Date Completed
Your Data As Of
Street Address / Main ContactCity, State, Zip Code / E-mail address
Web Site URL / Telephone
Month and Year Founded /Style
/Please ChooseLong US EquitiesLong Global EquitiesLong Non-US EquitiesSector Long US EquitiesSector Long Global EquitiesSector Long Non-US EquitiesLong-Short US EquitiesLong-Short Global EquitiesLong-Short Non-US EquitiesSector Long-Short US EquitiesSector Long-Short Global EquitiesSector Long-Short Non-US EquitiesLong US Fixed IncomeLong Non-US Fixed IncomeLong Global Fixed IncomeFixed Income ArbitrageCTAPrivate EquityVenture CapitalOther (Please Describe)
Total Firm Headcount / BenchmarkMajority Equity Holder(s) / Please ChooseAfrican American or BlackAlaska NativeAmerican IndianAsianBroker-DealerCorporate InvestorHispanicLatinoMutual Fund ComplexPeople with DisabilitiesSouth AsianWhiteWomenOther / Product
Roster / AUM ($Mill.)
Number of Portfolio Managers
Total Firm AUM ($Million)
Breakdown of Total Firm AUM ($Mill.) / U.S. Taxable / U.S. Non-Taxable / OffshoreLast 12
/ 3-Year Annualized Return / 5-Year Annualized Return / 10-Year Annualized Return / Net of Fees or Gross / ChooseNet of FeesGrossSharpe Ratio / Sortino Ratio / Beta / R² / Standard Deviation
Time Period for Sharpe and Sortino Ratios or Beta, R² and Standard Deviation / Please Choose3-year5-year10-yearSince Inception
Performance Calculated For: / Composite / Selected Account(s) / Model or Simulation / ChooseSimulationModel / Other
Annual Return Target / ExpectedReturn for the Next 12 Months
Annual Excess Return Target / ExpectedExcess Return for the Next 12 Months
Typical Management Fee (%) / Typical Incentive Fee(%)
Numbers AIMR Compliant? / Please ChooseYesNo / Most Recent Year Audited?
Typical Number of Positions / Annual Turnover
Typical % Net Long / Typical % Net Short / %Cash
Prime Broker / Custodian
Auditor Firm / Auditor
Contact Details of Auditor / Legal Resources
Now Out of Compliance with Any SRO (NASD, SEC, etc.)? / ChooseYesNo / Pending Litigation vs.
Firm or Employees? / ChooseYesNo / Past Litigation vs.
Firm or Employees? / ChooseYesNo
(If “Yes” to Compliance or Litigation Questions, Please Describe in “Other Information” Section.)
Please Describe Your Firm’s History (Please include mergers or team liftouts.)
Please Describe Voting and Economic Equity Ownership in Your Firm (include individual ownership %)
StaffingPlease Describe Investment, Marketing, and Back Office Staff of Your Firm
Portfolio ManagementSecurities Analysis or Research
Portfolio Administration
Marketing/Client Services
Back Office
Please Provide Staff Names, Biographies, and Credentials
Please Describe Staff Compensation Arrangements
Please Specify if Staff(s) invest in any products and % of total asset
Corporate Matters
PleaseDescribe Growth Targets and Capacity ConstraintsPleaseProvide Percentages of Your Firm’s AUM by Type
Onshore Commingled Funds / Offshore Commingled Funds / Separate Accounts
US Taxable / US Non-taxable / Offshore
Institutional / Individual / Commingled
PleaseDescribe Client Concentration or Distribution
Please State Percentage of Your Firm’s AUM Comprised of Employee Assets
Portfolio Manager(s) / Investment Analyst(s) / Marketing Staff / Back Office and Other
PleaseDescribe Joint Ventures, Marketing Arrangements, and Processes at Your Firm
Please List Databases to Which Your Firm Submits Performance Results
Investment Processes
(Rank Relative Importance: 1 to 5 highest)
Investment Approach
/Security Selection Factors
/Bottom Up
/Valuation Emphasis
/Top Down
/Sell Side
/3rd Party
Earnings Growth
/Company Management
Please Describe Your Firm’s Investment Philosophy(ies)
Please Describe Your Firm’s Investment Process(es)
Please List Databases and Describe Technologies Used in Investment Process(es)
Please Describe Your Firm’s Investment Idea Generation Routines and Strategies
Please Describe Portfolio Construction and Maintenance at Your Firm
Please Describe Sector, Industry, or Capitalization Concentrations in Your Firm’s Portfolio(s)
Please Describe Buy Discipline(s) at Your Firm
Please Describe Sell Discipline(s) at Your Firm
Please Describe Risk Control Processes or Algorithms, and Position Size Limits at Your Firm
Please List and Describe Three Distinctive Positive Attributes of Your Firm’s Investment Approach
Please List and Describe Three Distinctive Positive Attributes of Your Firm
Please List and Describe Three Negative Aspects of Your Firm’s Investment Approach, or of Your Firm, and Measures to Counteract Them1)
Please List Three Competitors Admired By Your Firm’s Investment Staff1)
Historical PerformancePlease Describe Past Performance (Performance relative to benchmark and peers; and historical alpha.)
Please Discuss Volatility and Tracking Error (Standard deviation and tracking error relative to benchmark(s) and peers.)
Please Provide Style Orientation and Consistency (Return-based style analysis(es) and level(s) of residual risk to that style.)
Please Describe Three Worst Transactions (Environment; impact; reaction; and performance impact of reaction.)
Please Describe Three Best Transactions (Environment; impact; performance impact of reaction; and repeatability.)
Other Information
Do you have a succession plan? If yes, please describe.Please return completed forms electronically or direct inquiries to:
Chief Executive Officer
Leading Edge Investment Advisors, LLC
50 California Street
Suite 2320
San Francisco, CA 94111
415.217.7030 (Main)
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LEIA Manager Questionnaire Rev 9/20/2011