Vincennes University

LEAP Migration Technical Survey


This survey is intended to aid SunGard SCT (SSCT) in gaining an understanding of several influencing factors at institutions that undertake administrative systems migrations from SSCT Plus applications to SSCT Banner applications. In the following pages, we ask that you provide responses in the blue-shaded areas for each category. Since it’s likely that this survey may need input from multiple technical and functional areas, each page contains a single survey measurement. Please use the comments section at the bottom of each page to relay any additional information for a given category that you believe is pertinent.

Should you have any questions or comments or seek assistance in completing this document, please don’t hesitate to let us know. Your contact for this endeavor and the SunGard SCT representative who should receive completed surveys is:

Laurene Farley

Principal Technical Consultant, Migration Services


Office: 877.564.2227 x4065

Please indicate below your institution’s designee and contact information for any questions that SSCT may have following receipt of the completed survey:

Contact Name: / Terry Bilskie
Title: / Application Integration Mgr
Office Phone: / 812-888-4332
Email: /

Category: Systems – Current State

Measurement: Hardware Profiles

Intent: Establish current-state profiles of all ERP hardware platforms. Some components of upcoming activities may require applications that are compiled and executed on existing SSCT Plus or other administrative systems. While most institutions will employ a single platform for administrative systems, it is not uncommon to find multiple platforms in use. Thus this measurement allows multiple responses. Please use empty rows for other administrative applications in use at your institution.


Ø  Administrative Area: General description of applications in use, i.e. Alumni/Development, Human Resources, etc.

Ø  Application: SSCT Plus ERP applications or other integrated or interfaced applications in use at member institutions.

Ø  Platform: DEC Alpha, IBM Mainframe, IBM RS6000, Other (please specify)

Ø  Operating System: OpenVMS, MVS VSAM, MVS VSE, MVS DB2, AIX DB2, Other (please specify)

Administrative Area / Application / Platform / Operating System
Financial / SSCT Plus FRS / IBM Mainframe / DOS/VSE
Human Resources / SSCT Plus HRS / IBM Mainframe / DOS/VSE
Student / SSCT Plus SIS / IBM Mainframe / DOS/VSE
Financial Aid / SSCT Plus FAM / IBM Mainframe / DOS/VSE
Advancement / SSCT Plus ADS / IBM Mainframe / DOS/VSE

Category: Systems – Current State

Measurement: SSCT Plus Application Versions

Intent: Establish current-state profiles of all SSCT Plus application versions in use at each member institution. A ‘non-response’ to any component will be interpreted to mean that this application is not in use at your institution.


Ø  Application: SSCT Plus ERP application. Note: if SSCT Plus applications are running in separate hardware environments, please specify individually the ZSS version and TOS level for each platform.

Ø  Version: Major version level, i.e. SIS 1.19.

Ø  TOS Level: Most recent TOS applied. As TOS levels vary by platform, no defaults are provided.

Application / Version / TOS Level

Category: Systems – Current State

Measurement: Degree of Modification

Intent: Establish general measurement of numbers of modifications and extensions to current SSCT Plus systems. Levels of customization must be considered in several aspects of upcoming initiatives. It is likely that institutions may not have exact measurements easily available, so responses in this table are categorized into general levels as noted in the key below.


Ø  Application: SSCT Plus ERP application.

Ø  Use of User Filler: Institution’s general use of the SSCT Plus baseline user defined fields.

Ø  Added Fields: Institution’s general use of added fields (new record types).

Ø  Added Files: Institution’s general use of added files.

Ø  Responses: Please use this general guide in each response:

N = None, M = Minimum, S = Substantial, E = Extensive

Application / Use of User Filler / Added Fields / Added Files

Category: Systems – Current State

Measurement: Application Interfaces

Intent: Establish inventory of all current interfaces (incoming, outgoing, bi-directional) in use with SSCT Plus applications. This measurement will provide general guidance in determining level of effort required to migrate applications to SSCT Banner.


Ø  Application: SSCT Plus ERP application.

Ø  Interface Title: Two or three word “name” that can be used to label an interface, i.e. “Library Download”.

