HR Action Plan Sample

The Recruitment Strategies

1. To write a comprehensive job description for each of the staff category described in the Human Resource Strategic Plan

2. To research the best qualifications for each job type, based on the demand of their job functions. However, the core value and the core purpose of the company as well as the store’s mission can be best fulfilled by qualifying only those who demonstrate a great love for children in all job categories. This can be manifested by way of recommendations, family background, past experiences and actual demonstrations.

3. To recruit our applicants from those recommended by our network of associates and business contacts as the best source of suitable applicants who will be chosen to fill-in the professional positions; namely: Store Manager, CMO, Store Merchandiser, Accounting Technician, Credit and Collection Officer, as well as Payroll Master. Choices comprise

4. To recruit college undergraduates seeking for internships as K12 teachers, teacher’s aides, or teacher’s assistants to fill-in the CSR-DP, CSR or Cashier positions.

5. To recruit high school graduates with satisfactory academic performance records and backgrounds plus commendable work references as babysitters or caregivers from ages 16 to 21 years old to fill-in the CSR-DP or CSR positions.

6. To recruit high school graduates, from ages 16 and above, with satisfactory performance records and commendations from referrals, to fill-in the position of stockroom personnel and cleaning crew.

7. To research and formulate interview questions that will elicit answers to show consistency of information about the applicant’s background, work experience, recommendations, knowhow and genuine understanding of the company’s core values and purposes.

8. To match their test scores with the industry metrics for the relevant job position.

9. Find out from those who were extended with job offers, the reasons why they deemed it best not to accept the company's employment offer.

10. Ensure there is diversity in the CSR-DP and CSR staff recruited.

The Orientation and Training Programs

1. To plan an orientation seminar that will discuss the company’s business vision and missions, the company’s core values and purposes, the employment and termination policies, handbook overviews and FAQs, and the company’s position as an employer- at-will.

2. To conduct a personality seminar handled by a professional fashion design consultant, who will give advice about the style of dressing and make up that would suit a family-friendly or kid-friendly environment. The ideas or recommendations should be aligned with the store’s rainbow theme. The consultant should also be able to impart the proper decorum, the manners to exhibit and language to use in front of children. The objective is for parents to see the company’s store personnel as models of good behavior, to positively influence their children.

3. To conduct a workshop or seminar on how to soft-sell or to make a sales pitch in a way that will not turn-off the parents. Some parents might get the notion that they are being pressured by their children into buying something for which they are not ready every time they visit. Make it a point to invite speakers who could demonstrate how this can be done effectively.

4. Conduct a seminar or workshop handled by a daycare operator or an overseer of cruise ship fun center for kids. To give the entire store personnel ideas and techniques:

  • On how to keep the children relatively agreeable with the store rules,
  • On how to promote socializing among the young ones, and
  • On how to keep them happy in their thirty-minute stay in their respective play areas.

5. Invite a speaker with a genuine knack for humor, to give tips on how to always see the brighter side of life. The objective is for the staff to maintain a bright disposition while working within the store premises to avoid creating an atmosphere where short-tempers could flare-up.

The Assessment Programs

1. Every new rank and file recruited will be evaluated each month for their progress and improvement to let them know if they are performing according to the company’s core values, policies and the basic on-board training. It will also include an offhand interview on how they see the company, the store operations, the customers, the products, the role they play and the problems that hinder their improvement.

2. The rank and file performance will be given a formal rating every six months -- this will be the bases of their salary increments.

3. The supervisory or managerial positions will be assessed every 6 months and be asked about their opinions on how management can further improve its selling system or about the existing and potential problems they see on how the store is being run.

4. An employee survey about their perception of the company’s employment and operating process will be conducted every 6 months.

The Compensation, Benefit and Awards Program

1. Every new hire will be compensated with the basic wage pay rates according to industry standards.

2. All employees will have additional meal and transportation of $500 added to their basic wage but will be pro-rated according to the number of days or hours that the employee reported for work.

3. All rank and file store employees will receive additional pay in terms of profit-sharing every four months, based on the quarterly financial statement reports and the employee profit-sharing plan, to which:

  • Each CSR –DP and CSR will be identified in every individual sale they make and earn sales commissions for the total amount of all items sold individually. The CSR-DP or CSR with the highest amount of sale for the quarter will be awarded with a custom-made commemorative “Plushie” Soft Doll.
  • CSRs with no credit for individual sales and the store personnel handling administrative functions, will receive profit shares of the net income computed at a flat rate.

4. The managerial and supervisory positions will receive compensations, benefits and profit sharing based on the employment contracts to which they agreed during employment negotiation and acceptance.

5. Sick leave and vacation leaves will be according to the FMLA Act but management maintains an open mind about leave requests that stem from dire or emergency reasons, for as long as the company policies shall be observed.

6. A “Best CSR-DP”, “Best CSR Employee” and “Best Store-Support Provider” will be recognized and be rewarded with commemorative and cash awards yearly.

Corporate Reorganization during Promotions, Resignations or Terminations

As part of the human resource strategic planning, employees who have elevated their educational and competency levels and who will seek for promotional advancements will be provided with assistance in case the company has no available position. The company will include their resumes in the pool of human resources for recommendation to our network affiliates and associates.

However, actual transfers shall only take place after the replacement has been trained by employees vacating or moving out of their job positions. This is to allow for proper reorganization.

Resigning employees will have to give at least one month notice prior to actual date of resignation to allow for proper restructuring or reorganization.

Conclusion of the HR Action Plan

“The company’s vision of becoming a community-friendly store can only succeed if everyone who works for the company is aware that they need to exemplify the core value of fostering family and social bonding. That way, everyone will reap the benefits of working together for a common good.”