/ Introduction to NetworkingNetwork Management
Engineering Science Department
Ubuntu/Linux Experiment
You Name: / Your Station: / Your Computer:
You Partners: / Date:
  1. Objectives
  1. Learn and practice Linux using Command Line Interface (CLI)
  2. Learn and practice Linux using Graphical User Interface (GUI)
  3. Write simple scripts in Linux
  1. ConfigurationNetwork Setup

You need to have installed Ubuntu on your laptop if you want to use your laptop. For some of the commands you may need to login to root using the command sudo –l & the password provided by the instructor.

  1. Procedure

1.You need to do this lab on your own. Each student must submit her/his report on this for grading.

2.Power on the computerwatch for the display to show a list of OSs (e.g., Ubuntu, Ubuntu backup, and Windows 7) for you to choose. For that, as the computer is booting, keep touching the Upward arrow until the computer displays the list & stops. At this time you scroll up to high-light UBUNTU (NOT Ubuntu Backup) & hit enter for the UBUBTUOS to boot. You need to enter the password that the instructor provides to be able to see the UBUNTU screen.

3.Now open a Terminal page, to be able to enter the Linux commands.

4.Explain what the difference between the "ls" & "ls -l" commands is.

ls -l

5.For the Linux command in the 2ndcolumn, briefly fill up the operation in the 3rdcolumn? Use the “man” command if you do not know it.

# / Command / What is the Operation?
1 / locate xyz
2 / ls -l > ls-l.txt
3 / sort –t names
4 / cat > list2
good morning
5 / cat > list1
6 / tail -15
7 / cat my_file
8 / $ cat /etc/shells
9 / whatis xyz
10 / vi smith
11 / Ifconfig –a
12 / Echo 1, 2, 3, 4
13 / Sudo
14 / less make the manual description less.
15 / my-file is in home directory

6.Given the operation in the 2ndcolumn, what will is the Linux command in the 3rd column?

# / Operation / What is the Command?
1 / list files & directories.
2 / list all files & directories including the hidden ones.
3 / make a sub-directory called “my_file” in the home directory.
4 / change to names directory.
5 / take you to home directory. Assume you are in “my_file” directory.
6 / show the path for where you are in the directory.
7 / read the manual page of command “xyz”
8 / list the contents of the home directory, no matter where you are.
9 / copy “file1” to “file2”.
10 / delete my_file subdirectory.
11 / rename file1 to file2.
12 / display the content of a file called my_file1
13 / redirect the output to list1?
14 / count the number of lines, words, and characters in my_file1?
15 / count only the number of lines in my_file1?
16 / count only the number of words in my_file1?
17 / count only the number of characters in my_file1?
18 / display all lines of list1 & list2 containing the letter “p” & sort the result.
19 / find out about “sort”.
20 / display the names of all files in directory “ubuntu” and their permissions.
  1. Write a Linux script to create a directory called “music” & then remove the directory. Assume “$” is your prompt in your home directory.

Command / Operation
Make a directory called “music” with content “list of Jazz music”.
Removes the directory “music”.
  1. Use vi or gedit to make a file called, my_file, then change the file name to your_file, show its status & permission status, then change its name to your file & then remove.
  1. Make a new file named “smith” which with the date of the day on the first line, and the “Class room is Salazar 2006”.

Command / Operation (hints)
Use a vi command to make & edit file smith, CR=Carriage Return
In vi enter “i” character followed by the desired text, i.e., the date.
Enter the place
Enter “ESC” character to end insertion of the text.
“:wq” takes you to control mode, followed by write the file, and quit the file.

In the remaining time practice the “Practice” slides at the end of “Intro to Linux” slide set. This Linux_Tutorial can be helpful.

  1. Report
  2. Type all your responses to the questions in the tables aboveincluding your observations & commentsneatly.
  3. Make sure to power off all the devices, remove the cables & return them to the cabinet, & clean up your station.
  4. Submit your report by the due date.
