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For further information, contact:
South Tyneside Youth JusticeService
38 Laygate Place
South Shields
NE33 5RT
Tel (0191) 4272850
Fax (0191) 4272851
Questions and Answers for
Parent(s) and Carer(s) of young people living in the South Tyneside Area
What is the Youth Justice Service?
South Tyneside Youth JusticeService deals with all aspects of youth crime. The main aim is to prevent re-offending by young people aged 10-17. The Service has a duty to meet with all young people who are to receive a youth caution or youth conditional caution in order to assist in preventing re-offending.
What is a Youth Caution/ Youth Conditional Caution?
A youth caution or youth conditional caution means that if your son or daughter re-offends, following the youth caution or youth conditional caution, this will be taken into consideration by the police who may have no option but to charge. This means that your son or daughter may find themselves in Court. Once issued a youth caution or youth conditional caution will be recorded on the police computer. In respect of some occupations the fact that your son or daughter has received a youth caution or youth conditional caution may be disclosed. This may affect their suitability for those occupations in the future.
What can the Youth Justice and Prevention Service offer?
There are a number of options available which could include any one or a combination of the following:
- Group work sessions;
- One-to-one focussed work with your son or daughter;
- Reparation to the victim;
- Victim/offender mediation; and
- Parenting sessions.
What does the Youth Justice Service do?
After your son or daughter has been referred to attend the Police youth caution surgery, the Service will arrange to meet you and your son or daughter to undertake an assessment of needs. When we meet with you, we will talk about what has taken place in order to identify how best we can assist in preventing any further offending.
What happens if my son or daughter does not agree to the programme?
If your son or daughter chooses not to carry out the work with the Youth Justice Service:
- In the case of a youth caution, then a record of this will be made and kept on police file. If your son or daughter re-offends within 2 years it will be cited (explained) in Court. This could result in your son or daughter receiving a higher sentence than if they had completed the work set within the Youth Justice Service; and
- In the case of a youth conditional caution, if your son or daughter does not complete the work (conditions attached to the caution) they will be arrested and charged to court for the original offence.
What happens if your son or daughter completes the agreed work programme?
Your son or daughter will receive written confirmation stating this. The police will also be notified and will hold it on record.