
Leadership Board Meeting Minutes

January 10, 2013

Present: Pr. Fred Hanson, Pr. Diane Roth, Laurie Beckman-Yetzer, Zach Busch, Jay Hermann, Orv Holland, Leslie Kapocius, Jennifer Lesch,Monique Rupp, Julie Windler

  1. The meeting was opened with Devotions by Laurie Beckman-Yetzerat 6:04 pm, and the meeting was called to order at 6:09.
  1. The agenda was sent out and reviewed by the board prior to the meeting, and approved.
  1. Jennifer reviewed the December meeting minutes with the board; a motion was made and the notes were approved.
  1. Julie reviewed the December financial statement. December is up versus last year in overall offerings: Envelope, Loose Offerings, Sunday school, and Thrivent Choice. Year-to-date we are +$2,000 than where we were last year at this same time. Motion was made and approved to accept the December Financial report.
  1. Julie reviewed the pledges to date. As of today, 233 pledges have been received and there are 55 persons that pledged last year but not yet this year. There were 34 persons who pledged this year and did not last year. 190 people have given 3 year pledges towards the REACH Campaign. Julie and Orv reviewed an updated 11/12-10/13 budget from the previous month’s version with the board. There was a net reduction of $5,575, so it still remains a balanced budget. Orv walked the board through the detailed budget showing all receipts and expenses, and this year’s budget is - $21,783.90 versus last year’s actuals. After much discussion and questions, a motion was made and approved to present this budget at the Congregational meeting on Sunday, January 13th for congregation approval.
  1. Zach reviewed his proposal with the board. Pr. Fred made a motion to redraft his current job description to three-quarter time, while retaining current salary. This will include reprioritizing his responsibilities and functions to meet the program needs, as well as his talents. The motion was approved.
  1. Julie reviewed the Life College Rental proposal and provided high-level details of the proposed agreement. This is still in process and there is nothing concrete at this time to make any decisions on.
  1. The board received the Hiring Committee and Office Coordinator duties and responsibilities for review prior to the meeting. After brief discussion, Pr. Fred made a motion to approve the Hiring Committee Job Description and Office Coordinator Job Description. Note- these are living documents and may be adjusted by the Hiring Committee in collaboration with the Board and Pastors. The motion was approved.
  1. Pr. Fred made a motion that we appoint Bill Bullock, Marilyn Erickson, Augie Schauer, and Yvonne Shirk to serve on the Hiring Committee for the Office Coordinator position. Note, the members of the committee will meet to discuss roles and that information will be forwarded to the Leadership Board.
  1. Leslie reviewed the IT Recommendations and proposal with the board that she received from an IT consultant. He assessed the needs of the staff and church from a technological and software perspective. Leslie made a motion to use the $2600 designated by the Endowment Committed to be used towards making the recommended upgrades to technology, software, and installation service. Also, she requested that $3900 from the “Undesignated Memorial Funds” be used to cover the balance. The motion was approved.
  1. The pastors sent out their monthly reports prior to the meeting for pre-read. There were no questions from the board.
  1. Laurie presented a list of new members provided by Starr to be received as new members to our roster. The motion was approved.
  1. The meeting was adjourned at 8:46.

Respectfully submitted,

Jennifer Lesch,
