5E Planning Guide for Inquiry Teaching: Current

Your Name: Caroline Menhenett Unit Name: Solids, Liquids, Gases Lesson Name: States of Matter Grade: 6

Learner outcomes: (content and inquiry – measurable). The students will:

Grade Level Indicators


5-E Phase / Planned Activity/Event / Guiding Questions / Notes: Materials, Safety, Modifictions
Engage Time: ___ min.
·  Tap prior knowledge
·  Focus learner’s thinking
·  Spark interest in topic / ·  Science Experiment with balloons,water,alkaseltzer / ·  Examine contents of balloon / ·  12 1-L bottles filled halfway with water
·  150 Alka-Seltzer tablets
·  25 safety goggles
·  18 poster board sheets
·  balloons
·  lab handout
Explore Time: ___ min.
·  Provide learners with common, concrete, tactile experiences with skills and concepts
·  Observe and listen to students
·  Ask probing questions
·  Act as a consultant / ·  Make observations
·  Record on poster boards at front of room / ·  “Can anyone identify examples of solids, liquids and gases from this activity?”
·  Can anyone describe to me the contents of the balloon and of the bottle?”
·  / ·  Poster board
·  Pencil
·  Paper
·  Marker
Explain Time: ___ min.
·  Encourage students to explain concepts in their own words
·  Ask for justification
·  Use students previous experiences as the basis or explaining concepts
·  Clarify and correct misconceptions / ·  Fill in notes / ·  What are examples of solids, liquids, gases
·  How can you describe the shape and volume of these substances? / ·  Note handout
Extend Time: ___ min.
·  Apply same concepts and skills in a new context resulting in deeper and broader understanding
·  Encourage the students to apply the concepts/skills to new situations / ·  Cheerio activity / ·  Examples?
·  How are they molecules distributed? / ·  Cheerios
·  Paper
·  Glue
·  Markers
Evaluate Time: ___ min.
·  Observe as students apply new concepts and skills
·  Assess, formally and/or informally student progress toward achieving the learner outcomes
·  Assess students’ knowledge and/or skills
·  Allow students to assess their own learning and group process skills / ·  Movement activity around room as molecules / ·  Give examples, students will move and act as molecules of a solid liquid or gas / · 

5E Planning Guide for Inquiry Teaching: Current

Your Name: Caroline Menhenett Unit Name: Solids, Liquids, Gases Lesson Name: States of Matter Grade: 6

Learner outcomes: (content and inquiry – measurable). The students will:

Grade Level Indicators


5-E Phase / Planned Activity/Event / Guiding Questions / Notes: Materials, Safety, Modifictions
Engage Time: ___ min.
·  Tap prior knowledge
·  Focus learner’s thinking
·  Spark interest in topic / ·  Viscosity Lab / ·  Give examples of molecules of solids, liquids, gases and have students act them out / Is it melting probe
Explore Time: ___ min.
·  Provide learners with common, concrete, tactile experiences with skills and concepts
·  Observe and listen to students
·  Ask probing questions
·  Act as a consultant / ·  Reading activity / ·  Pencil
·  Paper
·  Marker
·  Poster board
·  Reading materials
Explain Time: ___ min.
·  Encourage students to explain concepts in their own words
·  Ask for justification
·  Use students previous experiences as the basis or explaining concepts
·  Clarify and correct misconceptions / ·  Students will explain concepts to rest of class / ·  Where do we see this change in state of matter? / ·  Note handout
Extend Time: ___ min.
·  Apply same concepts and skills in a new context resulting in deeper and broader understanding
·  Encourage the students to apply the concepts/skills to new situations / ·  Vocab Activity
·  Guess the word on back / ·  Ask questions that narrow the vocabulary words down to fewer words / ·  Tape
·  Word cards
Evaluate Time: ___ min.
·  Observe as students apply new concepts and skills
·  Assess, formally and/or informally student progress toward achieving the learner outcomes
·  Assess students’ knowledge and/or skills
·  Allow students to assess their own learning and group process skills / ·  Comic strip
·  “Day in the Life of a Water Molecule” / ·  Probe students to thinking about how the particles move, how close together they are, what happens to cause the change. / ·  Notebooks pencils