FOLTZ, John Clark Page 2


University of Idaho

NAME: Foltz, John Clark DATE: July, 2016

RANK OR TITLE: Professor of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology

DEPARTMENT: College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Academic Programs


EMAIL: FAX: 208-885-6654



DATE OF TENURE: April 1997



Ph.D., Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 1991 Agricultural Economics.

M.S., The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 1981 Agricultural Economics.

B.S., The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 1979 Agricultural Economics.


Administrative Appointments:

2016-present, Special Assistant to the President for Agricultural Initiatives

2013-2016, Dean, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

December, 2012-June, 2013, Interim Dean, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

2005-2012, Associate Dean and Director of Academic Programs, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

2004-2005, Interim Associate Dean and Director of Academic Programs, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

Teaching, Extension and Research Appointments:

2004-present, Professor, University of Idaho

1997-2004, Associate Professor, University of Idaho.

January 2002-July 2002 Sabbatical Visiting Professor, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.

1991-97, Assistant Professor, University of Idaho.

1989-91, Graduate Instructor, Purdue University.

1987-91, Graduate Research Assistant, Purdue University.

1980-81, Graduate Research Assistant, The Ohio State University.

1979-80, Graduate Teaching Assistant, The Ohio State University.

Non-Academic Employment including Armed Forces:

1983-87, District Manager, Purina Mills, Inc. Circleville, Ohio.

1981-83, Territory Manager and Management Trainee, Ralston Purina Company, Circleville, Ohio.

1979 (Summer), Sales Assistant, Elanco Products Company, Worthington, Ohio.

1978 (Summer), Intern, DeKalb Agresearch Inc., London, Ohio.

1977 (Summer), Intern, Continental Grain Company, Worthington, Ohio.


2008 Program Reviewer, Agribusiness Program, Middle Tennessee State University.

2004, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium & Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation, Bethel, Alaska. Worked with these groups to create a regional cooperative to manage local village drinking and wastewater systems in southwestern Alaska.

Consulting (cont.):

1992-2003, Cooperative Leadership Seminar, Spokane, Washington. Chairman for this seminar, which is a developmental and educational program for cooperative directors and managers in the Pacific Northwest. The target audience was agricultural co-ops in a 6 state region, and annual attendance averaged 130.

2001-03, Hepworth, Lezamiz and Janis, Twin Falls, Idaho. Served as an expert witness in a court case involving production loss for a dairy farm operation.

2001, Lewiston Grain Growers/Union Warehouse. Worked with a group of board members from each entity to help develop a name for the merged cooperative.

1999, ProMar Select. Performed business valuation analysis on a proposed investment that the Board of Directors was considering.

1997, ProMar Select Wheat. Served as a facilitator for a strategic planning meeting, which focused on developing a mission statement and long-term goals and objectives. Provided framework and input for this process.

1992-96, Harvey A. Meier Company, Spokane, Washington. HAM is a consulting company that performs a variety of jobs for food and agribusiness firms. Work with this firm involved participation in projects within these industries including activities such as personnel work, strategic planning, finance, sales training, marketing and new venture planning.

1996-97, Quane, Smith, Howard and Hull, Boise, Idaho. Served as an expert witness in a court case involving property and production loss for a honeybee operation.

1996, Snyder, Mathews and Nelson, Boise, Idaho. Served as an expert witness in a court case involving the termination of a dealer of a major farm equipment manufacturer.

1995, Huppin, Ewing, Anderson and Paul, Spokane, Washington. Served as an expert witness in a court case involving the termination of a manager of a cooperative agribusiness.

1995, Central Washington Grain Growers, Inc., Waterville, Washington. Served as a facilitator for a strategic planning meeting, which focused on developing a mission statement and long-term goals and objectives. Provided framework and input for this process.

1992, InterMountain Canola, Idaho Falls, Idaho. Looked at the economics of growing canola under contract with IMC relative to other rotational crops in the Pacific Northwest, as well as evaluate the concept and the benefits of “identity preserved” products. As a result of this consulting effort, I received $1000 for undergraduate scholarships for students in the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology at the University of Idaho.