Ø  Direction: Please use I = Incoming (data loaded into SSCT Plus application), O = Outgoing (data extracted from SSCT Plus application), B = Bi-directional.

Ø  Description: Short text describing the nature of the interface, i.e. “Extract currently enrolled students for library systems”. Please name any 3rd-Party packaged software that generates or receives interfaced data.

Application / Interface Title / Direction / Description
Luminis / Intranet-Web Portal / B / Account IDs, Course info, etc.

Category: Application Support

Measurement: Relational Database Experience

Intent: Establish levels of relational database experience of current information technology staff. The level of experience will be determined by different factors based upon category. For example, a database administrator would evaluate comfort in creating and managing entire databases while application analysts would evaluate comfort levels with SQL, tables, views, etc.


Ø  Category: General support category or SSCT Plus ERP application. Please indicate any categories not pre-labeled in the empty rows provided.

Ø  Oracle: In each column, number of FTE who consider their Oracle experience to be Novice, Proficient and Expert

Ø  Other: In each column, number of FTE who consider their “Other” relational database experience to be Novice, Proficient and Expert. Please indicate databases in use DB2, MS SQL Server, etc. in the comments section at the bottom of this page.

Category / Oracle
(N) / Oracle
(P) / Oracle
(E) / Other
(N) / Other
(P) / Other
Systems and Database Administration
Help Desk Support and End-User Training
Network and Desktop Administration
Reporting Support
Other Administrative Applications
Academic Computing Applications

Category: Application Migration

Measurement: Plus FRS to Banner Finance Scope

Intent: Establish general scope of modules to be migrated and relative volume of each effort. While volume is not an absolute gauge of complexity, it is generally a key indicator. In each module, a non-response will indicate member institution does not anticipate that data conversion will be required or desired. This measurement includes only those modules typically subject to data conversion. Responses may be rounded since our intent is to approximate scope.


Ø  Module: Application module.

Ø  Scope Measurement: Relative indicator of potential scope.

Ø  Response: Quantity of associated measurement.

Module / Scope Measurement / Response
Vendor / Number of Vendors
Vendor 1099’s / Number of Vendors and checks written
Fixed Assets / Number of Fixed Assets
General Ledger Balances / Number of Funds
Beginning Budget Balances / Number of Funds and Organizations
Endowment Balances / Number of Endowment Funds
Grants Inception-to-Date / Number of active Grants
Grants Billing / Number of active Grants

* NOTE: If performing a mid-year conversion sometime after the fiscal year, an additional conversion needs to be considered to load summary balances for revenue, expenses and any budget adjustments.


Category: Application Migration

Measurement: Plus HRS to Banner Human Resources Scope

Intent: Establish general scope of modules to be migrated and relative volume of each effort. While volume is not an absolute gauge of complexity, it is generally a key indicator. In each module, a non-response will indicate member institution does not anticipate that data conversion will be required or desired. This measurement includes only those modules typically subject to data conversion. Responses may be rounded since our intent is to approximate scope.


Ø  Module: Application module.

Ø  Scope Measurement: Relative indicator of potential scope.

Ø  Response: Quantity of associated measurement.

Module / Scope Measurement / Response
Employee / Number of Active Employees
Leave, Benefits & Deductions / Average number of Benefit/Deduction Codes per Employee
Position Control / Number of Active Positions
Jobs / Number of Active Jobs

Category: Application Migration

Measurement: Plus SIS to Banner Student Scope

Intent: Establish general scope of modules to be migrated and relative volume of each effort. While volume is not an absolute gauge of complexity, it is generally a key indicator. In each module, a non-response will indicate member institution does not anticipate that data conversion will be required or desired. This measurement includes only those modules typically subject to data conversion. Responses may be rounded since our intent is to approximate scope.


Ø  Module: Application module.

Ø  Scope Measurement: Relative indicator of potential scope.

Ø  Response: Quantity of associated measurement.

