Meeting held at Sohier Park Community Hall
Ken Cook Way, off Shirley Street Ourimbah
Meeting opened 7.33pm – Welcome and thank you to Councillor Graham for attending.
Present: 19 - DW; A & BR; LS; JB; BC; RJ; AB; MM; J & UA; LH; A & HW; KV;
M & JF; LK; TB………. Apologies: JJ; G & SMc; W & MM; GD; PW; BB; DJ; MG
In attendance: Councillor Bob Graham, WSC – Guest Speaker
Meeting handed over to Councillor Graham – thank you for inviting me to address your meeting – Di raised some topics:
Flooding of Ourimbah Ck at Burns Road - many things have occurred over last 2.5yrs amongst these is the issue of Ourimbah Ck – long have we been complaining about the mouth of Ourimbah Ck. Can go back years to when I was Mayor & Chair of the Estuary Mge Committee and pounding about it then. Something has to be done but investigations are done first so don’t think it’s going to happen ‘tomorrow’ - will give info to Di to pass on…
DW – from the information given by Bob, following is brief advice:-
In 2013 Council engaged surveyors for hydrographic mapping of the mouth of all major rivers and creeks that entered Tuggerah Lakes – this found the mouth of Ourimbah Ck posed the greatest restriction to navigation of all tributaries entering the estuary. A grant to State Gov was applied for and in 2014 the application was successful – total estimated at $135,000 with Council to contribute 50%. Last week Council awarded the contract to investigate and gain approvals for the project to Haskoning Australia – these works expected to be completed prior to end of 2015. Note this is an investigation only.
Ourimbah Masterplan – this is a 20year vision. Great idea but no money and much of what is envisaged would have to come from private enterprise. Don’t give up, keep the wheels working. Strategies discussed at council - create an attractive village centre; protect Ourimbah’s scenery and history; support a ‘hub’ of activity around train station; increase housing choice in response to demographic change; establish a welcoming and convenient gateway to Ourimbah; make it easier and safer to get around; local employment is key to Ourimbah’s sustainable future; ensure Pacific Hwy upgrade benefits the Community.
(DW - on reading the above whilst putting together the minutes, I noted most of this is the same as what came out of our own community meeting on 29/10/14 passed on to WSC shortly after. The only differences made by councillors: the strategic importance of Ourimbah with the M1 motorway being close to the Station; an urban village more appropriate; consideration given to the fast train station near the M1 interchange; suggestion for a higher density development be considered eg Chatswood; development potential for Ourimbah generally constrained with limited rail services – the fast rail train proposal not expected to be funded in the short or medium term). Councillor Graham continued:
Pacific Hwy upgrade through Wyong Town Centre – here is revised design – brochure given. Only way to save Wyong and Entrance Rd (great job State Gov did on Tuggerah Straight but comes to bottleneck at bridge) only way to solve it is to put another bridge on western side alongside current one and go around the back of Wyong and come out at Watanobbi – that way for the through traffic while those who want to shop etc do so with ease. But, that would cost money and can’t see any Gov. having the funding.
Stand alone university – in 1988 I was on steering committee to start up this university. At the moment you can get a degree from Newcastle University and its worth something, but we
don’t have enough courses here and there’s not many you can start and finish at Ourimbah. Then there’s talk of accommodation for students – have never heard the Ourimbah Campus say more is needed, always been enough through private enterprise. Meeting 4/6 with Gosford Council so will see what happens then but I will voice my opinion. Agree and University does, that something be done with Gosford Hospital – that’s what Gosford City Council talking about, doing something for nurses etc. Today WSC called for expressions of interest re their
proposal for a University at Warnervale. Meeting 4/6 with Gosford Council, don’t know what
will happen in the debate, but I will be speaking out against getting rid of the Newcastle part
of the University.
Burns Road – on reflection, what we should have done was cut off Berkely Rd then, forcing people not to use it but to go up and come along Wyong Rd then along Enterprise Drive then block off Burns Rd – can’t do this now but something has to be done about it with the flooding issues – know the creek needs cleaning up so would like you to drop me a letter about this. Not going to solve the problem one of which is we need better signage. (DW: will forward copy of our letter to you tomorrow). Another thing Council are putting through huge number of DA’s
but, sometimes these developments don’t go ahead e.g. Heatherbrae Pies on old Pacific Hwy
but this did not happen. Should wait until ‘spade goes into the ground’ before announcing.
Airport at Warnervale – not likely to go ahead. Government spending billions of $’s for airport at Badgery’s Creek so why would they put another here? Not council’s who make decisions about airports but Federal & State Governments.
Ourimbah Mitre 10 – great to have a hardware store here, but it’s the way it was done. No
development application or approval. DA to start, built over easement. Part over easement has to be removed but no time frame.
Mayoral chains – see Newcastle Herald tomorrow - I’ve been punished for telling you the cost of these chains 2yrs ago $41,000 and with a safe, engraving, insurance and a carrycase total of $56000 of ratepayers money.
(above a brief only, copy of article held by ORRA and available on request).
Won’t go on talking, believe there are questions, but forgive me if I can’t answer some as a lot of stuff that comes up at Council now, I often don’t know about until it’s in the business papers.
BR: since Precinct Committees were finished by Council, has there been an analysis done as to how effective forums are? BG: No, only through the Mayor who says they are fantastic.
AR: my beef with Council is web based information – looking up flooding situations for work, and RMS referred to councils website for Wyong shire, this was 5th May and latest update on councils website was 27th April and roads were well and truly open. If they are going to put information on there it has to be current and accurate otherwise it’s a waste of peoples time.
