FOR 2011
Officers: Please vote by placing a check (Ö) mark in front of the candidate’s name or by writing an alternate name in the “Write-in” column
Position Official Recommendation Write-in
Chair ____ Melissa B. Carter ______
Vice-Chair ____ Courtney Spells ______
Secretary ____ Dr. Eric L. Walker ______
Treasurer ____ Sally A. Viken ______
Council: The AIAA HRS Council has 11 members. Members are elected for a one-year term and may serve no more than 3 consecutive terms. Please vote for 11 candidates by placing a check (Ö) mark in front of the candidate’s name or by writing alternate “Write-in” names.
Vote for up to 11
Incumbent Candidates / Term / New Candidates______/ Steve X. S. Bauer / 3 / ______/ Scott A. Berry
______/ Karen T. Berger / 3 / ______/ Carey S. Buttrill
______/ Robert L. Calloway / 2 / ______/ Dr. Steven C. Dunn
______/ David A. Dress / 2 / ______/ Greg M. Gatlin
______/ Jeffrey D. Flamm / 2 / ______/ Andrew C. McCrea
______/ Dr. Scott D. Holland / 2 / ______/ ______/ Write-in
______/ Dr. Alan W. Wilhite / 2 / ______/ ______/ Write-in
______/ ______/ Write-in
______/ ______/ Write-in
Bylaw Changes:
1. Under Membership: Change: Corporate and Student members shall not have the voting privilege. To: Only professional members shall have the voting privilege. Reason: Educator associates are also not allowed to vote.
2. Under Secretary responsibilities: Change: shall submit a copy of the minutes of all the meetings of the Section to the Executive Secretary of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. To: shall maintain and make accessible to the Section membership the minutes of all the meetings of the Section. Reason: Minutes no longer submitted to AIAA HQ.
3. Under Meetings, Procedures, and Quorums: Change: Special meetings of the Section may be called by the Chairman of the Council, upon written request of at least five percent of the membership, up to two hundred members, but not less than ten members, and the entire membership must be notified of the date and place of such meeting. To: Special meetings of the Section may be called by the Chairman of the Council, or upon written request of at least five percent of the membership, but not less than ten members, and the entire membership must be notified of the date and place of such meeting. Reason: Missing the word “or”, and the clause about “two hundred members” does not make sense here (it was copied/pasted from another section).
4. Under Financial Affairs: Change: This Section will submit, at the end of the fiscal year, a financial report to the Executive Secretary of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. To: This Section will submit, at the end of the fiscal year, a financial report to the appropriate Regional Director of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. Reason: There is no longer an Executive Secretary at AIAA HQ.
____ Yes (approve all bylaw changes) ____ No (disapprove all bylaw changes)
Ballot may be filled in on-line at:
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Alternatively, you may email an electronic copy of this ballot to:
If you must mail the ballot via the US Postal Services, please send it to: Brad Crawford, NASA LaRC, Mail Stop 416, Hampton, VA 23681. Ballots must be received by May 6, 2011.