League Committee - Sub-Committee of Clubs and Societies Council

League Table 2.0


  1. New Points System: To create a brand new points system and marking scheme to act as the backbone of the new League structure.
  2. Administration: To put in place, a series of strong mandates so that the MU Clubs and Societies can be confident in the continuity of this system.
  3. Incentivisation: To motivate and drive the MU Clubs and Societies to collaborate, include, perform and succeed year on year.


The new system will be presided over by the League Sub-Committee of Clubs and Societies Council. It shall be the role of this committee to manage the points system of the Clubs and Societies League, as well as making an annual review of the system for report to the Clubs and Societies Council.

The Clubs and Societies of Maynooth University all sit on the Clubs and Societies League. There are two League Tables, one for Clubs and one for Societies. This is because events run by Clubs usually differ greatly from events run by Societies with regards to finance, footfall etc.

Any and all submissions shall be made to the Vice President for Clubs, Societies and Student Engagement at ‘’ with the subject title – ‘League Submission Form’..

League Table Points System

1.Class A Event - Weekly Events

An event that is scheduled weekly on your calendar throughout the year( i.e. meetings, trainings, gym sessions, coffee mornings etc. ). ** NO more than 4 weekly events may be submitted for any given week.

Below is the submission titles along with their criteria.

-Committee Meeting



*Participation = Must be at least 50%+1 of the Committee.

Points = 5

-General Events (Small)

Event Name



Poster / Social Media (+2 points)

Photo of Event (+2 points)

Participation = 5 - 15

Points = 10

-General Events (Medium)

Event Name



Poster / Social Media (+2 points)

Photo of Event (+2 points)

Participation = 16-50

Points = 30

-General Events (Large)

Event Name



Poster / Social Media (+2 points)

Photo of Event (+2 points)

Participation = 51+

Points = 90

2.Class B Event - Regular Events

A planned event that is scheduled on a regular basis, but not weekly( i.e. football match, regular guest speaker, annual campaign, Fairs Day, AGM etc. ).

Below is the submission titles along with their criteria.

-General Events (Small)

Event Name



Poster / Social Media (+2 points)

Photo of Event (+2 points)

Participation = 5 - 15

Points = 30

-General Events (Medium)

Event Name



Poster / Social Media (+2 points)

Photo of Event (+2 points)

Participation = 16-50

Points = 70

-General Events (Large)

Event Name



Poster / Social Media (+2 points)

Photo of Event (+2 points)

Participation = 51+

Points = 190

3.Class C Event - Irregular Events

An event that is planned, but not scheduled on a regular basis( i.e. hosting a night-time event, current affairs campaign, hosting an intervarsity etc.).

Below is the submission titles along with their criteria.

-General Events (Small)

Event Name



Poster / Social Media (+2 points)

Photo of Event (+2 points)

Participation = 5 - 15

Points = 40

-General Events (Medium)

Event Name



Poster / Social Media (+2 points)

Photo of Event (+2 points)

Participation = 16-50

Points = 80

-General Events (Large)

Event Name



Poster / Social Media (+2 points)

Photo of Event (+2 points)

Participation = 51+

Points = 200

4.Class D Event - Special Events

Events that fall into the Special event category and have had their special event application approved. These events are unforeseen and could not have been planned before the budget submission date.

Below is the submission titles along with their criteria.

-General Events (Small)

Event Name



Poster / Social Media (+2 points)

Photo of Event (+2 points)

Participation = 5 - 15

Points = 20

-General Events (Medium)

Event Name



Poster / Social Media (+2 points)

Photo of Event (+2 points)

Participation = 16-50

Points = 60

-General Events (Large)

Event Name



Poster / Social Media (+2 points)

Photo of Event (+2 points)

Participation = 51+

Points = 180

5.Class E Event - MU / MSU Misc Events

Events where your members give aid to either a department of the Maynooth University, or to the Student Union, in participation in / running events or campaigns. These events must be pre-approved by the Vice President for Clubs, Societies & Student Engagement to decide whether the events merit points.

Below is the submission titles along with their criteria.

The following are open to change by the MSU Vice President for Clubs, Societies & Student Engagement.

●(+80 points per €250 raised for Charity of the Year at an event)

●(+200 points per €500 raised for Charity of the Year at an event)

●(+500 points per €1000 raised for Charity of the Year at an event)

●(+3000 points per €5000 raised for Charity of the Year)

●(+300 points for involving the Maynooth Community in your event)

●(+50 points for hosting a commuter friendly event, exc. meetings - an event that ends before 6pm)

●(+100 points per non weekly event off campus)

●(+100 per event where a member represents their province or county)

●(+200 per event where a member represents their country)

●(+25 points for running an event as part of an MSU Education / Welfare Campaign)

●(+25 points per member that participates in any trainings / workshops the MSU hosts for Clubs and Societies)

●(+20 points per person for participating in the Annual Fun Run)

●(+50 points per person for volunteering for the MSU Tidy Our Town Initiative.)

●(+25 per person for helping out in MSU fundraisers for the Charity of the Year)

●(+10 per budget / receipt deadline made)

Maynooth University Clubs and Societies League

Submission Form

  1. Club / Society Name :
  1. Event Name :
  1. Event Class :
  1. Date :
  1. Time :
  1. Venue / Location :
  1. Number of Participants :

( **Please add any nice picture you have from the event + any promotional posters at the end of your submission form.** )