1992, Office of International Cooperation and Development, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Proposed and implemented a week-long agribusiness training program for Petr Roubicek, a Czechoslovakian entrepreneur. Roubicek owned a company that imported and exported vegetable and forest seeds. Training focused on marketing, sales, personnel and planning.

1988-89, Silver Lane Hybrids, Remington, Indiana. Consulting in the areas of marketing and operations. Also recruited new dealers in their market area.

1988, Sabina Farmers Exchange, Sabina, Ohio. Worked with this business to open a drive-thru feed and farm supply operation -- products to carry, advertising campaign, in-store merchandising and personnel.

International Experience:

2016 Germany Traveled with a group of University of Idaho students as teacher/mentor on a trip to Switzerland, Italy several European countries. Visits included agribusiness firms, farms and

cultural/educational tours.

2014 China. Visited the Nestle Dairy Farming Institute in Harbin China, and China Agricultural University in Beijing.

2008 India. Visited Tamil Nadu Agricultural University and the University of Agricultural Sciences at Bangalore to explore possible exchanges, mutual collaboration. Presented Selected Paper, Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Agri-Business Management, Bangalore, India

2008 Taiwan. Headed up a short-term study abroad experience hosted in part by National Chiayi University, for students from the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Idaho.

2007 Taiwan. Headed up a short-term study abroad experience hosted in part by National Chiayi University, for students from the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Idaho.

International Experience (cont.):

2005 Taiwan. Member Idaho Governor’s trade Mission to Asia. Traveled to Taiwan to interact with National Chiayi University to assist in development of exchange opportunities for University of Idaho faculty and students.

2003 Peru. University of Piura, Peru. Gave a series of lectures in their executive MBA program: The U.S. Farm Bill, Trends in U.S. Farm Production, Trends in Food Marketing and New Ideas in Agribusiness Management.

2002 New Zealand. January-July, Sabbatical Visiting Professor, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.

1999 Russia. ACDI/VOCA (Agricultural Cooperative Development International /Volunteers in Overseas Cooperative Assistance). Served as a consultant to the Educational Methodology Centre of the Ministry of Agriculture and Provisions of Russian Federation Administration of Secondary Specialized Educational Institutions in the area of agribusiness management/marketing and distance education.


Areas of Specialization:

Agribusiness Management

Courses Taught:

Instructor for Ag 495 (Ag Ambassadors)

Fall 2012 22 students Fall 2008 16 students

Spring 2012 25 students Spring 2008 12 students

Fall 2012 22 students Fall 2007 18 students

Spring 2012 25 students Spring 2007 13 students

Fall 2011 27 students Fall 2006 15 students

Spring 2011 31 students Spring 2006 20 students

Fall 2010 33 students Fall 2005 24 students

Spring 2010 20 students Spring 2005 18 students

Fall 2009 21 students Fall 2004 20 students

Spring 2009 13 students

Instructor for Ag 499 (Peer Advising)

Fall 2012 8 students Fall 2008 11 students

Fall 2012 8 students Fall 2007 19 students

Fall 2011 22 students Fall 2006 26 students

Fall 2010 14 students Fall 2005 20 students

Fall 2009 15 students Fall 2004 38 students

Instructor for Ag 404 (Digital Marketing)

Spring 2009 9 students

Instructor for Ag Ec 413 (Human Resource Management in Agribusiness Firms)

Fall 2012 13 students

Fall 2011 10 students

Fall 2010 24 students

Instructor for Ag. Ec. 330 (Agricultural Cooperatives)

Spring 2009 6 students Spring 2006 17 students

Spring 2008 7 students Spring 2005 11 students

Spring 2007 10 students Spring 2004 10 students

Instructor for Ag. Ec 478 (Advanced Agribusiness Management)

Spring 2004 12 students

Courses Taught (cont.):

Instructor for Ag. Ec. 404 (Personal Selling)

Spring 2004 14 students

Instructor for Ag. Ec. 391 (Agribusiness Management).

