League Officers and Directors

All League Officers and Directors

Any league officer or director may only be removed from office without resigning from said office by a two-thirds majority (or greater) vote of all league officers and directors; a unanimous vote of membership at a local league monthly meeting; or a two-thirds (or greater) majority vote of membership at two consecutive local league monthly meetings.

League President

The league president shall be elected to a 2 year term in every odd numbered calendar year. Nominations for the office shall be accepted during the local league meetings in the months of May, June, and July of the stated years. The vote to elect the league president shall take place at the July meeting of the league in the stated years among all members in attendance and good standing.

The league president shall be responsible for the following:

  1. Actively work to maintain and attempt to increase league membership.
  2. Maintain open lines of communication with both the Third District and State Tavern League office so as to facilitate the free flow of relevant information and communication to help maintain a vibrant and productive local league.
  3. Maintain open lines of communication with county boards and local law enforcement agencies so as to maintain a mutually beneficial working relationship and defuse potential issues with said groups.
  4. Select site for monthly local meeting if necessary.
  5. Produce and distribute an informative and helpful local league monthly newsletter.
  6. Arrange for guest speakers and presenters as needed at monthly meetings.
  7. Organize and oversee monthly local league meetings that are productive and informative while also promoting the free discussion of issues of concern to members; also keeping the meetings time conscious and on point.
  8. Given the resignation, removal from office, or death of any league officer or director appoint a replacement to fill out the term of said officer or director.
  9. To annually, each July, appoint one league director to be the SafeRide Coordinator.
  10. Filing of necessary paperwork with the state tavern league office.


The league president in return for the accomplishment of the stated duties shall be compensated by the local league a total of an annual stipend of $1000.00. This stipend shall be paid each July, after completion of the assigned duties.

League Vice President

The league Vice President shall be elected to a 2 year term in every even numbered calendar years. Nominations for the office shall be accepted during the local league meetings in the months of May, June, and July of the stated years. The vote to elect the league vice president shall take place at the July meeting of the league in the stated years among all members in attendance and in good standing.

The league vice president shall be responsible for the following:

  1. Assist the other league officers as necessary to accomplish their duties.
  2. Oversee league directors in the accomplishment of their duties.
  3. Make sure that all league committees adhere to the stated timelines and assist said committees in the accomplishment of such.
  4. Given the absence of the league president assume the president’s duties of overseeing the monthly league meeting.
  5. In the case of the resignation, removal from office, or death of the league president assume the position of league president.
  6. To act as the local league’s “event coordinator” for all events the local league provides per diems and registration fees for. This entails making sure all attendees are properly registered prior to the event with both the appropriate event and the local league. In addition, attendees shall direct questions concerning necessary steps for reimbursement to the event coordinator.
  7. Maintain open lines of communication with both the Third District and State Tavern League office so as to facilitate the free flow of relevant information and communication so as to help maintain a vibrant and productive local league.
  8. Maintain open lines of communication with county boards and local law enforcement agencies so as to maintain a mutually beneficial working relationship and defuse potential issues with said groups.


The league vice president in return for the accomplishment of the stated duties shall be compensated by the local league a total of an annual stipend of $200.00. This stipend shall be paid each July, after completion of the assigned duties.

League Secretary

The league secretary shall be elected to a two year term in every odd numbered calendar year. Nominations for the office shall be accepted during the local league meetings in the months of May, June, and July of the stated years. The vote to elect the league secretary shall take place at the July meeting of the league in the stated years among all members in attendance and good standing.

