In Attendance: Linda Angel, Horace Dicks, Susan Kamas, Sue Bailey, Jerry Haisler, Vickie Gideon, Kimberly Patterson, Vivian Naramore, Roy Highsmith, Lewis Boren, Ben Lopez, Gerry Fluharty, and Jim Reed.

CTCOG: Jim Reed updated the LT on pending actions at CTCOG. See handout.

Last Meeting:

Document Management Update, Page 24-31:Texoma will be here May 30 to present their document management system, Cabinet. Texoma is giving us their system and processes. We will reviewand make necessary changes. This system has been monitored with no problems noted. January 18, 2018 is the target implementation date. Training in our system will be by program with board office and payables last. Partners are not yet included. All adult and dislocated worker exit files have been scanned into file hold; youth are next. See the Cabinet proposal, pages 25-31.

TH Enterprises, Time Sheet/Budget Process Software: previously discussed. This program turns out to be very slow, a very old program that is not acceptable to us. Working on other possibilities.

Workforce Updates:

Procurement, Centers Management and Operation, page 6:this subject remains close-holdfor now. A bidder’s conference call will be held this week with Q&A. Proposals are due June 2 with evaluations June 3-8. Interviews with top bidders will be June 12.

Conference of Mayors, pages 7-11: next week. They are proactive.

Automating the American Workforce, Video: LT viewed the video relating to increased automation of jobs nationwide.

SNAP Expansion, pages 14-15: TWC has announced expansion of services from minimum to full-service which effects Milam and Lampasas Counties. Extra dollars but the numbers are down.

Texas Quality Conference, page 21:We need to refocus on quality; go if you can. Let Sandra know if you want to attend.

Emergency Operations Team Update: Vickie reported that AED’s are at all site locations. Go bags are to be ordered. LT discussed liability issues associated with the use of the AED’s; certified trainers should train others and that would solve any liability issues. June 30 is date to complete site plans except for Belton. Staff training on each individual plan will be in July. Additional training for ERT’s will be separate from staff.

TWC NDWG monitoring Info, page 16-17: Roy presented the list of things TWC indicates are being considered by USDOL when monitoring NDWG programs. We are covering all but the question arose about attendance which is not documented in hard copy except for support services. LT discussed the fact that we are checking both WIOA and NDWG through customer contacts and case notes; so far state monitors have not questioned. Sue mentioned that she has e-mail from TWC on this subject that addresses this.ACTION: Sue to find the e-mail and provide to the LT. Roy, Vickie, and Lewis to determine if the current process needs to be changed, possibly re-implementing the old one.

Apprenticeship e-mail, page 18: Roy reported that a registered apprenticeship program has been added to our Eligible Training Provider System list by TWC. Cyber Defenses Inc. in Round Rock is training for Cyber Security Specialist (3000 contact hours, $10,000). We had no input in the certification or addition to our list by TWC. It will be added to the Local Training List.

Best Companies, pages 19-20:same process as last year; categories have not yet been determined. Sequence of events is on page 19. September 29 for on-line survey. Best Companies was emphasized in the recent RFP. ACTION: Make this an item for the all-staff meeting on Aug 16 along with the “state of the organization”.

VR Coordination Meeting: scheduled June 8. Lewis, Vickie Jerry and Susan to attend.

Performance, pages 32-63:Incentives are published. PIT looked at 10 week unemployment figures. Page 45 shows actual trends. Performance steady or improved; target went up but this is not an issue yet. Trend report has good info in it (chart page 34). PIT changes the way we do things. Are there other influences for 10 week claims? Tom and Wendy are looking at this. Next PIT meeting in July. Child care; enroll and use the funds. We are trending from Feb. We are meeting all measures on the rolling 12. It’s too soon to start talking to TWC about targets. There are some errors on the extract reports. Also, the TWIST report is not accurate so use the extract. CHOICES should improve next month. We’re very close to Rural Capitol on this one. NCP: almost 500 persons served with 4 dockets left. There are 100 open cases. To date, $1.68M recovered. Pages 39-40, NDWG average went down. We found 12 employed that were not reported so average will go up a bit.

Training Funds: Vickie and Lewis have the same amounts of WIOA funding for this summer available as noted earlier this spring.

Skills Development Funds, pages 42-44:show a summary of what is happening state-wide. Not much in our area. As a finder’s fee, a board gets $5k.

Operation Transition for Vets: meets Monday at 10AM. CTC and Ft Hood will discuss why this is still not working. There is confusion and conflicting info from TWC and what they told the schools originally and are saying policy is now.

Next LT Meetings: June 15, Killeen (cancelled).

July 20, Killeen

August 17, Temple

Meeting Evaluations:

What was good?

Emergency drill


Thanks Jim for presenting info

Jim’s report-excellent!

Thanks for the casserole Kim.

Jim’s presentation

Jim’s presentation. I won’t benefit personally but believe this would be great to attract and retain a younger workforce.

What could weimprove?

No more sewer gas leaks