Module / Scope Measurement / Response
Recruitment / Number of active recruits
Admissions / Average number of applicants for Fall term
Course Catalog / Number of courses
Buildings and Rooms / Number of rooms
Faculty / Number of active faculty
Schedule / Average number of course section offered for Fall term
Housing / Average number of Housing assignments for Fall term
General Student / Average headcount for Fall term
Academic History / Total number of academic course records
Accounts Receivable / Average number of students with balances at end of term
Registration / Average number of registration records for Fall term

Category: Application Migration

Measurement: Plus FAM to Banner Financial Aid Scope

Intent: Establish general scope of modules to be migrated and relative volume of each effort. While volume is not an absolute gauge of complexity, it is generally a key indicator. In each module, a non-response will indicate member institution does not anticipate that data conversion will be required or desired. This measurement includes only those modules typically subject to data conversion. Responses may be rounded since our intent is to approximate scope.


Ø  Module: Application module.

Ø  Scope Measurement: Relative indicator of potential scope.

Ø  Response: Quantity of associated measurement.

Module / Scope Measurement / Response
Budgets, Awards & Academic Progress / Average number of students receiving financial aid for Fall term
Loan History / Average number of students receiving loans for Fall term

Category: Application Migration

Measurement: Plus ADS to Banner Advancement Scope

Intent: Establish general scope of modules to be migrated and relative volume of each effort. While volume is not an absolute gauge of complexity, it is generally a key indicator. In each module, a non-response will indicate member institution does not anticipate that data conversion will be required or desired. This measurement includes only those modules typically subject to data conversion. Responses may be rounded since our intent is to approximate scope.


Ø  Module: Application module.

Ø  Scope Measurement: Relative indicator of potential scope.

Ø  Response: Quantity of associated measurement.

Module / Scope Measurement / Response
Alumni / Number of alumni in ADS
Constituents & Organizations / Total number of constituents and organizations
Campaigns and Designations / Number of distinct development funds
Gifts and Pledges / Number of gifts and pledges
Matching Gifts / Number of matching gifts
Prospect Management / Number of prospect records
Membership / Total number of membership participants

Category: Application Migration

Measurement: Self-Service Applications

Intent: Establish general gauge of the use of the SSCT Plus self-service Web and Voice Response applications. While SSCT is aware of which products have been licensed, this category is intended to confirm that each has been implemented and should be considered in migration planning.


Ø  Application: Self-service application.

Ø  Implementation Status: Please use P = In Production, I = In Implementation Stage, F = Planned for Future, N = neither implemented nor planned.

Application / Implementation
SSCT Plus Web for Student / P
SSCT Plus Web for Faculty / P
SSCT Plus Web for Alumni
SSCT Plus Web for Employees
Campus Pipeline / Luminis / P
SSCT Plus Voice Response
Comments: CampusPipeline 3.2 to Luminis Basic III.2 upgrade targeted for 01/03/05.

Category: Application Migration

Measurement: Migration Sequence

Intent: To gauge the institution’s preferred order of implementation of the SSCT Banner applications.


Ø  Application: SSCT Banner application.

Ø  Preferred Sequence: Please rank order from 1 to 4.

Ø  Approximate Date: Please enter approximate date when institution would like to implement each application. Month/Year is sufficient.

Application / Preferred Sequence / Approximate Date
SSCT Banner Finance / 1 / 07/05
SSCT Banner Human Resources / 2 / 01/06
SSCT Banner Student / 4 / 03/06
SSCT Banner Financial Aid / 3 / 02/06
SSCT Banner Advancement / 5 / 01/07

Category: Application Migration

Measurement: Dependencies

Intent: Identify any significant campus initiatives or events that may influence (positively or otherwise) the institution’s LEAP Migration to the SSCT Banner applications. Examples might include major network upgrades, relocation of key facilities, etc.


Ø  Initiative or Event: Please briefly describe the initiative or event that is planned or underway.

Ø  Approximate Timing: General timeframe of the initiative or event, including its duration, i.e. April-May 2004.

Ø  Potential Impact: Please describe the potential impact(s) upon the migration to SSCT Banner.

Initiative or Event / Approximate Timing / Potential Impact
New 4 Yr Degree Programs / Fall 2005 / ?

Additional Comments: Please use the space below to relay any additional information that you believe is useful to our planning for a successful LEAP Migration to SSCT Banner.


Thank you!

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