The league secretary shall be responsible for the following:

  1. Keeping an up to date membership roll of the local league that can be used to maintain and increase membership.
  2. Maintaining communication with league members as necessary to keep members informed of issues of relevance.
  3. Taking the minutes of the monthly league meetings so as to keep a record of league activities.
  4. Giving the secretary’s report at the monthly league meetings.
  5. Distribution and tracking of league gift certificates.
  6. Record keeping of all raffle tickets, state calendars, etc., the league handles and is responsible for.
  7. Safeguarding of league records and the league’s annual folder to be produced if needed or requested for occasions such as a league audit.
  8. Maintain open lines of communication with both the Third District and State Tavern League office so as to facilitate the free flow of relevant information and communication so as to help maintain a vibrant and productive local league.
  9. Maintain open lines of communication with county boards and local law enforcement agencies so as to maintain a mutually beneficial working relationship and defuse potential issues with said groups.
  10. Given the absence of both the league president and vice president assume the president’s duties of overseeing or appointing someone to oversee the monthly league meeting.
  11. Filing of necessary paperwork with the state tavern league office.
  12. Maintaining a file of the attendance roll from the local league monthly meetings and providing such attendance roll to be used to draw for a free league membership at the annual Christmas party.


The league secretary in return for the accomplishment of the stated duties shall be compensated by the local league a total of an annual stipend of $500.00. This stipend shall be paid each July, after completion of the assigned duties.

League Treasurer

The league treasurer shall be elected to a two year term in every even numbered calendar year. Nominations for the office shall be accepted during the local league meetings during the months of May, June and July of the stated years. The vote to elect the league treasurer shall take place at the July meeting of the league in the stated years among all members in attendance and good standing.

The league treasurer shall be responsible for the following:

  1. Payment of all league bills.
  2. Deposits of all league income.
  3. Keeping the league safely with enough of “cash on hand” and alerting the league if a situation exists where the raising of additional funds is necessary and/or urgent.
  4. Filing of necessary paperwork with the state tavern league office.
  5. Filing of form 990-N annually with the IRS.
  6. Giving the treasurer’s report at the local league monthly meetings.
  7. Given the absence of the league president, vice president, and secretary, appoint directors or members to assume the president’s duties of overseeing the monthly meeting and take the secretary’s report at the monthly league meeting.
  8. Make themselves available as necessary for local league audits.
  9. Produce and file monthly folders containing all deposits and invoices for each individual month to allow for simple tracking of league expenses and income.
  10. Produce an annual report at the end of the league’s financial year to be kept by the league secretary.


The league treasurer in return for the accomplishment of the stated duties shall be compensated by the local league an annual stipend of $500.00. This stipend shall be paid each July, after completion of the assigned duties.


The league shall have six directors whom shall be elected as follows:

  1. Directors #1 and #2 shall be elected to two year terms in every odd numbered calendar year.
  2. Directors #3 and #4 shall be elected to two year terms in every even numbered calendar year.
  3. Directors #5 and #6 shall be elected to one year terms.
  4. Nominations for the relevant director’s offices shall be accepted during the local league meetings during the months of the May, June, and July of the stated years.
  5. The vote to elect the relevant directors shall take place at the July meeting of the league in the stated years among all members in attendance and good standing.

All league directors, regardless of term, shall be responsible for the following:

  1. Active participation on league committees, every director is expected to be a member of at least one committee.
  2. One director shall be appointed annually by the league president to be the SafeRide Coordinator. This director shall stay in consistent contact with road crew, who administers the program locally, so as to make certain the program runs correctly. This director shall also be able to provide a complete accounting of the program to league members upon request. In addition, this director shall answer all relevant questions from members as to the program’s parameters and steps for involvement.
  3. Being available as possible to answer questions of league members.
  4. Helping league officers as necessary in their duties.
  5. Helping as necessary with league membership.
  6. Being a driving force on any committee of which they are a member to make said committee’s purpose a success.
  7. Consistently attempting to help the local league perform better and achieve more.
  8. Helping monthly league meetings as needed to run effectively and efficiently.
  9. Helping local monthly meeting’s hosting member contact members to attract and increase attendance if so needed.
  10. Keeping abreast of any issues, specifically in their locality, that is of consequence to the local league.
  11. One director shall make themselves available to sign in members for the local league monthly meeting and sell chances on a 50/50 raffle at such meeting. That director shall also provide the attendance roll to the league secretary for the purpose of keeping to draw for a free league membership.


All league directors, regardless of term, in return for accomplishment of stated duties shall be compensated by the local league a total stipend of a free admission, paid for by the local league, for them and one guest to the local league’s annual Christmas party.