Leadership Education in Action Program 1

Generating Resources, Creating Effective Partnerships Internally and Externally, and Networking in the Community

April 29, 2016

8:30am – 2:30pm

UCEN 258

I.  Breakfast ……………………………………………………………………. ………………… 8:30 – 8:45

II.  Report out on Job Shadowing by LEAPers……………………………………….. 8:45 – 9:00

Facilitator: Ms. Leslie Carr, Director Professional Development

III.  Developing Partnerships and Cultivating Resources……………………….. 9:00 – 10:15

Presenter: Dr. Jim Temple, Vice President, Technology

IV.  Break………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10:15 – 10:30

V.  Building Partnerships: Guest Speakers from COC and

the Community……………………………………………………………………………… 10:30 – 12:00

Moderator: Ms. Leslie Carr, Director Professional Development

Guest Panelists:

·  Diane Stewart, Dean, Canyons Extension

Hart District Partnerships/Non-Credit/Adult Education

·  Rosalind Wayman, Field Deputy for Supervisor Michael Antonovich

How to get the community to care about the college and discuss the community partnerships in which they are involved

·  Larry Schallert, Assistant Director, Student Health and Wellness/Mental Health Programs

Partnerships in the community to provide assistance to students

·  John Milburn, Director, Employee Training Institute

o  Partnerships with local businesses

·  Renee Marshall, Faculty, Early Childhood Education 11:30 – 11:45am

Partnerships that benefitted the TEACH program

Panel Questions:

Please share a partnership opportunity that was very successful – why was it successful?

How do you decide what to bring to the table in order to make a partnership work?

How do you ensure that the partnership is a win-win situation?

How do you get people invested in the partnership?

How do you integrate and encourage multiple visions and priorities when working in a partnership?

VI.  Lunch…………………………………………………………………………………………. 12:00 – 12:30

VII.  Show me the Money! Making the Ask………………………………………. 12:30 – 1:00

Presenter: Mr. Murray Wood, Chief Development Officer

VIII.  Generating Resources Through Grant Opportunities…………………. 1:00 – 1:30

Presenter: Ms. Theresa Zuzevich, Director Grants Development

IX.  Case Studies on Generating Resources and Partnerships……………. 1:30 – 2:25

Facilitator: Mr. James Glapa-Grossklag, Dean, Education

Technology, Learning Resources and Distance Education

X.  Preview of next session…………………………………… ………………………… 2:25 – 2:30

Facilitators: Dr. Diane Fiero, Ms. Leslie Carr, Ms. Diane Stewart

Solution Team Project Presentations

XI.  Solution Teams & Mentors meet……………………………………………….. 2:30 – 4:30

Homework: Prepare your Solution Team presentation!

Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this session, participants will:

·  Explore strategies that will assist them in building internal and external partnerships

·  Discover ways to obtain resources, including grants and partnerships with local businesses

·  Identify how to effectively network with others at the district, community, and state levels