Leamington Primary School

Curriculum Map Year 4



Autumn 1

(7 weeks) /

Autumn 2

(7½ weeks) /

Spring 1

(5½ weeks)

Spring 2

(5 weeks)

Summer 1

(7 weeks) / Summer 2
(6½ weeks)
Maths / Number
Number and place value
Addition and Subtraction / Number
Multiplication and division
Fractions / Measurement / Geometry
Properties of shapes
Position and direction / Statistics / Continuous objectives
English / Stories with historical setting
Escape from Pompeii
By Christina Balit
Recount: Newspapers
Poetry- exploring form / Stories from other cultures
Stories from Around the World by Heather Amery
Recount: Magazine / Stories in Imaginary Worlds
Dragon’s Child
by Jenny Nimmo
Poetry- creating images link to imaginary worlds / Issues and dilemmas
Bills new frock
by Anne Fine
Play scripts
/ Information texts- Advertisements
link to Liverpool
Formal persuasive texts-
Film trailer
link to Liverpool
(audience: tourists) / Formal persuasive texts- Debate inspired by:
Zoo by Anthony Browne
The Shirt Machine
(short film)
link to rivers topic
Class Reader / The Time travelling cat and the Roman eagle / Stories from Around the World / How To Train Your Dragon / Invasion / James and the Giant Peach
Science / Animals including humans
What happens to the food we eat?
/ Electricity
How could we cope without electricity for one day? / Sounds
Why is the sound that ‘One Direction’ makes is enjoyed by so many? / All living things
Which wild animals and plants live and thrive in your locality? / States of matter
How would we survive without water?
/ Settlements:
Where would you choose to build a city? / UK City Study
Why is Liverpool such a cool place to live? / Fieldwork enquiry


/ Romans
Why were the Romans so powerful and what did we learn from them? / Crime and punishment:
Who were the early lawmakers? / Normans
Why were the Norman castles certainly not bouncy?
R.E. / Special Occasions:
Wedding Celebrations / Christmas
‘Mary’s Journey’ / Journey of Life and Death / Easter
‘Jesus’ Journey’ / Special People:
Ghandi / Special People:
Who is Jesus?
Art / Drawing
Portraits / 3D Modelling using clay
Dragon eyes / Painting
Cityscapes /
DT / Electrical systems
Making a torch / Textiles
Norman tapestry / Food
P.E. / Speed, Agility, Quickness
Games: Netball / Games: Hockey / Swimming / Athletics / LSSP: Dance
And Orienteering / Gymnastics
Computing / Produce and publish media / MGL
Coding, robotics and gaming / Digital communication and the web / Create and share digital artefacts / Problem solving and real world tech / MGL
Collecting exploring and recording data
Music / Guitars
PSHE / Being Me in My World / Celebrating difference
(including anti-bullying)
Picture frames / Dreams and Goals
Dream mobiles and garden decorations / Healthy Me
Healthy friendships chapter / Relationships
Fabric collage- ‘Our special relationships’ / Changing Me
Circles of me
Special Days/Events / Walker Art Gallery:
portrait detectives workshop
DEWA Trip /Roman Day / Guitar performance
for parents / Past Productions visit to school
Crime and punishment / Science afternoon:
Walton Hall Park / Geography:
Trip to Croxeth Hall Park to investigate water flow.
Leamington Gallery
in Jnr Hall for parents
Year 4 Assembly