Fall 2002 13 students Fall 1996 32 students

Fall 2001 24 students Fall 1995 24 students

Fall 2000 22 students Fall 1994 47 students

Fall 1999 31 students Fall 1993 30 students

Fall 1998 40 students Fall 1992 20 students

Fall 1997 34 students

Instructor for Ag. Ec. 391 Distance Sections

Fall 2002 14 students Fall 1999 14 students

Fall 2001 7 students Fall 1998 14 students

Fall 2000 18 students Fall 1997 8 students

Co-instructor for Ag 404 (Land Grant college blueprint)

Spring 1999 9 students

Fall 1998 9 students

Co-Instructor for Ag. Ec. 204 (Mastering General Agricultural Economics Concepts -- Quiz Bowl Class)

Spring 2003 11 students Spring 1999 6 students

Spring 2001 8 students Spring 1998 11 students

Spring 2000 7 students Spring 1997 8 students

Instructor for Ag. Ec. 101 (Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness)

Fall 2002 30 students Fall 1998 35 students

Fall 2001 28 students Fall 1997 33 students

Fall 2000 23 students Fall 1996 34 students

Fall 1999 40 students

Instructor for Ag. Ec. 360 (Agribusiness Management - Washington State University)

Fall 2001 10 students

Co-Instructor for Ag. 112.301 (International Food and Agribusiness Strategies - Massey University)

Spring 2002 20 students

Instructor for Ag. Ec. 426 (Agri-Business Marketing - Purdue University)

Spring 1991 69 students

Instructor for Economics 251 (Microeconomics - Purdue University)

Spring 1990 43 students

Teaching assistant for Ag. Ec. 405 (Agricultural Prices - Purdue University)

Fall 1989 45 students

Students Advised:

Undergraduate Academic Advisor: 39 advised to completion of degree, 15-20 per semester

Graduate Students:

Major professor:

Jerri Jo Burger, M.S. Ag. Econ., Current Trends and Structure of the Carbon Market and the Potential Economic Benefits to Idaho Dairy Producers from Participation in Emission Reduction Markets, Spring, 2006.

Lacey Price, M.S. Ag. Econ., Trade and Traceability in the Cattle Market, Spring, 2005.

Graduate Students:

Major professor (cont.):

Daniel Mirera, M.S. Ag. Econ., Summer, 2005.

John Potter, M.S. Interdisciplinary Studies, Spring, 2006

Waka Waka Ngatchou, M.S. Ag. Econ, left school.

Ofori Atta, M.S. Ag. Econ, left school.

Thane Twiggs, M.S. Ag. Econ., left school.

Mahmut Kargin, M.S. Ag. Econ, Mergers, Acquisition, Joint Ventures, and Consolidations in Agribusiness: An Example of Acquisition in Agribusiness (Acquisition of Continental Grain by Cargill), Summer 2000.

Dennis Bortz, M.S. Ag. Econ., Cost Efficiency and Productivity of Lemhi, County Idaho Cattle Production, Spring 2000.

Liping Zhao, M.S. Ag. Econ., The Pacific Northwest Grain Industry: Determinants of Change from 1948-98, Summer 2000.

Omar Bunu, M.S. Ag. Econ., Idaho’s Organic Agriculture: Describing and Analyzing the Status of Organic Agriculture in Idaho, Spring 2000.

Wendy Elam, M.S. Ag. Econ., An Economic Analysis of Timothy Hay Production in Northern Idaho, Fall 1998.

Chris Werner, M.S. Ag. Econ., Idaho’s Cheese Industry: The Competitive Situation, Summer 1997.

Rob Petty, M.S. Ag. Econ., A Systems Dynamic Model of the Idaho Potato Industry, Summer 1995.

Craig Codr, M.S. Ag. Econ., Service Quality in the Farm Information Market, Spring 1994.

Graduate Committees:

University of Idaho:

Shannon Blickenstaff, Ag Ed. A Descriptive Study of College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Faculty Perceptions of Student Skills, Faculty Competence in Teaching Areas, and Barriers to Improving Teaching. MS. 2013

Boya Liu, Ag Econ. Effects of Trade Diversion and Trade Creation of MERCOSUR on US Apple Exports, MS. 2012.

