate and at other fora as appropriate. / EBS received and discussed at Senate
Relevant actions disseminated to others in the University / September 09 onwards / DVCE / Director of SaPU / Deans
School COOs
5 / Develop educational technology roadmap / Provide clear vision for direction of change at City
Adopt new/appropriate technologies / Roadmap completed
Web2.0 strategy / January 2010 onwards / DVCE
COO / Director of LDC / ADEs
PROs / Portal project
Website project
SLE project
6. Develop mechanisms and structures that encourage and reward educational excellence and development and research into educational practice among staff and that promote the value and importance of the University’s educational offer.
Activities to be taken forward under the Plan arising from the Review of Undergraduate Education:
- Provide proactive support for high quality and innovative teaching practice, including staff educational development and innovation
- Create a culture of sharing of good practice and celebrating achievements
Activity / Objective / Performance indicator / Timescales / University lead / Management lead / School lead / Link to other plans/projects
1 / Implement a revised LDA scheme / Embed EDA-type scheme within other initiatives ongoing within the University / Decision regarding future of EDA scheme approved
Revised scheme implemented / By January 10 (APPSC Dec 09) / DVCE / Director of LDC / AD(E)
EDAs / Review of Undergraduate Education
2 / Further develop the Learning Teaching Award Scheme / Promote expertise and innovation in learning and teaching practice and enable development of this / Applicants from all Schools received
Staff have knowledge of the scheme
Staff can identify previous projects and award winners / N/A / DVCE / Director of LDC / AD(E)
Previous and current award holders / Review of Undergraduate Education
SLE Project
3 / Continue to provide modules of the MA Academic Practice as CPD and award routes / Promote innovation in learning and teaching and provide development for these activities / Increase in staff undertaking routes within the programme
Staff promote programme to colleagues / N/A / DVCE / Programme Director MAAP
Senior Lecturers in LDC / AD(E) / Review of Undergraduate Education
SLE Project
4 / Develop an in-house Learning at City Conference and Journal developed / Share good practice in learning and teaching across City / Staff apply to provide papers and posters for the conference and articles for the journal / N/A / DVCE / Associate Director of LDC / AD(E)
Previous and current award holders
LDAs / Review of Undergraduate Education
SLE Project
Learning and Teaching Award scheme
5 / Implement LDC Fellowship scheme / Share good practice
Create a learning community for learning and teaching innovation and research
Recognise staff committed to innovation in learning and teaching / Staff apply for fellowship
Staff value the fellowship scheme / N/A / DVCE / Associate Director of LDC / AD(E)
Previous and current award holders
Holders of MA Academic Practice / Review of Undergraduate Education
SLE Project
Learning and Teaching Award Scheme
MA Academic Practice
6 / Further develop learning development opportunities/ provision / Encourage utilisation of bespoke menu for staff and Schools
Provide consultancy and engagement with key School processes around programme design/development / Increased numbers of staff attending bespoke sessions
LDC involvement in School processes / Summer 2010 / DCVE / Associate Director of LDC / AD(E) / Review of Undergraduate Education
SLE project
7 / Provide support for changes in learning and teaching practice (for example in relation to NSS) / Undertake change management activities
Articulate L&T methodologies
Enhance value of L&T / Improved NSS scores
Greater staff engagement in L&T CPD / Ongoing / DVCE / Director of LDC
COO / AD(E) / Review of Undergraduate Education
8 / Review of peer observation of teaching scheme / Develop common policy and practice across all Schools / Increased observation and developmental support / Summer 2010 / DVCE / Associate Director of LDC / ADE / Reward and promotion
9 / Develop culture of curriculum design / Gain acceptance of curriculum design as a development process
Use curriculum models
Engage support services in process
Appropriate use of variety of methods including technology and reflective learning / Articulation of teaching methods for all programmes/modules
LDC involvement in design process / Ongoing / DVCE / Director of LDC
Head of ADU / ADE / Review of Undergraduate Education
SLE project
AD(E) = Associate Deans (Education/Learning and Teaching)
ADU = Academic Development Unit