References from Undergrad Handbook Appendix 8


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Gunstone, H., Matthews, N., Roy, E., & Watson, A. (1996). Journey through families and adolescence.

Melbourne, Australia: Longman.

Howden-Chapman, P. (1999). Socioeconomic inequalities and health. In P. Davis & K. Dew (Eds.),

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Learning and Teaching Resources (Health in the Context of Aotearoa)

Required text:

Dew, K., & Davis, P. (Eds.). (1999). Health and society in Aotearoa New Zealand.Auckland, New

Zealand: OxfordUniversity Press.

AucklandUniversity of Technology. (2004). AucklandUniversity of Technology handbook for students.

Auckland, New Zealand: Author.

Recommended reading:

Bloom, A. (Ed.). (2000).Health reform in Australia and New Zealand. Melbourne, Australia: Oxford

University Press.

Carter, C. (1998). News, gender and power. New York: Routledge.

Davis, P., & Ashton, T. (Eds.). (2001). Health and public policy in New Zealand. Auckland, New

Zealand: OxfordUniversity Press.

Dew, K., &Kirkman, A. (2002). Sociology of health in New Zealand. Melbourne, Australia: Oxford

University Press.

Durie, M. (1994). Whaiora: Maori health development. Auckland, New Zealand: OxfordUniversity


George, J., & Davis, A. (1998). States of health and illness in Australia.Melbourne, Australia:


Germov, J. (Ed.). (2002). Second opinion: An introduction to health sociology. Melbourne, Australia:

OxfordUniversity Press.

Grbich, C. (1999). Health in Australia: Sociological concepts and issues. Sydney, Australia: Prentice Hall.

McLennan, G., Ryan, A., & Spoonley, P. (2000). Exploring society: Sociology for New Zealand

students.Auckland, New Zealand: Longman.

Metge, J., & Kinloch, P. (1984). Talking past each other: Problems of cross-cultural communication.

Wellington, New Zealand: VictoriaUniversity Press.

Moon, P. (2001). Hone Heke: Nga Puhi warrior.Auckland, New Zealand: David Ling.

Moon, P. (2003). Tohunga, Hohepa Kereopa. Auckland, New Zealand: David Ling.

National Advisory Committee on Health and Disability. (1998). The social, cultural and economic

determinants of health in New Zealand: Action to improve health: A report from the National

Advisory Committee on Health and Disability (National Health Committee). Wellington, New

Zealand: Author.

Orange, C. (1989). The story of a treaty.Wellington, New Zealand: Allen & Unwin.

Orange, C. (1990). An illustrated history of the Treaty of Waitangi. Wellington, New Zealand: Allan &


Royal Commission on Social Policy. (1987). The Treaty of Waitangi and social policy. Wellington, New

Zealand: Author.

Royal Commission on Social Policy. (1988). Towards a fair and just society.Wellington, New Zealand:
