High Impact Practice Implementation Rubric: Leadership Teams

Leadership Teams / Feedback
Concept / Not Evident / Emerging / Operational / Exemplary / Glows/Evidence / Next Steps
1. Comprised of the right people and represents the school community / X / Your LT members were enthusiastic participants and appear to embrace this leadership opportunity. / This will be Exemplary with the addition of: Media, CTAE/credit recovery and EL participants.
2. Meets regularly / X / The idea of a comprehensive calendar will ensure that scheduled meetings occur at least twice monthly. / In case of an absence, consider assigning an additional facilitator to ensure that meetings stay on schedule and focused. Also, have member appoint a substitute to attend instead, if absent. All agendas and minutes are to be archived electronically.
3. Establishes processes and protocols for team collaboration / X / You have established some relevant protocols. / 1.  Consider establishing a time limit for each agenda item and appoint a time keeper to assist the LT to adhere to the set time.
2.  Ask team members to bring or submit departmental suggestions, requests, etc before or after the meetings.
3.  Establish a parking lot to post questions for further discussion.
4. Is data-driven / X / You mentioned that you considered data in your decision-making. / 1.  Bringing prescribed data to the meeting will allow for the development of specific actions.
2.  Speak in terms of Smart Goals/Next steps (“We will improve from this to that by a deadline”)
3.  Ensure the data is disaggregated in order to adequately monitor subgroups progress.
5. Is engaged in the right work / X / Your work is the work which will increase student growth. / Continue to narrow the focus for each department and school-wide initiatives, establish action plans, implement and monitor with fidelity.
Leadership Teams / Feedback
Concept / Not Evident / Emerging / Operational / Exemplary / Glows / Next Steps
6. Ensures process of continuous improvement / X / Your departments were able to describe their plans for this school year in detail. They were specific and on target. / This will move to Exemplary when all departments have submitted a short term action plan with next steps. This will allow all departments to be on the same page with implementation and monitoring of actions/initiatives and next steps.
The addition of plans for the following are necessary:
·  Media
·  SWD
·  IB
·  Transition
·  Counselor (CCRPI)
·  EL
·  Instructional Coaches
7.Communication is effective and consistent / X / You provided a well-developed agenda and took minutes. I especially liked the activity on gathering suggestions for improving communication. / 1.  Continue to develop agenda items during the meeting for the next scheduled meeting.
2.  Ensure that agendas are emailed at least a week prior to the meeting.
3.  Ensure that minutes go out to all faculty/staff members with instructions to see the department chairs for additional questions.
4.  Use the suggestions to revise your communication process and protocols to include departmental feedback.