Fafanyo Asiseh, Ag Econ. Community Attributes Influencing the Location and Growth of Food Industries: Evidence from the US Pacific Northwest M.S. 2008.

Kimberly Gardner, Agricultural and Extension Education, Identifying Leadership

Needs of College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Undergraduates, M.S. 2007.

Bobette Wilhelm, Ag Econ. A to Z Retained Ownership, Inc.: Determinants of Cattle Feeding Profitability in the Inland Northwest, M.S. 2004.

Mitch Theurer, Animal Science, The Effect of Rumen Inert Polyunsaturated

Fatty Acids, Body Condition Score, and Change in Body Condition Score on Production Parameters in Holstein Cows, M.S. 2003

Gerald Orthel, Animal Science, M.S. 2003

Stacie Woodall, Ag Econ., Contribution of the Grape and Wine Industry to Idaho’s Economy. Idaho Wine Grape Production Budget. M.S. 2002

Matt Hawley, Animal Science, Effect of Protection of Conjugated Linoleic Acid on Milk Synthesis in Lactating Holstein Cows, M.S. 2001

John Zhang, Ag Econ., U.S. Opportunities in China’s Frozen French Fry Market, M.S. 1998

Michelle Germann, Health/PE/Recreation and Dance. A Comparison of Lower Extremity Power and Torque Among Selected Female Collegiate Athletes, M.S. 1998

Jay Geisey, Animal Science, Quantifying the Relationship of Dietary Cation-Anion Difference to Blood Calcium and Acid-Base Status in Cows During Hypocalcemia, M.S. 1997

Graduate Committees:

University of Idaho (cont.):

Judd Higgins, Animal Science, Strategies for Managing the Periparturient Dairy Cow: Effects of Dietary Cation-Anion Difference, Oral Sodium Bicarbonate Paste, or Oral Calcium Propionate Plus Propylene Glycol Gel on Acid-Base, Calcium, and Glucose Status and Early Lactational Performance, M.S. 1996

Jason Tordale, M.S. Animal Science, did not graduate

Washington State University:

Andrew Jaqua, Ag Econ., Washington Asparagus Growers Association:

An Agribusiness Case Study, M.S. 1995

Massey University, New Zealand:

Hari Dwi Utami, Ag Econ., Consumer Behaviour and Food Processor Response

Towards Ethnic Food in East Java, Indonesia, M.S. 2003

Dabing Wang, Ag Econ., Ethnic Consumer Attitudes and Beliefs Toward Consuming New Zealand Dairy Products, M.S. 2002

Jae Sung Cho, Ag Econ., Factors Affecting Imported Dairy Product Marketing Margins in Korea, M.S. 2001

Postdoctoral Research Associates supervised - 3

Shunxiang Wu, 1998

Sid Dasgupta, 1997-98

Kent Lanclos, 1995-97

Research Associates supervised - 2

John Potter, 2002-2004

Nancy Taylor, 2001-03

Courses Developed:

University of Idaho

Ag 404 Digital Marketing

Ag Econ 478 Advanced Agribusiness Management

Ag Econ 404 Personal Selling

Ag Econ 330 Agricultural Cooperatives

Ag Econ 204 Mastering General Agricultural Economics Concepts

(Quiz Bowl Class)

Ag 404 (Land Grant college blueprint)

The Ohio State University

Ag Econ Agricultural Sales

Non-credit Classes, Workshops, Seminars, Invited Lectures, etc.:

“Indian Agribusiness – Building the Industry-Institution Interface,” presentation at the First Annual Conference of the Indian Society of Agri-Business Management, Bangalore, India September 27, 2008.

“Learning Outcomes and Assessment for Agricultural Economics,” Organizer for Organized Symposium, Agricultural Economics Association, AAEA Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, July 29, 2008.

“Fundamentals of Course Design,” Young Professional Teaching Academy sponsored by the American Agricultural Economics Association, AAEA Annual Meeting, Long Beach, California, July 23, 2006.