(Instruction: please resave this file and include yoursurname in the new title of the document.)
- Story Title:
- Word Count:
- Author’s Name:
- Is English your first language? Yes / No (circle or underline the right answer)
- Contact Details - mailing address, phone, and email.This information is kept confidential and never passed on to third parties.
- Name (& URL if you have it) of the local that you recommended on Leap Local’s website
Recommend a local:
Notes: Your recommended local does not need to be associated with your story entry, they can even be close to home. (n.b. newly recommended locals are approved by Leap team members, not a computer, so there may be a delay before it appears on the website)
- One Paragraph Biography (~100ish words, include link to blog or website)
Notes: Please note that the biography you provide is not used to judge you and is not given to the judges. It doesn’t matter if you have no professional writing experience. Your life experience is every bit or even more important. If your story wins or is selected for Monday Escape, you will have an opportunity to update your bio.
- Story in English (500-650 words)
Formatting guidelines:no indents; add one space between paragraphs; please use font Arial 12; yes, you may use italics; please no formatted bullets, and no images.
- Images. If your story absolutely requires an image or graphic, send it low resolution (~500kB) in an attachment with your story and indicate where it needs to be placed in the body of the story. You will be contacted about supporting images at a later date should your story be selected as a winner or for Monday Escape.
- Additional information for other travellers. Below your story provide a few details,if you can, for other tourists regarding getting to the location,dining, places to stay, transportation, links, or any insider knowledge that will help your fellow traveller. This information is not included in story word-count and it is not judged, but should be fact checked and accurate.
Before you enter your story, please check you understand the guidelines which can be found here -
Please email your story towith your surname in the subject.
Thank you and good luck!