leadership victoria community project - NFP PROPOSAL 2012
The Leadership Victoria Community Project is an innovative model for Williamson Community Leadership Program (WCLP) participants to achieve significant social impact for a NFP during the program and to extend their thinking, strategy and policy making skills and experience on complex issues for a community organisation.
The general concept is that teams of WCLP participants come together to work on a specific problem for a NFP whichrequires some ‘out of the box’ ideas and fresh thinking. The NFP
An initiative such as this offers our participants a practical and simple way to utilise the enthusiasm, knowledge and skills developed in the WCLP program for the good of the broader community. In addition, participants are able to further develop their knowledge and skills and get to work with others from a range of professional backgrounds and sectors.
Proposals are now being sought from NFPs. The proposals should focus on a significant problem that exists in the organisations and the outcomes that are sought to work through or ameliorate the problem. This is an exceptional opportunity for a NFP to have the significant resource and energy of WCLP participants to work on a project that they have lacked the capacity to deliver.
All project proposals will be considered by the Projects Advisory Group, and will need to consider or demonstrate the following:
- The problem/ issues identified by the community organisation need to be real and significant. Ideally, the problem/s pertains to a discrete project but may also form part of a larger issue or need.
- Organisations will need to present a clear proposal (see pro forma below). The proposal should clearly articulate the objectives and outcomes which will enhance the social impact of the NFP. In addition, the proposal should refer to the capacity of the NFP to implement the outcomes of the NFP.
- Project proposals will be assessed by a Projects Advisory Group in mid July and assessed on their capacity to clearly articulate the problem, expected outcomes and ways in which the project team will be supported by the NFP and how the outcomes will be implemented in the NFP.
- Projects must have a high level champion within the NFP. The role of this champion is to effectively connect with the WCLP participants and the NFP. Each champion will need to be accessible to meet with the project team at the kick-off Workshop on 18 August and thereafter on a regular basis. Ideally, the project team will liaise with and report to the CEO, Board and Senior Executive Team. The CEO of the NFP will be required to sign off on a Letter of Agreement that will articulate respective roles and commitments of the participants and the NFP.
- The scope of the proposals should take account of the time available for the project teams to address the problem. WCLP projects will run from August to November (4 months). Each participant will contribute 20 hours of their time to the project which means in a typical team of 5 the project will be 100 hours.
- A final report will be prepared by each project team and presented to the community organisation.
Primary contact
/ Secondary contact:Title
/ TitleOrganisation
1.Clearly define the problem that the NFP is facing and the objectives of the project.
2.Articulate why the problem is significant, what is at stake and what will be the future impact if the problem is not addressed.
3.Provide relevant background information about the problem. Include any relevant documents in attachments.
4.What work has been done so far to address the problem / issue by the NFP? What are the barriers to undertaking the project?
5.Describe how you will measure the impact and success of this project.
6.Please provide an organisation diagram indicating who the team will report to during the project and upon completion of the project.
Please complete this form and return to Sunita by 1 July to 2012. Project proposals will be assessed on 16 July and you will be notified if your project proposal has been successful. The successful projects will be pitched to the WCLP participants on 18 August (9.30 am – 12.30 pm) which you will attend. If you have any queries please call Sunita (before 22 June on 9651 6593 or Gail after 22 June on 9651 6596).
Contact: Sunita Varlamos on 9651 6593 or email if you need further information or assistance.