BG: understand website is difficult. Some people give up. But if any of you have a problem getting information or grant forms or anything like that, get in touch with me and I’ll get someone to go through it with you. AB: at next council election, when we can vote, can one stand for position of Councillor and Mayor? BG: Yes - you want a Mayor of your chosing not someone who gets in on preferences. In your voting, preferences count but different for positions of Mayor and Councillor – if you miss out on Mayor, you might get Councillor.
Something I didn’t say but could happen - State Gov. might go for mining in the valleys and the amalgamation of the two councils. Ridiculous – we have 320,000 people here, similar to ACT & NT and the only way this could work is turn us into a Territory and that won’t happen. Think! There are 10 councillors in Wyong and 10 in Gosford – the maximum number of councillors you can have in a local government area is 15, so you’d go from 20 councillors on the coast running the show to 15. Problem is - pick up footprint of Wyong Shire, put it over Sydney, that goes from Hornsby to Sutherland and Bondi to Parramatta and that’s just Wyong (Gosford footprint is bigger). Can you imagine a part time councillor looking after from Gwandalyn to Mooney Mooney. Could not happen + Gov. earmarked for us over next 15-20 years a further 70,000 people, that takes us to over 400,000, impossible for a part time
councillor. As much as I am happy and proud to be a Wyong Shire Councillor, we talk about three tiers of Government, believe there are two – State & Federal - we are an arm of the State Gov. and they can do anything they want especially with planning and DA’s.
MF: Doug promised years ago to have wooden bridge (between Mill/Ourimbah Sts) fixed, do you know anything? BG: no, sorry I don’t. DW: I do – repairs in 2014-5 works program, new bridge in 2015-6. JA: when are they going to do something about Ourimbah Ck Rd? the mayor promised they would do the whole road but all that was done was from Pacific Hwy to Ausgrid. DW: wrote to council 1stMay but no response yet. Will follow up. ?: same can be said about Glen Rd all the way up to top. BG: I go back to what I said before, if you have a problem, just send me an email.
Thank you Bob for attending, and for your advice and offer of assistance. Round of applause.
Back to business –
Acceptance of May minutes as a true record – Moved: AB 2nd BR
Treasurers report: balance as previous 219.70cr Moved: AB 2nd AR
As information given for costs relating to transfer and year incorrect payment stopped on cheque for $19. After lots of emails back and forth called MG for assistance and she took over – seems cost actually should have been quoted as $140 so have asked her to see what she could do with her site. That costs $40? (actually her registrar charges $60) – will raise again next month.
Correspondence 6th May to 3rd June – in brief
Out: GM, WSC – Thank you for response re questions raised concerning the necessity to make redundant several employees and the effect it could have on maintenance work in the shire; email acknowledging advice that Mayor Eaton will attend November meeting; request that something positive be done re flooding issues in Burns Rd (copy of letter available on request); Councillor Graham with questions for him to address at meeting together with agenda
In: GM, WSC – lengthy response re questions raised on employee redundancies advising due to, in part, selling 20% less water than in 2002; IPART not approving a 4.5% increase pa in 2013-17 year period and only approved a Water Authority increase of 1.8%pa which impacts on salaries, wages and utilities which go up by more than 4%pa. 32 officers made redundant (less than 20% of Water Authority Staff establishment and 2 from Roads and Drainage and re the question of call centres being used – operate own call centre during business hours and utilises an Australian call centre out of business hours etc etc; advice that ORRA application for Councillor grants funding received
CC Trains – view wwtransport site for advice – site has no mention of plans for lift here
Express Advocate – 13/5 SES demand action over floodwater Burns Rd & questions raised about strength of local ANC rdio signal; 27/5 Parliamentary Secretary Scot MacDonald would have to examine a detailed sustainable model before backing plans for a new University at Warnervale. Earlier this month WSC approved a masterplan to establish an integrated education & business precinct on a 65ha site at W’vale; 3/6 aging timber bridge at Palmdale to be removed and new bridge installed. Staff installing new 1.6metre pipes at new crossing to flood-proof the area and make safer
Chronicle media release 20/5 – David Mehan, Member for The Entrance calling on State Gov and Wyong Council to fix flooding issues in Burns Rd; 29/5 WSC’s financial controller’s press release re council underspending by $8million; phone interview with councillor Lisa Matthews stating she did not support Council’s decision to disband Precinct Committees and that feedback she has received re Ward Forums is “they are nonsense”
N’castle Herald 2/6 – CC councils to consider a grand plan for separation of Ourimbah campus from University of N’castle to establish a ‘stand alone’ CC university – but
it’s news to the Universityof N’castle; WSC’s dreams of airport at Warnervale with
international capacity have been ridiculed as “living in pixieland stuff”- Lake Macquarie MP Greg Piper slammed the proposal
AR re WSC: expected advice from GM re layoffs, would have had an explanation for staff and press worked out beforehand; website re prices for tipping fees far less clear than Gosfords which are cheaper; website being spruiked as their favoured form of communication needs much improvement; traffic information during storms and weeks after was late in putting up road closure information and again late removing it when clearly roads open for a week
Council website – re question of next council election – these held second Saturday of September every fourth year. Next election10/9/16 and 11 councillors will be elected to represent WS for period 22015 -20 and electors to elect an additional councillor as Mayor
Ourimbah Hospital Auxiliary - invitation to attend their AGM on Mon. 13/7 commencing at 1pm in the Guide Hall, Ourimbah Ck Rd – planning people from Central Coast Health will give a talk on major extensions and big plans for Gosford & Wyong Hospitals; next bus trip 31/7 to N’castle Westpac Helipad. For further information, contact 4362 1421/ 4325 3805 Crazy Domains and Create a website – many emails back and forth re ORRA’s website and
changes. CD’s has been cancelled and MG setting up new site to be managed by her but updates and information we wish to have listed will have to be done by one of our members