A Piece of Pie

Leaders: Erin Moore, Amanda Duani, Danielle Saint Victor Date: 10/18/16

Participants (describe): College age Health Psychology Students Lesson #: 2

Location: 1700 N. Broad Street

Purpose of this session: To educate college students on leisure as a stress coping mechanism
TPO: Demonstrate knowledge of leisure as a coping strategy
EOs & PM(s) for this session:
EO1: Demonstrate knowledge of personal life stress
PM1: By the end of the session, each participant will identify at least one stressful aspect of their day
PM2: Post completion of PM 1, participants will discuss feelings pertaining to their identified stress
EO2: Demonstrate knowledge on healthy leisure coping strategies
PM1: By the end of the session, each participant will identify 2 leisure interests that counteract the feelings of stress that they previously identified
PM2: By the end of session participants will include their 2 identified leisure interests in their “Average Day” worksheet
Component of Leisure Education Content Model (leisure awareness, leisure resources, social interaction skills): Leisure awareness
Specific content area (sub-component) of the LE Component (Ch 2, p 20-28, StumboWardlow)
Leisure attitude and knowledge of leisure
How will the learning be assessed?
At the end of the first activity participants will verbalize two stressors in their daily life. At the end of the second activity participants will verbalize two leisure activities they can add to their daily schedule to relieve stress. Since participants will be taking their “Ideal Day Activity” with them the Instructors will document the responses given by participants during the activities and discussions.
Resources/Materials Needed
Large bag of M&M’s
Large bag of individually wrapped (“fun sized”) M&M”s
My Average Day worksheet
My Ideal Day worksheet
Leisure Activity Flyers
Writing utensils
Additional paper to take notes
Location/Space & Set-up
Table and chairs
Classroom or space big enough accommodate 8 participants and 3 leaders

This section below can be quite lengthy, with details of what you will do, what you will say, & how you will structure the session

7min / Opening/Framing the Lesson/Introduction
-Introduce ourselves, brief explanation of what our session is about (e.g. Session is about demonstrating knowledge about personal life stress and knowledge on healthy leisure coping strategies)
-Ice Breaker:
“M&M”- Facilitator opens the bag of M&M’s and picks one out. Based on the color, the first person sitting in the circle states their name and then answers a question. For example, if the color picked out of the bag is red, and red = something fun you did over the summer, then the participant would respond with an answer to that question. If the color picked out of the bag is blue, and blue = something you cannot live without, then the participant would respond with an answer to that question. This continues until all participants have introduced themselves. Given that you have a lot of time for your session, you can spend a little more time on the ice breaker and continue to go around the circle even if each participant has introduced themselves already. This will allow participants to learn a little bit more about each other before the activity begins. When ice breaker is over, give each participant an individual “fun-sized” bag of M&M’s to thank them for their participation.
Red = something fun you did over the summer
Orange = something you do well
Yellow = something about your childhood
Blue = something you can’t live without
Brown = something you learned last week
Green = something you watch/listen to / Notes
20 mins / The Lesson Structure: Activities
Brief Discussion: When you hear the word “stress”, what comes to mind? How do you define stress? What do you know about stress and how it relates to health?
Discussion leads into activity.
My Ideal Day Activity:
Participants will complete the first part of the assignment by filling out “My Average Day” worksheet.
Brief Discussion: How do you feel about your average day? What is stressful about your average day? Do you get at least six to eight hours of sleep each night? What leisure activities did you list?
Participants will then complete the second part of the assignment by filling out “My Ideal Day”.
Brief Discussion: How does your ideal day differ from your average day? What leisure activities did you list? Do you think leisure activities are important in relieving everyday stress? Why? If you could take one activity from your ideal day and make it happen in your average day, what would it be and why? How can you make modifications to your average day to help in making your ideal day activities come to life?
2 mins / Closing/Assessment: Participants will be given a flyer that provides examples of stress relieving leisure activities. Participants will then choose 2 leisure activities (from either the flyer or their own choice) to include in their “Average Day” worksheet.
1min / Follow-up / “Homework”: Participants will be asked to take the Leisure Activity Flyer home with them and post it somewhere around their room. Participants will be asked to try some of these leisure activities in their daily life and assess the change in their stress level. Instructors will ask them to encourage their roommates and friends to participate as well.
Reminders: Print out necessary materials!