LEARNING ABOUT RELIGION: Knowledge and understanding of: / LEARNING FROM RELIGION: Reflection on meaning
Level / (AT1i)
teachings and sources / (AT1ii)
& ritual / (AT1iii)
social and moral
practices & way of life / (AT2i)
with own and others’ beliefs and values / (AT2ii)
with own and others’ beliefs and values
1 / Pupils will be able to recognise the story of Good Friday as a religious story and know that Jesus died on Good Friday. / They will be able to recognise some religious signs and symbols such as cross, sign of the cross, ashes etc and use some religious words such as Lent, Ash Wednesday, Easter, and cross. / They will be able to recognise that Lent is a time to give. / They will be able to talk about their own experiences and feelings of different ways of giving. / They will be able to say what they wonder about different ways of giving. .
2 / Pupils will be able to retell some of the stories of Holy Week which tell of Jesus’ giving his life. / They will be able to use religious words and phrases to describe some of the religious actions and symbols associated with Lent, such as ashes on the forehead, respecting the cross, washing of the feet etc / They will be able to describe some ways in which Christians mark Lent, a time to practise giving. They will be able to describe how Christians celebrate God’s giving of new life at Easter. / They will be able to ask and respond to questions about giving being hard and joyful. / They will be able to ask questions about what they and others wonder about giving and self giving at Lent and Easter and realise that some of these questions are difficult to answer.
3 / Pupils will be able to make links between the Holy Week stories (especially Washing of the Feet) and belief in God’s gift of new life to Jesus. They will be able to make links between some Scripture stories and belief in Jesus the giver. / They will be able to make links between whatCatholic Christians do in Lent and the total self giving of Jesus. / They will be able to make links to show how belief in self sacrifice affects their behaviour and that of others. / They will be able to talk about and share with others the difficult questions they have around how people sacrifice themselves for others and compare their findings.

Levels of attainment: SELF GIVING

LEARNING ABOUT RELIGION: Knowledge and understanding of: / LEARNING FROM RELIGION: Reflection on meaning
Level / (AT1i)
teachings and sources / (AT1ii)
& ritual / (AT1iii)
social and moral
practices & way of life / (AT2i)
with own and others’ beliefs and values / (AT2ii)
with own and others’ beliefs and values
4 / Pupils will be able to show understanding of how a range of Scripture stories, paintings, belief in Jesus’ self - sacrifice etc., tell of God giving Jesus new life at Easter. / They will be able to show understanding of how belief in the sacrifice Jesus made and self giving shapes life. / They will be able to show how their own and others’ decisions to give or not to give are informed by belief in why Jesus washed his disciples feet and why he sacrificed his life. / They will be able to engage with and respond to questions around ‘Giving costs?’ in the light of religious teaching.
5 / Pupils will be able to identify sources of the belief in Jesus’ self sacrifice and explain how belief in the resurrection arises. / They will be able to identify similarities and differences between people’s responses to issues around self giving because of their religious belief. / They will be able to demonstrate how belief in what the sacrifice of Jesus means gives some explanation of the meaning and purpose of life.

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