League of Women voters of Moscow Observer Report

Name: Moscow School BoardDate: 3/21/18

Observer Reporting: Gleanne WrayLength of Meeting: 1-1/2 hours

Members Present: Dawn Fazio (Chair), Kim Campbell, Jim Frenzel, Erik Torok (Quorum)

Others: Dr. Greg Bailey, Superintendent, Angie Packard, Board Clerk/Admin. Assistant, Jennifer Johnson, Business Manager, Charlie Gerke, Operations Director, Special Services Director, Shannon Richards, Curriculum Director, Carrie Brooks

Visitors: Teachers, students (and me)

Prior to the board meeting, a special meeting for Executive Session met “to consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent or public school student or other matters” regarding real property or labor contract matters met from 5:30-7:00 pm.

The agenda and minutes for a Special Board Meeting for Revised Budget Hearing, February 21, 2018 and Regular Board Meeting, February 21, 2018 were approved.

Following announcements of “Good News,” public comments were allowed. Marsha Hershfield, expressed disappointment that no reply had been received regarding leave for classified staff. This issue was addressed later in the meeting.

Superintendents’ Report: Dr. Greg Bailey gave updates on school safety and walkouts (there being none due to Spring Break.) Students plan to participate in the community walk on Saturday, March 24. Bailey, SRO Officer McKenzie and Carlie Gerke, Operations Director will present a talk for the League of Women Voters forum on April 11. Meetings with both the Moscow Police Chief and the Moscow Fire Department have been fruitful, both entities being very cooperative.

Bailey will attend the Education Law Institute, an annual meeting, to receive information on new laws pertinent to public schools

Other items on the agenda included a Farmer’s Market report, discussion on the recent board training and board goals. The board voted to accept the goals for 2018-2019.

Dr. Bailey proposed to combine the position of Data and Assessment Specialist with that of the curriculum secretary. He also requested discussion with the Board in regard to the goal to update policies to ensure alignment with the Negotiation Agreement and current state laws.

Bailey also said a committee has been set up to meet with Hirschfield and others regarding classified staff leave.

School Safety:

Many things have been done to improve school safety including the installation of video surveillance cameras within and around all buildings. A request has been received from the Chief of Police to have access to these cameras to support any actions taken by the police during an emergency situation. The administration is requesting that the MSD allow the Chief and three of his commanding officers to have access to these cameras. The rationale for the request was to expedite the MPD’s response to an attacker’s presence. Protection of students, staff and community member privacy was assured. However, members of the board had a number of questions regarding this request and more Information will be sought before the board approves this request. It included a method of determining how often MPD personnel accessed the cameras and other privacy matters.

Charlie Gerke, Operations Director, said a request for proposals for diesel and gas for the bus fleet and district vehicles was put out with one bid received from Busch Distributors. The price and vendor is the same as last year. It was approved unanimously.

Carrie Brooks, Curriculum Director and her committee of teachers presented the curriculum materials they have studied for Science throughout all the grades. A video and individual teacher reports resulted in a recommendation that the board approve purchase of the textbooks as presented.

All items on the consent agenda were approved by the board.

There being no further public comments, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.