Learning and support Mentor for Vulnerable students

Pay Range:B3

Hours: 30 hours per week, TTO + 5 Days

Accountable to:Assistant Vice Principal: Specialist Provision

Accountable for:To work under the instruction/guidance of teaching/senior staff to undertake:
  • Mentoring and support work for a key group of vulnerable pupils including students who are looked after and those with SEND. This may include those with complex medical needs, that impact on their ability to engage in mainstream education.
  • To support and implement care/support programmes, to enable access to a mainstream learning environment for specific students who have compounding learning and/or medical and needs for the duration of their time at the Academy.
  • To become the keyworker for these young people, working collaboratively with the SEN team and pastoral teams to implement appropriate care and adjustments to meet needs and promote inclusion.
  • Have an overview of the medical and care needs and deliver learning support programmes to ensure progress is made within the provision including soft skills and attendance. Work may be carried out in the classroom, outside the main teaching area, or at an alternative provision setting e.g. off-site provision/LSU. This role may also include work outside the academy in the student’s home.
  • To work in conjunction with pastoral staff and the CLA designated teacher to ensure personal education plans are implemented and reviewed regularly.

Strategic Direction

Work within the Specialist Provision Team to create an ethos based upon Co-operative values and approaches and an enterprise culture. To act as a coach/mentor to a group of students.


The duties outlined in this job description may be modified by the Principal, with your agreement, to reflect or anticipate changes in the job, commensurate with the salary and job title.

Key Responsibilities

  • To supervise and provide medical care and learning support for identified young people with complex medical and learning needs, ensuring their safety and access to learning activities for the duration that the young person remains on roll at the Academy.
  • To provide in class support for CLA and SEND students under the direction of teachers.
  • To assist with the development and implementation of Individual Personal Care programmes and educational programmes for identified young person
  • To assist with the development, implementation, and review of personal education plans
  • To promote the inclusion and acceptance of all students, establishing effective relationships
  • To set challenging and demanding expectations and promote self-esteem and independence.
  • To use strategies, in liaison with the teacher and external agencies, to support students to achieve learning goals encouraging students to interact with others and engage in activities.
  • To monitor students’ responses to learning activities and accurately record achievement/progress as directed.
  • Maintain professional records and appropriate casework notes (pastoral/curriculum) in relation to individual students, specifically in relation to CLA students, SEND students and pupil premium funded students.
  • Provide detailed and regular feedback to teachers on student’s medical needs, achievement, progress, changes circumstances etc.
  • To promote good student behaviour, dealing promptly with conflict and incidents in line with established policy and encourage students to take responsibility for their own behaviours.
  • To establish constructive relationships with parents/carers.
  • With the support of the SENCo and pastoral team, liaise with external agencies and parents/carers in relation to the personalised support needsof the young people.
  • To provide clerical/administrative support - photocopying, typing, filing, money, administer coursework.
  • To assist with the supervision of the identified students. This may consist of out of lesson hours, including before and after the school day and at lunchtime within contracted hours.
  • To accompany teaching staff and students on visits, trips and out of Academy activities as required and take responsibility for ensuring the safety of targeted young people under the supervision of the teacher.

Medical Care and Health and Safety

  • Effectively communicate and collaborate with other internal and external agencies/professionals to support achievement and progress of the identified young people.
  • First Aider (training will be provided).
  • Undergo all necessary training relating to the young person’s learning and medical needs.
  • Communicate key information to staff to ensure a safe learning environment for the young people.
  • Support the SEN team to cascade training to key staff in relation to the young peoples’ needs.
  • Be aware of the responsibility for personal Health, Safety and Welfare and that of others who may be affected by your actions or inactions.
  • Co-operate with the employer on all issues to do with Health, Safety and Welfare.
  • Be aware of and comply with policies and procedures relating to child protection, inclusion, health, safety and security, confidentiality and data protection, reporting all concerns to an appropriate person


  • To provide feedback to students in relation to progress and achievement under guidance of the teacher
  • To plan learning activities with the guidance of SENCo/ pastoral leadersin relation to young peoples’ welfare and needs.
  • To administer routine tests and invigilate exams for young people.
  • Where applicable, to support the delivery of structured and agreed learning activities/teaching programmes, differentiating activities according to the needs and responses of the young person within the classroom setting.
  • Where applicable, to support the delivery of programmes linked to local and national learning strategies, literacy, numeracy, KS3, early years-recording achievement and progress, and feeding back to the teacher.
  • To support the use of ICT in learning activities and develop young peoples’ competence and independence in its use.
  • Ensure all staff are aware of PEP/pupil profile targets and that progress is reviewed regularly


  • Provide levels of individual pastoral support to students including those with special needs, as directed by the teacher or senior staff.
  • Support a creative and flexible approach to meeting the educational needs of students.
  • Support the delivery of guidance / advice to mainstream teachers to support the specific student needs.
  • Support the delivery of intervention packages aimed at behaviour modification, self-awareness, and raising self-esteem as well as academic skills.
  • To support whole Academy inclusion systems as directed.
  • Support young people to have a voice in care review meetings, PEP reviews and EHCp reviews.


  • To act as a coach/mentor to a group of students
  • To contribute to the smooth operation of the Academy and support of the young person through the duty system

Continuing Professional Development

  • Undertake any necessary professional development as identified in the Academy Development Plan taking full advantage of any relevant training and development available
  • Undergo appropriate training in order to develop skills for the post

This job description will be reviewed as appropriate and may be subject to amendment or modification at any time after consultation with the post holder. It is not a comprehensive statement of procedures and tasks, but sets out the main expectations of the Academy in relation to the post holder’s professional responsibilities and duties.