Pastor Tab Cosgrove

May 18, 2014

Easter 5A

Text: 1Peter 2:-10

Title: Firm Foundation

Leaning Tower of Pisa would have fallen over with out intervention

183 feet tall since completion in 1370 was leaning five tenths of an inch a year and got as far as 17 feet out of plumb before intervention

They excavated the ground under the tower and finally brought it back to 13 feet out of plumb

But why such a lean?

The word "pisa" means "marshy land" and the soil the tower was built on was a mixture of mud, sand and clay but the foundation was only a 5 foot deep circular ditch

its no wonder why the tower started to lean after only 3 of the 8 stories were built

Compare that to the Freedom Tower in NYC, the one built to replace the World Trade Center buildings. It is 1776 foot tall tower and and the footings alone are 80 feet deep into bedrock with a foundation that is 200 x 200 feet, made of a mixture of concrete and steel.

A firm foundation is absolutely key to keeping a building firm and true, one that will withstand natures adversities and abnormal conditions that might occur.

And so in taking that concept forward, I want to draw your attention to the Epistle reading, in particular to 1 Peter 2:5-6 where it says (read 5-6) You see we are all, who believe houses being built for the purpose of offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God. Then look at verse 9, because we are a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession to proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. This is the purpose of our faith--to be spiritual houses, so to speak, that reflect Him and bring Him glory.

But the part of this that struck me was the tense Peter uses here. He says we are being built. In other words we are under construction and it will continue until either we take our last breath or Jesus Himself comes back. We are under a continual formation to become a people who ultimately live lives that reflect and proclaim God's glory and excellences, like individual priests, made holy by His grace, mercy and love. What Jesus accomplished on the cross makes us buildings being built with Him as the foundation that keeps us true and firm by the forgiveness we receive and the hope of salvation we have. And you know what the great part about this building project is? It is God's work to accomplish. Not ours. It is our job to get ourselves, with our sinful nature out of the way.

Look at verse 1 (read) So put away all the stuff inside that hinders the building process, craving the spiritual measuring, cutting, nailing, staple gunning, glueing etc. that builds us into the spiritual houses we need to be.

But how hard is it to let that happen!! It's scary sometimes isn't it. Because we don't like our houses to be messed with and we certainly don't like being told how to build on to our houses or what would be best for our houses. I'm I right? It's my house--I'll do what I please. This gentleman we worked with, his name was Tom, said that he enjoys working with volunteers because they listen--carpenters and other builder types don't like being told how to do something or what to do. Same with us. Let's face it, it can be pretty darn irritating and challenging to be measured, cut, nailed, staple gunned and glued--all the things necessary to make us into a house that brings Him glory.

On our way down to NC we crossed over the border to VA. Home of the Best Dang BBQ


God is the professional builder and nothing He builds is subject to leaning or falling over because it is built on the firmest, strongest foundation ever to exist--His Son Jesus Christ. We just need to get out of the way and allow Him to build a house that exists to proclaim the excellencies of Him who has blessed us so. In Jesus' Name. Amen.