Section 3.1-Diocesan Guidance
Section 3.1-Ethos Statements
It is difficult to define 'ethos'. The general Church of England / Church in Wales ethos statement is a support for Church schools but there is much more that can be incorporated.
- The Church school should make it very clear that the Christian ethos of the school infuses the whole of the school curriculum and school life.
- The following are some of the aspects of school life which will contribute to the ethos of a Church school:
- the manner in which the school's mission statement and/or policies draw attention to the Anglican and/or Christian foundation of the school and are conveyed to parents;
- relationships with the local church;
- the relationships between staff, between pupils and between staff and pupils;
- the standards of behaviour, the policies on discipline and the values inherent in classroom organization and relationships and how these are met within the framework of Christian values;
- the links the school has with the local community, particularly the religious communities near to the school and from which pupils may come;
- how effective the pastoral system is and whether it is effective from the pupils' point of view;
- whether the building is well cared for, is tidy and clean and whether the standard of display is adequate;
- the provision made for pupils with special educational needs and abilities;
- whether it is clear from the ambience of the school that it is a Church school; whether there are Christian symbols in evidence, whether the school notice board and headed paper indicate the Christian foundation of the school;
- whether the school resource areas are equipped to support a Church school education;
- whether the personal, health and sex education programmes are set in the context of Christian values;
- whether there are staff prayers and Eucharists, prayers at staff and governors' meetings;
- whether there is a well-structured and managed policy for Social Moral Cultural and Spiritual education
- The school ethos embodies the values advocated by the school's communities and provides the atmosphere for life in and beyond the school itself. The ethos statement required in the prospectus for all schools acts as a focus for the unity of values and purpose among the diversity of the members of the school communities. For many schools their ethos will be rooted in the religious beliefs and values associated with the foundation of the school. Such an ethos can be a powerful influence on the school's aims, purposes and day to day life.
A good learning environment includes:
- a deliberate attempt to link the gospel of Christ with the daily life of the school;
- an atmosphere of encouragement, acceptance and respect;
- a sensitivity to individual needs where children's self-esteem and confidence grow and where they feel able to make mistakes without fear of criticism;
- partnership between adults and children;
- sensitivity towards the beliefs, hopes and fears of parents;
- providing stepping stones to and from the community;
- a curriculum that combines academic rigour with fun, sensitivity and prayerfulness.
Does the school offer the pupils the opportunity to:
- reflect on the importance of a system of personal belief?
- recognize the place a Christian faith has in the lives of people?
- develop a sense of wonder, awe, curiosity and mystery?
- understand the difference between right and wrong and the consequences of their actions for themselves and others?
- be creative, questioning and imaginative within a broad Christian framework that recognizes the importance of experience, personal values and respect for the beliefs of others?
- recognize, respect and celebrate cultural diversity?
What makes a good school? (this should be in all schools )
- A relaxed and welcoming atmosphere.
- Security, warmth and care.
- Opportunities for pupils to achieve their full potential.
- Companionship and consideration for other people.
- A feeling of mutual respect between adults and pupils.
- Fun and enjoyment in learning.
- Partnership between adults and pupils
- Every school is a community and, as such, needs to establish core values which are likely to include:
- tolerance;
- respect;
- personal responsibility;
- recognition of the contribution that each individual makes;
- fairness and justice;
- willingness to acknowledge others' points of view;
- empathy; cooperation; consideration for other people.
The Law
The School Adviser for Religious Education is able to offer help in this area The law as regards the duty of the governors to secure an ethos statement is found in the Instruments of Government in the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 Schedule 12, paragraph 1:1, section (g) (where the school is a Foundation or Voluntary school which has a religious character).
The Senior School Adviser is able to offer help in this area – please contact her on -
0151 705 2135 or email
Model ethos statement
‘The school ethos embodies the values advocated by the school's communities and provides the atmosphere for life in and beyond the school itself. The ethos statement required in the prospectus for all schools acts as a focus for the unity of values and purpose among the diversity of the members of the school communities. For many schools their ethos will be rooted in the religious beliefs and values associated with the foundation of the school. Such an ethos can be a powerful influence on the school's aims, purposes and day to day life.
The law as regards the duty of the governors to secure an ethos statement is found in the Instruments of Government in the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 Schedule 12, paragraph 1:1, section (g) (where the school is a Foundation or Voluntary school which has a religious character
The statement which follows is one that appears in Dearing and was agreed by the Diocesan Directors of Education and has been adopted by some schools. The Diocesan Board of Education endorses this statement.
Recognising its historic foundation, the school will preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England and in partnership with the Churches at parish and diocesan level.
The school aims to serve its community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice. It encourages an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith and promotes Christian values through the experience it offers to all its pupils.
[1] Section 3, p1
[2] Section 3, p2
[3] Section 3, p3
[4] Section 3, p4