Learner Eligibility Form
Full NameHome Address
Date of Birth / Age
National Insurance No.
Name of Employer
Address of Employer
Do you have a contract of employment? / Yes / No
How many hours per week do you work?
Have you been a resident in the UK or any other country in the European Economic Area (EEA) for the last 3 years?Please circle the most appropriate response
If no, please enter your date of entry to the UK or other country in the EEA: ______
Do you require a UK residency permit or visa to remain in the UK?
Where a learner is not ordinarily a resident in the UK, copies of Home Office documentation are required as supporting evidence: for example, a copy of a Passport or Home Office Immigration and Nationality Department letter confirming residency or right of abode status
Are you currently undertaking any other training programmes?
Please circle the most appropriate responseYesNo
If yes, please give details (eg course name, number of hours per week):
What is the highest qualification you have previously achieved?Please tick appropriate response
01 Level 1 (NVQ Level 1) / 05 Level 5 and above (post grad)02 Full Level 2 (5 GCSE’s A-C) / 07 Below Level 1
03 Full Level 3 (2 full A’Levels) / 09 Entry Level
04 Level 4 (degree) / 97 Other qualification, level unknown
99 No qualifications
Have you previously completed an NVQ or Apprenticeship?
If yes, which subject/level?______
Privacy Statement- How we use your personal information
The personal information you provide is passed to the Chief Executive of Skills Funding (“the Agency”) and, when needed, the Young People’s Learning Agency for England (“the YPLA”) to meet legal duties under the Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009, and for the Agency’s Learning Records Service (LRS) to create and maintain a unique learner number (ULN). The information you provide may be shared with other partner organisations for purposes relating to education or training.
Further information about use of and access to your personal data, and details of partner organisations are available at:
Learner Declaration
I understand that Reed in Partnership will need to process my personal information in order to make an informed decision about my admission onto a programme of study.
I declare that I have correctly identified my prior qualifications and eligibility on this form. I understand that if I have declared false information the provider may take action against me to reclaim the tuition fees and any support costs incurred.
Learner Signature:______Date: ______
Skills Broker Declaration
I confirm that the learner has shown me proof of their ‘right to public funds’ and ‘right to work’. The identification I have seen and verified is (please tick):
- EU PassportPassport Number: ______
- Birth Certificate and Proof of NINO (max 3 months old)Birth cert no.______
- Non EU Passport with relevant visa/letter from immigration
Passport Number: ______Visa/letter expiry date: ______
I am satisfied that the learner is not undertaking any other SFA or ESF funded provision and is eligible for SFA funding.
Skills Broker Name: / Date:Skills Broker Signature: / Provider:
This activity is part-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF). ESF supports activities to extend employmentopportunitiesand develop a skilled workforce
Guidance for Skills Brokers
Please ensure you gain the following proof(s) of identification. All photocopies must be securely attached to the eligibility form and returned to the Learner Support Team.
If this is the case of / Make copies of1 / Learner with UK passport / Nothing. Just write the passport number in the space above
2 / Learner with EEA passport / Front cover of passport, first page (showing passport number) and Page with picture
3 / Learner with any other passport / Front cover of passport, first page (showing passport number) and Page with picture
Additionally, current visa and ALL visas that the learner has had in the last three years
4 / UK citizen without a passport / Birth Certificate (showing name of parents) and proof of NINO (actual card, or official document, eg letter from HMRC, payslip – dated within last 3 months)
5 / EU citizen without a passport / Identity card
6 / Spouse of a Non EEA citizen with a working visa / Front cover of passport, first page (showing passport number) and Page with picture
Additionally, current visa and ALL visas that the learner has have in the last three years
7 / Non EEA citizen married to an EEA citizen and has been within the UK for more than a year and less than 3 years / For both (learner and EEA citizen): Front cover of passport, first page (showing passport number) and Page with picture
For learner: Additionally, current visa and ALL visas that the learner has had in the last three years
Marriage certificate or copy of spouse visa with both names on it.
All Learners supported by Reed in Partnership must meet the following criteria:
- Must not be studying more than 16 hours per week on another funded course of training or education
- Must have the legal right to be resident in the UK and EEA
- Must have been living in the UK or EEA for more than 3 years, not on a student visa
- Must have a contract of employment
Progression Training (East of England, and London):
All Learners on WPL must meet the general criteria AND the criteria below:
- Aged 19+
- Does not have a level 2 qualification
- No minimum on hours worked but must have a contract of employment either permanent or temporary
- Can only do a level 3 qualification if the learner is 19-24 and working in an SME
Work Based Learning/Apprenticeships (Nationwide, through Pearsons):
All Learners on WBL/Apprenticeships must meet the general criteria AND the criteria below:
- 16+
- Does not have a level 4 qualification
- Must be working more than 30 hours
- Must not have completed an apprenticeship or NVQ in the same or similar subject area at the same level